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 Post subject: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:43 pm 
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Ok so as the current 10th best player in the UK I figured I would post my scientific findings on how to mess up any army with a monster army, and subsequently how to combat a monster army.

Book 1: Genesis (of monsters)

Chapter 1: Dwimmerlaik

Ok so don't get me wrong, people who field the Dwimmerlaik, a Shade, Grima, and a horde of reavers are kinda scum but in the context of a monster army the Dwimmerlaik is actually fair play; because you will only have a handful of models in the first place, making sure enemy models have a harder time out manoeuvring you with heroics and out-fight-valuing your monsters.

The tactic with this game is to lump him behind your monster mash™ (will be explained later), and just keep him within range of as many enemy heroes so they get -1 courage and have a 50% chance to waste more might than necessary while remaining out of enemy charge range. Of course feel free to lay down a few immobilizes because yolo, this works super good because if they want to resist the spell they have to waste even more will resisting thanks to the Dwimerlaik's passive effect. Use compel on caster if you have priority and drain courage works nice too because everything in your army causes terror. Sap will on foolish shamans who blow 2 will on fury because it is funny. Just be careful with the Dwim though, he is pretty important. I don't think he necessarily needs to be on a fellbeast though, if those points could be spend on a better monster then do that, it is more funner

Chapter 2: Monster Mash

Okay so you know how the warband rules are all about being tactical and splitting your force up to claim different objectives etc etc? Yeah well screw that, the key to being good at monsters is to keep your entire army in a huddle so everyone will benefit from the Dwimmerlaik's sick passive skills. To secure the effectiveness of the monster mash make sure everyone is carrying their weight, in turn one of combat everything you have should be blowing all their might to win fights so they can barge and hurl. Barge enemy models into more enemy models to knock everyone down and throw only when you have a good few models lined up to hit. Generally barge is your real ace, it means your monster mash can advance more and just keep models on the floor and out of the way since they will hopefully be failing at that pesky thing called courage. Use rend when you come toe to toe with a lame ass hero, and remember that if you rend you cans till strike blows against other models.

Chapter 3: Monster Selection

Time for some tactical analysis of the top picks for your monster army:

Goblin King:
This guy is a real steal for your monster force, his small base size means alot because he will be cramming into tight spots your mordor trolls cannot. Otherwise he sucks...

Haha just kidding he is resistant to magic, has a 3+blubber save, 3 might, gets a +1 to wound and is fight 6. He is also a huge target and people like to throw everything they can at him, even if he is not the army leader. Defence 5 is a bit of a let down and a lot of people don't realise that it really balances out the blubber save but whatever, they don't have a PhD in monsterology™ like I do.

Mordor Troll Chief:
The high defence and strength are all well and good, but it is the will point and fight 7 that make this guy great, fight 7 means that almost every hero will have to call a heroic combat to even stand a chance at wounding him, and thanks to dwimmerlaik they could end up spending more than they want to. Then even if they do beat him they still have to try and fell a d8 model with a fate point so they will likely waste their might for nothing.

What is not to like, basically a named cave troll that can shoot better, Burdhur too is rather essential because 3 might monsters are rare and Burdhur has enough might to outlast most heroes, especially when combined with Dwimmerlaik.

Generic Trolls:
Kinda a double edged sword, they are cheap and give you numbers, but are easy targets for spellcasters and heroes looking to heroic strike someone who can't retort with their own strike. However being an easy target means that enemy models will be spending more might/will on something that doesn't even work thanks to Dwimmy.

Dwellers in the Dark:
You will find your lovelies often losing a wound or two before the fighting begins, Dwellers are a nice remedy to this because they regenerate wounds when they wound enemy models, hooray. Like the mordor chief the fight 7 is also nice to force heroic combats from pesky members of the fellowship and most named elves.

Flying and wound vampirism seem real nice, as does flying, 3 might/will and resistant to magic. However having no fate is a bummer especially when combined with the fact he becomes less deadly the more wounds he loses. A troll chief and 60 more points to spend seem like a nicer investment.

Watcher in the Water:
Imagine your models being in a tight spot at the start of turn x, not any more hooray watcher in the house. His displacement is handy for just ruining enemy ranks, and does a good job at eliminating the threat of waiting for combat. However what seems like the watchers biggest asset is his shooting attack, being able to drag models towards him means if someone transfixes your leader then sends in the cavalry (literally or metaphorically) the watcher dragging enemies away can seriously take away the heat.

One last point, if facing a fell beast army without priority you can deploy your watcher then drag the enemy fell beasts out of combat in your shoot phase off of whatever they have inevitably transfixed and be all yolo about it. His high will and resistance to magic mean he is a total gangster against wraiths and wizards.

Dragons, Balrogs, and Fellbeasts:
These units have been discussed enough so I won't go into it, also I feel that would take up too many points to really work alongside lesser models. Also if you field one of the big two you will need to have any wraiths you want on a fellbeast to make the army work.

Hope you enjoyed.

Coming soon: How to beat monsters #omfg
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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:51 pm 
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Tuned in for the follow up !
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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:08 am 
Elven Warrior
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Glad you took the time to do this and will help me with my army list making :)
Can't wait until the updates :D

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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:31 am 
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Book 2: Levitimonsterkillitus

Chapter 1: Army Composition

Ok so for this section I am going to detail what sort of units should be in an army to help protect against the threat of an all monster list. I am not going to disect what you need to create an anti-monster list, because such an army will probably suck against regular armies, this is for people looking to have some sort of insurance against monsters should they come up against them.

Without further a do, here is an analysis of all the units worth taking to stem the tide of a monster army, all of them are relatively cheap models that should be able to slot into any list.


The benefit of these guys is obvious, they will always be able to get into combat with the monsters while their hero is alive. This means that whereas a monster can usually pick and choose it's combats thanks to terror and Dwimmy's -1 to enemy courage, a single bodyguard charging in while the rest of your models do a 'reverse turtle' (will be explained later) means that regardless of what brutal power attack that monster does, it will be pinned in that place for the entire combat phase and even the next turn thanks to control zones. There is also the obvious bonus that these guys getting in automatically means that your spear support can also get in to the fight for free.

These bodyguards are more essential for armies like Rohan and Gondor than dwarves because men have terrible courage on average (3) that goes down by one when the wraith is around, meaning the only models you can reliably charge with is your heroes (which is what old Dwimmy wants) or BODYGUARDS HOORAY.

Ok so elves are one of the best armies tailored to take on trolls, high courage and a plethora of heroes who can cast magic make elves a tough opponent for monsters. If you are running a standard army of Rumil, Thranduil, Legolas and elves you are pretty much on the right track and need no help, that said, throwing in a few of the fight 6 models like Galadhrim Court guard or Gil Galad Kingsguard is essential because it means that trolls no longer win when they roll a 6, you can equal their fight. Anyway here is a brief rundown on elf units what are good:

Rumil: Same reason he is good against everything, he forces enemy models to re roll 6's and burn up might to win fights without expending anything himself.

Legolas: Can snipe Dwimmerlaik

Thranduil: Automatic natures wrath is nice

Regular Galadriel: Command and Immobilize are nice. The mirror will also help as you may find your heroes getting wounded by a hurl or two and wasting their fate on that instead of, y'know, manly fights.

Spooky Galadriel: -1 courage to the trolls is a nice bit of irony, as is causing terror. She is only strength 3 though which is incredibly sexist. Also she cannot lead troops wtf?

Celeborn: Ironically probably the best thing to fight trolls with considering how much people hate him. Aura of command means his lads will definitely get into combat, immobilise means that trolls can't fight well, and standard elf hero fight value means he draws against trolls, what is not to like?

Stormcaller: Call winds will suddenly become of much more use for keeping baddies away, but with only 3 will if you use 2 will on a spell there is a risk Dwimmy cancels the whole thing. However the chance to regenerate will is pretty kinky.

Sentinels: Monsters have crapola courage, s entinel can force them to burn will resisting the movement song that they would need to resist spells.

Normal Elrond: Renew will actually be useful incase your lads get wounded by a lucky hurl, and natures wrath is always nice - pretty pricy for what the profile does though :/

Chilled Elrond: Getting to alter priority without spending might means the Dwim has no effect against you mwahahaha

Gil Galad: If you have him then use him, fight 9 means you are a total boss, 3 will is enough to resist a spell or two, and upgrading fellow elven warriors to f6 is awesome.

Arwen: Good for same reason as stormcaller except she can ride around to get better spell range, and if a troll gets close she can equal his fight value.

Twins: Considering these two give you 2 free might points, they are v effective against Dwimmy as they have enough might to burn awww yeah.

Erestor: Courage 5 sucks

Glorfindel: Duh

Gildor: Upgrading wood elves to have longer move range means outmanoeuvring the monsters is way easier, and having immobilise on a 2+ and 2 attacks is pretty handy. Elf cloak also helps.


Dwarves are a weird bunch, they have some of the best infantry in the game, but thanks to their greatest heroes being split up between army lists and a lack of conventional magic, dwarves are a tricky bunch when without allies. Also thanks to rend existing their traditional 'defence' against the power of monsters is lost due to low strength compared to monsters. Anyway here we go:

Durin: Duh, this guy has got it all: terror, a banner for himself (basically meaning he duels with 4 attacks), an awesome +1 to wound, and a horn to null out a wraiths -1 courage. Remember that defence 9 is still useful against hurls even if rend will totally ignore it.

Dain: Never use him

Old School Balin, Gimli, Dwalin: Fight 6 and a total of 6/7 m/w/f make these guys real good for fighting monsters. Durin's axe and Dwalin's burly+str5 make the two brothers more likely to wound trolls but winning the fight is always the main problem.

Floi: Pretty much the dwarves' best defence against monsters, he can nullify the Dwimmerlaiks stoopid rule from a safe range from Dwimmy and thanks to all the multi-wound monsters he will be regenerating alot of will with a bit of luck.

Thorin: Good for the same reasons as Balin, Dwalin, and Gimli, except he can cause terror, still strikes when he shields, and is only 100pts omfg

Vault Wardens: As said before their high defence is still useful against hurls and whantot even if they can be rended. You can only rend one model per turn though so if you charge 3 wardens into a troll it will only wound one on a 3+.

Khazad Guard: Duh

Iron Guard: Still an obvious choice but not as much thanks to only being able to use one throwing weapon against each troll when you charge (damn good models not risking friendly fire), defence 6 (meaning they are wounded by all trolls on a 4+) and not being bodyguards. However 2 str 4 attacks is pretty sick.

Rangers: Nah m8, only good for hoarding and ranged engagements neither of which matter here.

Realms of men:

Well men don't really have a lot going on for them. Use bodyguards, powerful heroes and ally in someone useful like a wizard. Anyway here are the few exceptional units that are worth giving a second look:

Rohan Royal Guard, Guard of the Fountain Court, and Citadel Guard: They are bodyguards and bodyguards are great.

Knight of the white tower: When combined with a wizard who immobilizes the monsters, this guy could do serious damage.

Hama: I know he is a joke but having a hero in a rohan army who can definitely charge could actually be useful.

Erkenbrand: Duh

Grimbold: Not as obvious as Erk but str helps to crack monsters

Angbor: A courage 7 hero with 3 will who helps his warriors fight better? Sounds good to moi.

Army of the dead: Sounds good aslong as someone can outfight the trolls.


Unless you are elves using the good heroes, or a really confident dwarf player who reckons Floi is the best thing since sliced bread - then ally in a wizard, they are all great but I would have to suggest Radagast just because sorcerous blast isn't as essential in this situation.

Coming Soon: Evil Army Composition
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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:45 am 
Elven Elder
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Just a thought, saruman has an 18'' compel which means potentially you can cast from outside the dwimmerlaiks range.

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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:51 am 
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True dat, although any mounted wizard could in theory move out of Dwim's range, cast at something closer than dwim, then move back in range. It is more the threat of having to waste more dice on resisting a spell that ruins casters.
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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:56 pm 
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Very good guide and a nice read :D

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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:57 pm 
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Fun read, good points :)
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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:31 pm 
Elven Elder
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I like that you mentioned the Vault Wardens, they've always been my troll hunters. Even with the new rules they are still highly effective in that role.
Also with the Goblin King's "blubber save" I think he ingested a Space Marine's power armor somehow. That's the first thing I thought about when I saw the save "oh great now I get to deal with Space Marines in LOTR SBG too"

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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:30 pm 
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Thanks for intereting guide 8)

I am just wondering what you think about the use of dwarf ballistas and Gondor bolt throwers.

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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:20 pm 
Elven Warrior
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How come I didn't see thus guide sooner?? An excellent read, you forgot to mention the King's Champion. I can't wait for the next part :-D .
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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:53 pm 
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Still no ideas about ballistas and bolt throwers? I have one unpainted dwarf ballista at home and I am thinking about painting it, although I am not sure if it's points wise decision :)

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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:18 pm 
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Paboook wrote:
Still no ideas about ballistas and bolt throwers? I have one unpainted dwarf ballista at home and I am thinking about painting it, although I am not sure if it's points wise decision :)

I would say no. You van make some decent money on eBay if its metal but they aren't that good especially with the new warband rules.

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 Post subject: Re: The DEFINITIVE guide to monsters (and fighting them).
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:21 am 
Elven Elder
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Surely Vault Wardens would be least effective against monsters than other models, because the monster can just rend one, and wound it on 3s?

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