The One Ring

"By the Book" Rohan
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Author:  whafrog [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I see your point, but I don't think it's a problem here. This is a skirmish game, and the battle field simply isn't that big. I could see it being more important in WotR, where each tray represents dozens of warriors and it wouldn't make much sense to be a bodyguard a kilometer away from the guy you're supposed to be guarding.

In any case, I don't think changing the way the rule currently works is a good idea. If we want something different we should invent our own, with its own wording, name, and point cost. The current Bodyguard rule is used on many profiles and already has a well-tested cost associated with it. Limiting it to a certain range has implications for maximum viable numbers and tactical considerations which would probably change the cost impact.

Author:  MuslimRohirrim [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

whafrog wrote:
I don't think changing the way the rule currently works is a good idea. If we want something different we should invent our own, with its own wording, name, and point cost.

I agree. I also suggest to consider putting some rules as optional skills with its point cost as we go. it may represent special troops trained for special tasks. It's something to the effect of Fortunes and Fates list in WOTR but spearate for each race.

Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey you guy. I am terrebly sorry for not posting lately. I had an unexpected vacation. It was pretty sweet, but no internet. Anyway, do you guys like the bodyguard rule and want to keep it for most troops tha currently have it or do you think we should make a new less wierd rule that coud replace bodyguard for some troops. :)

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gothmog 3rd wrote:
Hey you guy. I am terrebly sorry for not posting lately. I had an unexpected vacation. It was pretty sweet, but no internet. Anyway, do you guys like the bodyguard rule and want to keep it for most troops tha currently have it or do you think we should make a new less wierd rule that coud replace bodyguard for some troops. :)

It's good to get away (I hope...) And I haven't done anything either, though I did contribute to shadowmaster's Helm Hammerhand profile here: ... 91&start=0

I think we should use it for our Rohan.

As for the bodyguard rule, I like it and have no problem with it. IMHO there are other items that could use our brainpower :)

However...Bodyguard seems to be worth about 2 points (roughly). If you want a new rule that requires proximity to the hero being guarded, how about calling it "Escort", make the distance 3"/8cm. That should only be worth 1 point. Maybe any profile could be upgraded (that doesn't already have the Bodyguard rule) for 1 point, similar to Grimbold's Str increase rule.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anybody have any last words on Rohan? We can always revisit it, but I think a lot of good work has been done and it's maybe time to move on to something else. Perhaps this weekend I'll have time to come up with a good summary of all the new profiles and rules.

Rohan's traditional enemies were Khand, Easterlings and, once Saruman turned to evil, the orcs and uruk hai, maybe they should be next? It would give us something to playtest.

Personally I can hardly wait to get to the elves, but that's just me... :)

Author:  MuslimRohirrim [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 

welcome back Gothmog. I also was away for sometime, though I wish it was for vacation but it was not. hard working actually.

As for Bodyguard, I think bodyguards can be dispatched for a mission upon the hero's call (player's decision). so we better leave the main rule as it is and may be put an optional rule of shield wall available to royal guards, those who form the shield wall are the ones that should stay within range of the Hero they guard.

I agree to move on. I guess we'll have to revisit anyway after some playtesting.

Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, maybe let Rohan get a break and become a secundary thread similar to the Goblins, which we often revisit. It is also easier to be entusiastic with a new thread than an old one.

I wouldn't mind moving on to the elves actually as we now have one horde army (Goblins) and one mediecore army with some specialisation. If we choose Elves we will also get one quality focused army.

I would at least suggest saving Mordor for later on as they could be very hard and tricky.

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