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 Post subject: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:57 pm 
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Based on a conversation I had about Glaurung, I've decided to have a stab at making some First Age Profiles:

Hurin Thalion, Captain of the North:

One of the greatest men the First Age ever produced, he was the lord of Dor-Lomin, and defied Morgoth to his face. Little did he know the price he would pay for his defiance...

Points: 135

F 6
S 4
D 6
A 3
W 3
C 6
M/W/F 3/3/2

Wargear: Sword and Armour

-Shield 5 pts
-Horse 10 pts
-Two-handed Axe 5 pts
Special Rules
Day Shall Come Again!: Hurin can never be trapped. In addition, should he kill an enemy monster or hero, he may regenerate a wound lost earlier in the battle.

Morwen, Lady of Dor-Lomin

Points: 45

Hurin's wife, Morwen had a dour personality. She was wilful to the point of madness at times.

F 4
S 3
D 3
A 1
W 2
C 6
M/W/F 1/3/1

Wargear: Nothing. Unarmed

-Dagger 1pt
- Horse 6 pts

Special Rules:
Lady of Steel: Morwen causes Terror. Also, once per turn in the movement phase Morwen can turn her steely gaze upon an adversary within 6". The affected model suffers -2 courage until the end of the turn.

Sador the Woodwright
A former soldier maimed in one leg, Sador was nonetheless a firm friend of Turin when the latter was but a child.
Points: 20

F 4
S 4
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 5

Wargear: Elf knife

Special Rules:
Labadal: Sador has a movement of 5" and must re-roll successful jumping, climbing and swimming tests.

Turin Turambar

The mightiest hero of men who ever lived before or since. An exemplar of all the myriad ways of combat; yet damned by both the curse of Morgoth and his own hubris.

Points 150

F 7/3+
S 4
D 6
A 3
W 3
C 6

M/W/F 3/3/3

Wargear: Elf blade and Armour
- Elf Cloak 10 pts
-Elf bow 5 pts
-Shield 5 pts
- Horse 10 pts
-Amoured Horse 15 pts
-Heavy armour 5 pts
- The Dragon Helm of Dor-Lomin (Gives Turin the War Aspect special rule and +1 defence against any attacks delivered in the shoot phase) 15 pts
- Gurthang, Iron of Death (Counts as an elven blade, -1 Fate(reducing him to 2 fate), wounds everything with +1 to wound and gives a banner bonus to Turin and everyone in 3") 50 pts

Special Rules:
Martial Hero: Whenever he expends a might point, roll a dice. On five plus he gets it back.
Cunning Shot: May re-roll in the way tests.
Master of Fate: Every time Turin loses a fate point during a battle, he gains a might point. This may bring him above his starting might value.
By Fate Mastered: If Turin is brought to 0 fate, he gains the Broken Mind Rule, and takes courage tests for it with a -1 penalty.
Unhappy Day: Turin may not take Gurthang if Beleg is in the army.

Beleg Strongbow

points: 125

Turin's closest friend, Beleg always saw the potential he had and never gave up on Turin, even when Turin himself did. This bond would cost him dearly.

F 6/3+
S 4
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 6
M/W/F 3/4/1

Wargear: Great Bow and Elf Blade
-Armour 5 pts
-Elf cloak 10 pts
-Anglachel (Gurthang pre-reforging) (Elf blade, -1 fate, Wounds everything with +1 to wound) -25 pts

Special Rules:
Expert Shot
The Marchwarden: Beleg may call a heroic shoot or heroic accuracy for free.
Woodland Creature

Magic: Renew 4+

That's the first instalment. What do you think? All comments+ criticism appreciated.

"Release the Kragle!"
They were waiting 45 minutes to make that pun.
Totally worth it.

Last edited by VandalCabbage on Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:03 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Very cool profiles!
I'm not sold out on Gurthang/Anglachel though, seems pretty Devlan Mud to lose a fate when you would be wounding most things on a 5 anyway. Not dragons or Balrogs of course but they were only really around at the end of Turins life.

I like the synergy of the -1 fate stuff, I gave my Turin 3/2/2 but I think yours works better. The helm is ok, I wouldn't mind Terror and War aspect instead though (as it was really the person behind the helm orcs were scared of. I'd move banner over to affect outlaws only (including Beleg if you choose).

Beleg I like, but I have a much higher opinion of him because it mentions none could best him in combat so I gave him a 7 and Turin a 6 for FV. I'm a pretty big fan of Nori's dead eye rule or I would rather see him have a bit more bow benefit from shooting instead of the heroic shoot/accuracy, maybe an extra shot if its a 6 to hit or something, but he works quite well how he is so you can be comfortable leaving him as is.

Looking forward to seeing it in action!

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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:30 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Brilliant job! The Children of Hurin has always been one of my favourite stories, even if I don't like the poetic style of writing used. How about giving Gurthang the Dragon-Bane rule?
It mentions that Turin was brave to the point of recklessness, so why not give him Fearless?
Next, Glarung and petty-dwarves! Time for me to get down to some conversions!

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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:31 pm 
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For Turin: Isn't the combination 'Legendary Hero' and 'Master of Fate' a little overpowered? Surely for 150 points?

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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:50 pm 
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@ Hodush Sword wise, maybe a plus one to wound instead? I can see your reasoning.
The negative fate is due to the darkness of the smith, Eol.
Turin already has terror normally, as he is a scary dude. The banner affect accounts for everyone he met, the elves of nargothrond and the men of Brethil both respected him because of it. It just affected his reputation more than anything. That's why Beleg lacks the banner bonus.

Beleg always feels to me like more of a support hero. If I increase his attack power too much, he would be too overpowered regardless of points cause he would be difficult to neuter, kinda like why Legolas has only got two attacks.
Remember, his great bow has the same str as a crossbow. I was thinking of giving him 2+ to shoot, but that seemed overpowered with the bow. Thanks for the input

@ Isilduhrr Thanks mate! CoH is my personal favourite Middle-Earth work. I didn't give Turin Fearless because he still has courage 6. His dad always seemed the one whose spirit truly never broke. Plus it would jar with "by fate mastered". Dragonbane seems more appropriate for a scenario rule (how often do you see dragons?). Glaurung and Mim + Co. will be appearing soon. Thanks for the input.

@ Denizen: Compared to Aragorn who is only 25 points more, he doesn't seem overpowered. If he rolls badly for Legendary hero it won't make much difference. Compare him to Boromir of Gondor. For fifty points more Turin loses the Horn of Gondor and gets three fate, but he can't use his might all at once. If he runs out he needs to lose fate before he can go back to work. And then he has broken mind too. Maybe a five plus save instead? Thanks for the input.

Thanks for the input people!

"Release the Kragle!"
They were waiting 45 minutes to make that pun.
Totally worth it.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:08 pm 
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I like your profiles, especially the ones for Morwen and Hurin Thalion. It was a great idea to give him an "impossible to pin" rule. That really seals it, in my opinion. It makes it possible to reenact his stand at the fen of Serech. It's always the mark of a well written profile if the character can achieve the same things on the table as they can in the books. Had you considered giving him a rule similar to Tauriel that gives him extra attacks when outnumbered?

I've toyed with some of my own thoughts about how to stat out Turin. I think the most important thing is to find a flavorful way of representing Turin's doom. Turin's story is about a man struggling against his destiny. Turin wins one sort of victory but his doom kills everyone around him
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, Beleg, Sador, Androg, Gwindor, Finduilas, Nienor and Brandir.

The way I see it, Having Turin in your game should be the opposite of having Malbeth the Seer. Your other units should be more likely to die, just because of their proximity to Turin's doom, though Turin himself should be incredibly hard to kill. I'm iffy on how the best way to represent that though. One idea is to have Turin's allies lose fate points every time Turin spends a point of might. Or you could give Turin an insanely high Fate score, but have a rule that causes a single random ally to suffer a s4 hit.

Elrond Nine Sixteenths elven does not exactly roll off the tongue.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:48 pm 
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Expanding from Thurin's idea:

Turin's Doom: Whenever Turin is wounded, roll a dice, on a 3+ that wound must be placed on an allied model (chosen by the controlling player) within 6" of Turin, instead of Turin himself.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:55 pm 
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Very nice profiles. I'm not sure I'd give Turin Terror though, but rather make it a property of the helm.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:10 am 
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Fantastic! I've been waiting to see some First Age profiles. Well done!
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:35 am 
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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
Expanding from Thurin's idea:

Turin's Doom: Whenever Turin is wounded, roll a dice, on a 3+ that wound must be placed on an allied model (chosen by the controlling player) within 6" of Turin, instead of Turin himself.

- I love that rule, but how about the nearest allied hero on the board instead of any allied model within 6"? Because it was the heros that got done over by him the most.

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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:48 am 
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This is so cool guys! Narn i Chin Hurin is definitely my favourite part in all of Tolkien and his sons Middle Earth works. Same as Turin is my favourite character. He's in my profile pic!

Don't click on this link!!!! Giddings
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:44 am 
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I gave him terror since everyone else seems to have it...
As for his doom, that was the idea of By Fate Mastered, to represent how he seems to wreck everyone around him with pride and bad luck. How about adding this to his special rules?
Ill to Walk in My Shadow: All friendly heroes within 6" of Turin pass their fate rolls on a 6+ instead of a 4+.
What do you guys think?
Thanks for the input!

Oh and more profiles:

Wolfhead Outlaw:
5 pts.

Turin's ability to see the good in others helped him immensely when he was forced to ally with a group of bandits. Fallen from the ways of the Edain, these men redeemed themselves under Turin's leadership to forge the Land of the Bow and the Helm.

F 3/3+
S 3
D 3
A 1
W 1
C 2

Wargear: A dagger, axe, or sword

Armour - 1pt
Bow -1pt
Spear - 1pt
Two-Handed sword - 1pt
Shield - 1pt
Whip (2", str 2 throwing weapon) - 1pt

Special Rules: Craven no longer: If Turin or Beleg is in your force, all Outlaws gain +1 courage. If they are both in your force, they gain +2 courage. These bonuses are lost if they die.

Man of Dor-Lomin:

7 pts

The army of the House of Hador, they were valiant and fierce in combat, fighting at the battle of Unnumbered Tears with no remorse or fear.

F 4/4+
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 3

Wargear: Armour and sword.

Spear - 1pt
Sheild - 1pt
Bow - 1 pt
Horse - 6 pts
Lance - I pt.

Special Rules:
Lacho Calad, Drego Morn: When shielding, men of Dor-Lomin triple their attacks.


50 pts

Fierce and cruel, it would seem Androg had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Against all odds, this thuggish churl would prove that assumption wrong.

F 4/3+
S 4
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 3
M/W/F 3/3/1

Wargear: Dagger and bow.
Armour - 5pts.

Special Rules:
Expert shot
Poisoned Arrows
Craven No Longer
The Curse of a Dwarf: Whenever Androg rolls a 1 to hit, he receives a str 2 hit. This cannot reduce him to zero wounds however.


60 pts

A desperate man, Forweg was bold and dangerous, and totally without honour. This inadequacy would be his downfall.

F 5
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 4
M/W/F 3/2/1
Wargear: Two-Handed sword, dagger, armour
Special Rules:
Furious Charge
Dour leader: Due to his position Forweg does not benefit from Craven No Longer

Mim the Petty Dwarf:

15 pts.

The last of a long line of Dwarven outcasts, Mim substituted toughness for skill. However, at heart, he was always a coward.

F 4/4+
S 4
D 5
A 1
W 2
C 3
M/W/F 1/3/1
Wargear: Axe and throwing daggers.
He may purchase Ibun and Khim, Dwarven rangers without any equipment, for five points each (two of them). He way have no other warriors in his warband.

Special Rules:
Coward at Heart: If Mim is reduced to one wound, he and any of his sons still alive are now controlled by the evil side for the rest of the game, and can be shot at and killed by Good models as if they had always been evil.
My Son: Khim may not be taken if Turin, Beleg or Androg is in the army.

Again, all input appreciated. Soon, the elves of Nargothrond!

"Release the Kragle!"
They were waiting 45 minutes to make that pun.
Totally worth it.

Last edited by VandalCabbage on Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:51 am 
Elven Warrior
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i think Turin should be a lot cheaper if you're putting all these Hero nerfs on him.
For the Outlaws, how about giving them 3+ to shoot? If i remember correct (i probably don't) they won a lot of their ambushes solely by the bow, and that's better than giving them a dreaded special bow limit-army.
i know this would be bottom of your list to do, but eventually you should consider a generic Wolfshead captain.
these are great so far altogether! i love Androg's profile especially, really seems to fit.

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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:11 pm 
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I'm still wrestling with the option of just leaving Turin as he was. I'm just wondering if By Fate Mastered is enough for him to represent the curse. Since he's always so vulnerable to evil magic in the book he would be very vulnerable to drain courage. Arrgh so difficult. As for the outlaws, they really don't seem that competent when unled to get 3+. They've already got Beleg to provide them with Heroic Accuracy and Heroic Shoot.

Don't worry about generic captains, I have a bunch of ideas for army lists.
Thanks for the input people, see you in a bit.

"Release the Kragle!"
They were waiting 45 minutes to make that pun.
Totally worth it.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:42 pm 
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Right, here's the plan. These are the armies related to the Children of Hurin.

Army Lists:
The House of Hador: Hurin, Morwen, Sador, Nienor, Turin, Captains of Dor-Lomin and Turin's aunt (whose name escapes me) for heroes. Men of Dor-lomin and serfs (to represent those enslaved by easterlings) for warriors.

The Host of Thingol: Thingol, Beren, Luthien, Melian, Beleg, Mablung, Turin.
They can take wood elves/galadhrim type people for warriors.

The Land of Bow and Helm: Turin, Beleg, Mim, and all outlaws.

The Army of Nargothrond: All the heroes of nargothrond, two profiles for Gwindor to represent pre- and post- capture. Army is a mix of high and wood elves.

The Men of Brethil: Brandir and his people, Neniel (different profile than Nienor) and Turin.

So that's the plan.

Anyway, more profiles:

Gwindor Son of Guilin:

Points: 75

Rash and foolhardy, none could doubt his courage. His head however, lacked certain qualities, like a survival instinct...

F 6/3+
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 6

M/W/F 3/2/2

Wargear: Elf Blade and Heavy Armour

Shield -5 pts
Lance -5 pts
Elf Bow - 5 pts
Horse - 10 pts

Special Rules
Woken to Madness: Gwindor must always end his turn closer to an enemy model than when that turn started. If he is in charge range of an enemy he must charge. Gwindor gains the Furious Charge special Rule while on foot, and while on horseback gains +2 attacks on the charge instead of +1.

Brotherly Bond: If Gelmir is in the same army, Gwindor must always remain within 6" of him at the end of every move phase, unless he can charge an enemy.
Woodland Creature
Poisoned Arrows
The Hidden Revealed: (see warriors of Nargothrond)

Gelmir son of Guilin:

20 points

Taken prisoner in the Dagor Bragollach, Gelmir would suffer an unfortunate fate, starting the battle of Unnumbered Tears in earnest.

F 6/3+
S 4
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 6

M/W/F 1/1/0

Wargear: Elf Blade, Elf cloak

Elf Bow -2 points
Heavy Armour - free (swap for cloak)
Horse - 6 pts
Spear - 1 pt
Shield -1 pt
Special Rules:
Woodland Creature
Cunning Shot (see Turin)
Poisoned Arrows
The Hidden Revealed: (see warriors of Nargothrond)

Gwindor the Returned

Points 60

Gwindor returned a broken, humbled wreck from his imprisonment. Yet perhaps he returned wiser as well, with full understanding of the power of Morgoth. It availed him little...

F 5/4+
S 4
D 4
A 1
W 2
C 7

M/W/F 1/5/1

Wargear: Knife, Throwing dagger, Cloak

Special Rules
Woodland Creature
The Hidden Revealed: (see warriors of Nargothrond)

Strengthen Will Range 6" 3+
Fortify Spirit Range 6 " 4+
terrifying aura 2+


Points 75 points

Sometimes we fall in love with a person we rather we did not; so was it for Finduilas. Like everyone who Turin ever cared about, the curse of Morgoth would fall upon the Light of the Pools of Ivrin, the one woman who eternally strove to stand between Turin and his doom.

F 6/3+
S 4
D 4
A 1
W 2
C 6
M/W/F 1/6/2
Wargear: Elven Blade and Elf Cloak

Special Rules:
The Hidden Revealed: (see warriors of Nargothrond)
Woodland Creature
Resistance to Magic
Lady of Nargothrond: If Findiulas rolls a six to cast on a spell, it counts as Channeled.
Bloodstained, Son of Ill-Fate: When Finduilas is within 6" of Turin, both Master of Fate and By Fate Mastered do not take affect.

Renew 3+
Immobilize 3+
Command 4+

Coming soon: Orodreth and his unhappy bunch. As always, C+C much appreciated! :)

"Release the Kragle!"
They were waiting 45 minutes to make that pun.
Totally worth it.

Last edited by VandalCabbage on Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:09 pm 
Elven Warrior
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So many profiles! I think Turin was close to the mark at the start - he does seem to have too many negatives if you take all of them on board, but I think everyone's suggestions have been balanced and helpful, so I would spend some more time reconsidering them before you change it again.

The deal with Belegs death is too hard to replicate so I think it is best just left alone. You can add numerous special rules to make it happen, but then there is too much text.

Androg might be a tad overpowered. I had him at 40 with 2/1/1, 5 Def. and wargear. I like the curse rule though so maybe that balances out his expert shot a bit more.
I gave all my characters 3+ to hit for outlaws, I never did a profile for the regulars but given that they were a mix of elves and men, 3+ all round makes it easier.

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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:18 pm 
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I'll have to give Turin a good think, since I don't want too many special rules but his character just lends himself to them so it's difficult. The By Fate Mastered rule was meant to represent his general instability and douchbaggeryness rather than just Beleg's death - sometimes Turin seems to do more harm than good to his side's cause. At one point a character declares that the curse is in Turin, not his name - ultimately it is Turin's character that undermines him, not Morgoth's deeds. Therefore I'm going to stick with just "By Fate Mastered" with a -1 courage for the purposes of Broken Mind.

As for Androg, by the time he gets to fighting he'll likely be on one wound, so I felt that was alright.

Outlaw-wise, there seems to be a consensus that they should get 3+ so they will get it, for half a point, the other half-point being their special rule.
Thanks for your input.

Does anyone have anything to say about the first lot of elf profiles?

Anyway, here's another lot:

Nargothrond Warrior: 10 pts

F 5/3+
S 3
D 3
A 1
W 1
C 5
Wargear : Elf cloak and dagger
Heavy Armour: Swap for Elf Cloak
Elf Bow: 2 pts
Spear: 1 pt
Elf Blade 1 pt
Sheild: Only an option if Heavy armour is taken 1 pt
Horse: Only an option if Heavy armour is taken - 6pts
Banner: 35 points
Special Rules:
Poisoned Arrows
The Hidden Revealed: All Nargothrond warriors in a warband must all have Heavy armour or Elf cloaks; no mixed groups. Their heroes if possible must have chosen the option their warriors have.

Orodreth, King of Nargothrond 140 pts.

F 6/2+
S 4
D 4
A 3
W 3
C 6

Wargear: Elf Cloak and Elven Blade

M/W/F 3/3/3
Heavy armour: Swap for Elf Cloak
Armoured Horse - Only an option if heavy armour is taken 15 pts
Sheild: Only an option if Heavy armour is taken 5 pts
Elf Bow - 5pts

Special Rules:
Paralytic Venom: Orodreth rerolls all 1s to wound for both shooting and close combat. In addition, if a 1 is rolled, in addition to being rerolled the opponent suffers the effect of the Paralyze magical power. This can be resisted as if a 5 had been rolled to cast.
The Hidden Revealed

Aura of Command 2+
Cast Blinding Light 2+

What do you think guys?

"Release the Kragle!"
They were waiting 45 minutes to make that pun.
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 Post subject: Re: The Children of Hurin
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:47 pm 
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Sorry for the delay guys

Right, here are the inhabitants of Brethil. After this lot I've just got some characters like Thingol who come into it rarely and serfs and then, bad guys.

Anyway, here's the latest lot:

Brandir, son of Handir

75 pts

Because of his physical condition Brandir was never truly respected by his people despite all he had done for them; the man whose life Brandir had saved took everything from him, his position, his respect, even his chance for love.

F 2
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 2
C 5

Wargear: Tough leather clothes. Unarmed
Sword - 1pt

Special Rules:
Halt in the leg: Brandir has a move of 4" and cannot climb, jump or swim
Usurped: Brandir is the leader of the Men of Brethil, and has a standfast! of 12", but cannot affect any models with his standfast if Turin is present.

Renew: 4+ 6"
Rejuvenation: 4+ 6" Acts like Renew, but instead restores a point of lost fate. A channelled version of this spell restores all lost fate points.

The Men of Brethil

Points: 6

Though not the most professional or well equipped of fighters, the men of Brethil were nonetheless hardy and valiant folk.

F 2/3+
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 3

Special Rules:
Woodland Creature
Skirmishers: If a model with this rule is supporting with a spear, it gains +1 fight value.

Equipment: Leather clothes and a dagger or axe.
Bow - 1pt
Spear - 1pt

Dorlas, Hunter of Brethil

At first Dorlas seemed brave and strong, a firm ally to Turin. However, his resentment for his lord Brandir was not his only fault, and at the end he would be proven something far worse.
50 points:

F 5
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 3

Wargear: Leather Armour, Sword and two handed axe.

Special Rules
The Fist of Brethil: On the charge Dorlas gains the Burly special Rule.
Other Fears: Dorlas will never take a jump, swim or climb test that could kill or harm him.


Perhaps the only ally Brandir ever truly had, Hunthor was valiant and sturdy, a defender of the honour of the house of Haleth.

65 points

F 4
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 6


Wargear: Leather Armour, Sword and Shield.

Special Rules: Honour Bound
Hunthor has the Bodyguard rule: If Brandir is on the board Hunthor will protect him, otherwise the controlling player can pick at the start of the game.

C +C appreciated

"Release the Kragle!"
They were waiting 45 minutes to make that pun.
Totally worth it.
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