The One Ring

Few rules questions.
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Author:  malicemorte [ Tue May 28, 2013 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Few rules questions.

As the title implies I have a few questions so here goes.

In our escalation league one of our gondor players is wanting to bring an Ent in his next point increase but without taking a captain from the wanderes in the woods army. The rules state you choose a captain, and then choose his followers from the army he belongs to. Therefore I could not take an Uruk-hai captain to lead a warband of easterlings, even though they are in the same book, they are different armies. So I am saying said player cannot take an Ent as an allied detachment without also taking a captain from the wanderers in the woods. Am I correct in this?

Riders of Rohan all come with bows. Say you are doing a game of 300 points and your opponent takes an entire cav force of riders of rohan, can he actually do this since only 1/3 of your army can have bows? Does giving them a shield take away the bow? Or can they take a full force of riders by saying they are choosing not to use the bow?

Lastly, a monster question. Example: Two battle lines meet, I have a troll. I win my trolls duel and elect to throw one of the models he won the duel against. The rules say that only models that are passed over are knocked over and hit. Were I to throw the the model down the battle line in such a way that only enemy models are hit (such as having the troll on the side of the line and then throwing the model straight through a perfectly lined up phalanx) am I required to take in the way rolls for enemy models engaged in combat against my battle line even though the model only passes over enemy models?

Any help would be much appreciated and would calm certain players nerves. :lurtz:

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Tue May 28, 2013 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Few rules questions.

1.) yup, you're correct. The ent would need to be led by treebeard, gwahir, bilbo, bandorbras or ghan buri ghan.

2.) you can have 100% RoR as the most recent FAQ has stated they don't count towards rohan bow limit.

3.) only take hits for models passed over. Never get itw for thrown models.

Author:  LordElrond [ Tue May 28, 2013 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Few rules questions.

RoR can use shields sand bows while mounted because of their expert rider special rule, but when they get off/ fall of their horse, they have to hoosegow to discard one or the other.

Author:  malicemorte [ Tue May 28, 2013 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Few rules questions.

Very awesome. I appreciate the quick feedback.

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