The One Ring

Gandalf the grey
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Author:  Gandalf the Pilgrim [ Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Gandalf the grey

Gandalf the grey appears to be a well balanced unit, but I was just wondering if anyone else found it a bit odd that someone that can send 6 Nazgul fleeing, and kill a balrog get classed in this game. Looking at it from this angle, he seems severely underpowered. On the other hand, saruman absolutly destroyed him. If there are any opinions on this I would like to know, as he appears to me to be slightly underpowered

Author:  whafrog [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the grey

Certain aspects of the story are not playable as a game. To do what you want Gandalf would have to be 500+ point with stats to match. If you ever play against the Balrog, you'll realize how tedious this would be. It's a battle game, not a roleplaying game.

Besides, if you want a rationale, Tolkien provides it: most of the time, Gandalf's true power is kept under wraps, part of the condition of his mission from the Valar. Only rarely does he "uncloak". Against the Nazgul, their power was restrained by Sauron and they had a particular fear of fire. Against the Balrog, they both fell into water, which quenched the Balrog's fire...who knows what effect that would have on the Balrog's stats?

Author:  Gandalf the Pilgrim [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gandalf the grey

That's very true. Thx ve ry much fir that, it actually helps me understand how the stats work.

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