The One Ring

Silmarillion sourcebook
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Author:  Leinad [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Silmarillion sourcebook

Alas, it has come to this,

Many people have tried, and given up obn making a silmarillion fan supplement for LOTR SBG. I cant stand not being able to fight out battles from tolkeins greatest work. I mean: Souron, might even be the evilest person in the lord of the rings world, wait......Melkor (morgoth) invented evil. Will keep you guys up-to-date on the developement of this project.

It willl be relaytively short, covering a few basic profiles, and rules for the silmarils.

P.S. On the cover, i will say "made by the One ring, and last alliance communities, as I will be drawing inspiration from topics on both of these LOTR SBG forums.

P.P.S If you see anything in the supplement that you posted on a forum, as an idea for silmarillion characters or rules, drop me a pm, and i will credit you.

Author:  Leinad [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Silmarillion sourcebook

Ok the first preview!!!!

I will be including a rules where if Feanor or his sons, are in the same army as an elven hero that has a silmaril, and are within 24" they must move their full move towards that character, and will engage and have to try to kill them before they would stop.

Author:  Athanadros [ Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Silmarillion sourcebook

This is a great idea! I have been hemming and hawing over how to make rules for the Noldor forever. I actually bought a bunch of elves from the old Rahkam Confrontation range to use as the Noldor. They are bigger models but my rational for making this work was the original Noldor being as powerful as they were could have been a bit taller. I know Tolkien mentions their bigger than the Sindar so I figured this could work.
One other thing you might be interested in is when the Noldor first came to middle earth they still had the power of the undying lands burning like fire in their eyes and their first encounter with orcs many of the orcs burst into flame. I thought if you used the rules for terror but instead of not being able to charge it could work like this.
Any orc model coming within 3 inches of a Noldor would make a Valanors Flame check (terror) if they fail they suffer an automatic Str 3 hit. Any who survive to then charge would make terror checks as normal.
My biggest problem is the Noldorian stat line and how much they would cost.
I hope this helps with your ideas.

Author:  Leinad [ Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Silmarillion sourcebook

Sorry but this is kind off based on the time after men had come to middle-earth, ut we could make it a scenario, specefic rule, for all scenarios around that time. For the statline, for simplicity, i am giving elf warriors, the standard elf warriors statline.

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