The One Ring

Thoughts on the Hobbit game....
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Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Fri May 17, 2013 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thoughts on the Hobbit game....

I just think warbands works really well for evil armies, all of their army lists are armies with troops. Whereas for good there are loads of great heroes like Gandalf, Saruman etc who cannot lead troops and thus good armies are unnecessarily small. If a wraith can lead orc warriors (which we only ever see the WK do) then Gandalf and the Three Hunters should be able to lead Rohirrim/Gondorians, all of Thorin's lads should be able to lead Erebor armies etc etc.

Good is very under powered from a militaristic standpoint, they have infinitely more restrictions than evil.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Fri May 17, 2013 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thoughts on the Hobbit game....

Good is very under powered from a militaristic standpoint, they have infinitely more restrictions than evil.

I thought that was made very clear in the book :lol:
I absolutely agree with you as far as game balance. I think some of the decisions on who can command what were made based on what models were available rather than what makes a good balance. There are no Hobbit, Ruffian, Army of the dead captains because there are no official GW models for them.
I don't want to get to far off topic. I don't play at GW stores. Frankly I have more room at home. My local independent has room for 75 4'X4' boards or 150 players at once. I generally Play scenarios.. You might notice that none of them comply with the current list. An unnamed Hobbit captain and a unit of archers,the only unit the Hobbits ever sent any where, is not a legal ally.
None of this matters at all unless you only play at GW stores. If you only play at GW stores then the only option is to complain :roll:

I remember something about vampires that applies here. "They only have power over you when you invite them in" :lol:

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