The One Ring

Tactics for Dol Amroth.
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Author:  SDJackson [ Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Tactics for Dol Amroth.

I am getting a Dol Amroth force and am in need of tactics.

What I was thinking is get some KoDA, RoG with spear and M@DA for foot and some mounted KoDA.
There will be more KoDA than men at arms I was thinking and as many RoG as I can fit in to back up the KoDA, so please give some usefull advice for buying a Dol AMroth force please. But I will definately have Imrahil.

Secondly I was thinking about how to use them, what I will do is use the phalanx by advancing 3" and shooting, the cavalry hit and run and make the most of the lances and banner rule of Imrahil and Imrahil will use his 3 attacks and cavalry bonus to kill. Then when the enemy reaches my front line I will try and move the cavalry to hit from the back, but try and get my warriors in range of Imrahil for the banner (As if 2 or 3 attacks wasn't enough) to help win the fight, then the Knights will get the weaker spearmen, but also more usefull spearmen and crush them, so then my phalanx could advance more and make the way through.

Or with the cavalry I could go for 1 side of the force so they don't have a bigger infantry line getting my infantry line, so then some troops at the side won't be trapped and the men at arms and RoG won't be killed with the D5 only.

Is this the right approach.

Also for the army I was thinking:

Imrahil mounted with lance
Captain of Dol amroth
14 KoDA
14 RoG with spear
12 Men at arms of Dol Amroth
2 RoG
6 Mounted KoDA with lance.

So, exactly 700 points.

Tell me if this is the right approach for an army list and tactics.

Author:  Corsair [ Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know much about KoDA but is it true that they have a rule similar to the mahuds impaler rule...

Author:  hithero [ Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Corsair wrote:
I don't know much about KoDA but is it true that they have a rule similar to the mahuds impaler rule...
No, they have lances.
The tactics and army is fine, although I have a captain in my front rank. I normally use my knights as a reseve and dirct them where they can do the most damage with the minimum risk. Keep your rangers mobile and be prepared to move the pikes into the front if the KoDA gets killed, the Rangers should always avoid the fighting and support where possible.

Don't be fixated into fighting in a 3-deep phalanx as this means your front rank will be trapped; go 3 ranks every other file as this prevents entrapment and allows your pikes to replace front rank casualties.

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