The One Ring

Shooting - Selecting targets
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Author:  Thermo [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Shooting - Selecting targets

A quick query folks!

As I've been learning the game and my beginners army is Grey Company, shooting has been quite a factor. The way we've been playing, I have specifically, when selecting targets during the shooting phase, been saying "x number of rangers firing at y individual, c number of rangers firing at d individual." So often, to give me more dice at the kill, I might get 6 rangers firing on a single dwarf within his group, for example.

When firing at a group, instead of picking out individuals, can you say (as long as they're in range) "I want this warband here to fire at this warband there" then select which targets were hit with how many after the roll?

Effectively, choose how many of those hits hit which enemy after rolling to hit? Or must this be done as we've been doing it?

Just wondering!

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

You are neant to pick one of you archers, then pick one target (one model!) for that model to shoot at, and then move onto your next archer.

Your way of thinking is reminiscent of the long lost volley fire. This no longer exists.

Author:  whafrog [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

Your way is okay, but you risk getting more wounds than you have targets. It's always a shame to waste a 6 :)

If shooting at a specific target we roll each shot separately using multiple dice to speed things up. We use a green die (think green light) for the to-hit, red die to wound (think blood), and as many white dice as needed for any in-the-ways.

If shooting at a group we make sure the wound result needs to be the same for each target in the group, then we can roll a handful of to-hits, etc.

Author:  Thermo [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

Your way is okay, but you risk getting more wounds than you have targets. It's always a shame to waste a 6 :)

Exactly! This has happened a few times, hence my pondering!

If shooting at a specific target we roll each shot separately using multiple dice to speed things up. We use a green die (think green light) for the to-hit, red die to wound (think blood), and as many white dice as needed for any in-the-ways.

If shooting at a group we make sure the wound result needs to be the same for each target in the group, then we can roll a handful of to-hits, etc.

Is all the above ok then? Although I like the poker run in to throwing dice, resembling the flop, turn and the river, it would save time and it would help to be able to roll to hits and to wounds instead of wasting multiple wounds on single wound targets, but wasn't sure whether it was the right way to do things?

Author:  hithero [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

You can roll all your shooting dice at once as it makes no change at all in the chance of any particular model being hit. You can also roll all the 'to wound' rolls at once as well providing all the targets have the same chance of being wounded. This speeds up play no end.

Author:  Thermo [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

hithero wrote:
You can roll all your shooting dice at once as it makes no change at all in the chance of any particular model being hit. You can also roll all the 'to wound' rolls at once as well providing all the targets have the same chance of being wounded. This speeds up play no end.

This is brilliant news! There have been a few occasions where I have selected an individual target and nominated a certain number of shooter to hit him, therefore wound and sometimes those same dice could have killed an additional model or two.

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

hithero wrote:
You can roll all your shooting dice at once as it makes no change at all in the chance of any particular model being hit. You can also roll all the 'to wound' rolls at once as well providing all the targets have the same chance of being wounded. This speeds up play no end.

When you do this, it is best to use different coloured dice for every target in a completely different place to the others

Also, when we play, we say that if you kill your targeted model, any remaining shots/wounds go onto the model directly behind him and so on

Author:  Finrod [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

whafrog wrote:
If shooting at a specific target we roll each shot separately using multiple dice to speed things up. We use a green die (think green light) for the to-hit, red die to wound (think blood), and as many white dice as needed for any in-the-ways.

Why did I never thought of this? :roll:


Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

If you are saying 'this group is shooting this group' I always allow the person being shot to designtae which models are going to die, for example:

The haradrim are shooting the goblin spearmen concealed by goblins with shields, they score 2 wounds on the spearmen, and 1 on the shield-gbos. The goblin player then chooses which spearmen and shield warriors are killed. I reckon this system is the fairest, bulk shooting can often result in more kills in the most optimized places just because of how hard it is to keep track of what shots hit where from who.

Author:  hithero [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

LordElrond wrote:
hithero wrote:
You can roll all your shooting dice at once as it makes no change at all in the chance of any particular model being hit. You can also roll all the 'to wound' rolls at once as well providing all the targets have the same chance of being wounded. This speeds up play no end.

When you do this, it is best to use different coloured dice for every target in a completely different place to the others

Also, when we play, we say that if you kill your targeted model, any remaining shots/wounds go onto the model directly behind him and so on

No need to roll different coloured dice at it makes no difference to the outcome.

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

But then you know for instance how many are killed on the right flank and oe many are killed on the left

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

Yeah ofcourse you need to use different colours for each group of soldiers you are kiling, otherwise two kills on the left flank, two on the right, and 3 in the middle can become 7 kills on the flank of the shooting players choice, a result that wouldn't have been achieved had the shooting player actually designated his targets individually!

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

And for different strength bows

Author:  hithero [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

LordElrond wrote:
And for different strength bows

We are still talking about the weapons having the same chance to kill though.

Author:  hithero [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

LordElrond wrote:
But then you know for instance how many are killed on the right flank and oe many are killed on the left

Of course you do. If you rolled individually, you could keep on selecting targets rolling one attack at a time until all the models you want dead are dead. The exact same result is achieved by rolling in bulk to get the number of kills and then deciding which model cops it. All you are doing by massed shooting is selecting the targets after rather than before. Models being in different groups is irrelevant, you don't have to select all your targets at the same time BTW.

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

No i'm sorry but rolling all your dice and saying "Well i got X number of hits so i am going to place them all here" is an incredibly inaccurate interpretation of the rules.

Author:  hithero [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
No i'm sorry but rolling all your dice and saying "Well i got X number of hits so i am going to place them all here" is an incredibly inaccurate interpretation of the rules.

How so? Try it your self. Set up a squad for shooting. Select each shooter in turn, selecting a target and roll the dice and see if the model dies. Now assume that when you roll in bulk you get the same number of kills and select the same models you previously selected, have you not now removed exactly the same models?

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

I have tried it, it results in you, or your opponent being able to target a group of models, with the intent of only killing 2 soldiers or so for example, then, upon realizing you have scored many more hits than you thought you would, choosing instead to target an enemy hero with the shots. Stuff like this only occurs when you have the gift of hindsight to know how many hits you happen to score, had you followed the rules, scoring many hits on the enemy hero would only have happened had you taken a massive risk and lumped every archer on the enemy hero. Rolling all your hits then splitting them up as you please is against the rules, removes any sense of tactical target selecting, and is just meta-gaming.

Author:  ste271276 [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

Whafrogs way is genius!!!!! and would cause no problems... Select the shooter, select the target roll a green dice (to see if it hits), a red dice (to see if it wounds) and any white dice ( for in the ways) all at once and then just work out if all have succeeded......
Take a bow son , lol

Author:  hithero [ Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting - Selecting targets

SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
I have tried it, it results in you, or your opponent being able to target a group of models, with the intent of only killing 2 soldiers or so for example, then, upon realizing you have scored many more hits than you thought you would, choosing instead to target an enemy hero with the shots. Stuff like this only occurs when you have the gift of hindsight to know how many hits you happen to score, had you followed the rules, scoring many hits on the enemy hero would only have happened had you taken a massive risk and lumped every archer on the enemy hero. Rolling all your hits then splitting them up as you please is against the rules, removes any sense of tactical target selecting, and is just meta-gaming.

Of course you would need to declare shots at heroes, but you could still say target priority on the hero and any extra's go on the bods around him (still assuming same chance of a kill) and then roll enmasse - again exactly the same as rolling one at at time until the hero was dead (or not). I'm definitely not advocating rolling for kills and then if you get enough decide to take out a hero, that's a totally different scenario and totally inappropriate.

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