The One Ring

Grimmhammer Throwing Axes.
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Author:  malicemorte [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Grimmhammer Throwing Axes.

Something my gaming group and I have been wondering about concerning throwing weapons in general.

Example: Grimmhammer A charges Goblin B, uses his throwing axe, scores a hit but fails to wound. Grimmhammer A is then moved into base to base contact with Goblin B. Grimmhammer C then charges into combat with Goblin B. Can Grimmhammer C also use his throwing axe in his charge or are Grimmhammer A and Goblin B considered locked in combat, preventing the use of the throwing weapon?

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grimmhammer Throwing Axes.

The latter. Once the first model has completed his movement he's in combat with the goblin.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grimmhammer Throwing Axes.

Good cannot shoot into combat, so no he can't as that is now a combat.

Evil, however, (if they have throwing weapons) still can, but there's an In the Way roll for the friendly model in combat.

Author:  malicemorte [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grimmhammer Throwing Axes.

I appreciate the reply. Part of the issue was the grimhammer player has also been playing his Rohirrim in the same fashion for the past six years, being able to charge and use a throwing weapon on a single model with multiple models. And that the way its worded combat doesnt actually start till the combat phase. This issue had never come up before but when I saw it I thought it was a little odd, given how the rules for shooting dont allow you to shoot into combat (if you are good) and the charge with a throwing weapon is just a move that lets you do a shooting attack in the movement phase. Just an honest mistake really.

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grimmhammer Throwing Axes.

malicemorte wrote:
And that the way its worded combat doesnt actually start till the combat phase.

Not sure what wording you're referring to, but it's like any other restriction based on being in base-to-base contact with the enemy. You can't move if you're charged, you can't cast magic, you can't make a Courage with your hero to get standfast...being able to shoot/throw at someone in base contact would be an exception...not to mention, the shoot phase is before the combat phase too...

Sounds like the grimhammer player wants to have his lembas and eat it too :)

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