The One Ring

All Mounted Armies
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Author:  Noddwyr [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  All Mounted Armies

What do you think of them? Is their a points level they are most effective at? Would you use one? And of so, what army would you use?
EDIT: Yes, I do realize there is a tactica for mounted armies in Tomes of Wisdom, but I was just curious what the community thought.

Author:  BlackMist [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Generally they're ineffective and not worth your time competitively. However, there are few cases where they have an advantage over all enemies:
1. Some scenarios - Take and Hold, Reconnoitre, Seize the Prize - these favour fast moving armies, so an all-cav will usually perform well. On the other hand in things like Meeting Engagement, High Ground or Ill Met By Moonlight all-cav armies usually will get destroyed.
2. As a doubles GT half - in 2008 and 2009 Doubles it was very popular to have 1 player with all-infantry and the other with all-cav because of the choice of scenarios (evil list with a half made of Warg Riders, Shaman and Captain actually won the 09 tournament).
3. They're quite fun to play with ;)

Author:  General Elessar [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't think they'd wok well. Cavalry cost lots anyways and you would want lots of Might as well which would get even more expensive (points-wise).

Author:  ncea [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:47 am ]
Post subject: 

I think all mounted armies are alright... but there not that great. when i was vsing my friend in a 750pt game (the objective was break the army to 50%) he had pretty much all warg riders with a block of uruk-kai pikes. he won but i pretty much wiped out all of his warg riders just holding a position between 2 peices of scenery. He then realied his wargs werent doing anything trying to get through and they were taking up to much space to let the uruk-kai charge my elves. So he pulled back all the wargs and somehow won with like 15uruk-kai and a captain :shock: and the wargs just standing there.

Soooo yeah mounted armies arent that great lol..

Author:  TheEggman [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I love them, but that's because there's nothing like getting four strikes from a Rider of Rohan... I can get away with them because my typical opponents aren't as clever as me :twisted:

Author:  coolestguy [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

The most you will ever use is in a 600 pt army, 700 is more rare in US but you can find more in the UK.

Anyways the most you can take is a Rohan Outrider as your hero and take 45 cav models of rohan.

45 will to great in some scenarios but will hurt in others, Mostly: To the death or Medium engagement. There not a force that can last long on there horses.

Author:  Noddwyr [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Thats pretty much what I thought. Though they could be fun to play with.

Author:  evilatmind [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All Mounted Armies

fun to play with but not too strong
could be ok for harad
mahud with mounted chieftian allied to a group of serpent riders and raiders led by suladan on horse

really i would only use it for armies with lower points cavalry , an army of riders of rohan would be severely outnumbered.

Author:  spuds4ever [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All Mounted Armies

There's an article on it which is quite good in tones of wisdom which you should be able to find when they come up.

Author:  uldor the blessed [ Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All Mounted Armies

in lotr do spear men or pikemen get an advantage against mounted units?

Author:  General Elessar [ Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All Mounted Armies

uldor the blessed wrote:
in lotr do spear men or pikemen get an advantage against mounted units?

In SBG/LotR neither does, in WotR pikes do have an advantage against cavalry but indirectly.

Author:  HSHP [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All Mounted Armies

I've got an all warg rider army and I have mixed success with it, but i've learned a lot in my time playing it. You have to be a boxer, not a puncher, if you follow me. :)

Cav armies require patience. Most of the time you're better off using the threat of an attack rather than the attack itself, because once you attack you're committed to burning all your Might to maintain the momentum. If you threaten attack, you can sometimes pull your opponent out into more vulnerable positions, or cause infantry to over-extend. You can then reverse field and use your movement to get into the squishier parts of the army.

Regardless, once your opponent is stretched and disrupted, you can attack. Sometimes just the act of pursuing scenario conditions will help to disrupt the enemy, so be patient and choose your fights!

When you attack infantry, you must attack at the end of the line. Cavalry cannot punch through a wall of infantry - much less spear-supported infantry. If your opponent is stubborn and turtles up next to scenery, you may be playing for a draw regardless.

Use the intimidation factor of your big bases as much as you can. I've found a lot of people are daunted by the speed and physical size of a cav army. Let them worry! Move confidently, and be prepared to dance. It annoys the hell out of people if you keep moving just out of their reach. Annoyed people sometimes make mistakes. :)

Author:  spuds4ever [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All Mounted Armies

Well said HSHP. Normally as well, you won't want to have all your cavalry in one big group because then you'll risk putting all your eggs in one basket and one unlucky heroic move roll spells D-E-A-T-H for your inevitably little army. I would use them in small groups to take out different parts of the enemy's army and then deal with their big shield wall last attacking at different angles with your groups but that would only really work in meeting engagement and death matches.

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