The One Ring

Iron Hills Chariot bolt thrower questions etc.
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Author:  bruceqn [ Wed May 02, 2018 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Iron Hills Chariot bolt thrower questions etc.

Just to be sure:

A) The Chariot bolt thrower follows the Avenger bolt thrower rules (unless specified). Yes?

B) If yes, then it must roll the Scatter Chart for 3" and cannot target anything where a Good Model is within 3". Yes?

C) Since there is no In The Way even if attacked, can the bolt thrower shoot an Ogre that is attacking the Chariot (or would a Good model within 3" preclude that? Does the shooter count as within 3"?).

D) Can the Chariot run over Good Models? I would think the Good shooting rule applies..

E) When the Captain option is purchased, "The Chariot counts as a hero..." so since "The Chariot counts as one model in a fight"...does Azog's special rule of 3+ to Wound against heroes apply to the Chariot itself? (I sometimes have opponents who stick close to the Rules, whether they make sense or not).


Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Thu May 03, 2018 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills Chariot bolt thrower questions etc.

A) B) C) I will get back to you on these.

D) Yes, the Chariot can run over good models. Since this does not count as charging magic can force this to happen. The good shooting rule does not apply as far as I have seen.

E) I do not think so. The Chariot is a mount which the hero is on not an extension of the hero itself. Similarly, Azog's rule would not apply to other mounts or to the Kand chariots used by a hero, and not to a mumak. I would argue this because heroes are not normally permitted to expend fate to prevent wounds against their mounts (I believe) and that supports the notion that the mount and hero are separate models.

Author:  bruceqn [ Thu May 03, 2018 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills Chariot bolt thrower questions etc.

Wan Shi Tong wrote:

D) Yes, the Chariot can run over good models. Since this does not count as charging magic can force this to happen.

E) I do not think so. The Chariot is a mount which the hero is on not an extension of the hero itself. I would argue this because heroes are not normally permitted to expend fate to prevent wounds against their mounts and that supports the notion that the mount and hero are separate models.

D) Sounds like the drivers of the Mumak and Beast of G. can also be compelled to move over (not 'charge') their own troops. But Goblin King can no longer be compelled to charge over his own goblins? Cannot find where I read that...but it must apply to Ogres as well?

E) This makes sense -- riders and mounts are technically one model, but not in all ways.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Fri May 04, 2018 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Iron Hills Chariot bolt thrower questions etc.

A) No. The Chariot's bolt thrower is a crossbow that may fire d6 times without scattering. It is not treated as a siege weapon and has its own rules in the There and Back Again book.

B) See A.

C) The 'in the way' role is ignored when shooting at models that are actually in combat with the Chariot. Since there is no scattering when it fires, yes, you can fire at things that had charged it.

D) You are right that it is like the Mumak and Beast of G. but the Goblin King and orgers are different. The orges, at least, may only move threw things during the process of making a change and they keep going regardless of whether the stuff dies. I am pretty sure they can still be compelled to do this as well.

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