The One Ring

[BCUpdate] Faction: Last Alliance
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Author:  Erunion [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  [BCUpdate] Faction: Last Alliance

Faction: The Last Alliance, 1.0

As the Second Age drew to a close, the brave Men of Numenor resisted the forces of the Dark Lord with courageous hearts and tempered steel. At their side, the glittering host of the Elves sought to overthrow the power of Sauron and his malicious minions. It was only by paying a terrible price in blood that they would succeed on the ashy slopes of Mount Doom.

Starting Company
2 Warriors of Numenor with shields
2 Warriors of Numenor with shields and spears
2 Warriors of Numenor with bows
1 Elf Warrior with heavy armor, Elven blade

Shield, Spear, Bow.......................................1 Inf.
Heavy Armor (Heroes only).............................1 Inf.
Horse (Heroes only).....................................2 Inf.
Elven Blade (Elves & Heroes only).....................1 Inf.
Lance (Human Heroes only)............................1 Inf.
Elf Bow (Elves only).....................................2 Inf.

There are no promotions available to a Last Alliance Company, although Warriors may be promoted to Heroes as normal.

Reinforcements (D6)
1 -- No Reinforcements
2 -- Warrior of Numenor with shield
3 -- Warrior of Numenor with shield and spear
4 -- Warrior of Numenor with bow
5 -- Choose one of the above
6 -- Roll again on the table below

Reinforcements (Cont’d)
1-2 -- Elf Warrior with heavy armor, Elven blade
3-4 -- Elf Warrior with heavy armor, shield, & spear
5-6 -- Elf Warrior with heavy armor, Elf bow

Special Rules
Terror -- The tall, grey-eyed lords of Numenor are terrifying foes when stirred to anger. The Hero causes Terror as described in the main rules manual.

Master-Crafted Weapon -- The Hero has been granted a potent blade that slices through armor and flesh with ease. In hand-to-hand combat, the Hero never needs to roll more than 5+ to score a wound, regardless of the opponent’s Defense value.


The last one! I really debated whether or not Elves should be allowed to be Heroes in this company, as it is supposed to be primarily a Numenorean company, but I decided to leave it as is because of the example of Aragorn and Elrond's sons. Let me know what you think!

Author:  Cyndra the Grey [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Last Alliance

Maybe an option for and elf bow, for elves only? Looks very good and so does the Black Numenorian one as well 8)

Cyndra the Grey

Author:  Erunion [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Last Alliance

Good catch, I’ll add the Elf bow, and make Elven blades available to them as well.

Author:  Erunion [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Last Alliance

Adjusted starting company for balance issues.

Author:  whafrog [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Last Alliance

Amazing job on all these factions! I don't play BC but it's making me wonder if I shouldn't try it out.
Curious about one thing: shouldn't there be at least 1 elf represented in the starting lineup? Otherwise it's not yet an "alliance". :)

Author:  Erunion [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Last Alliance

You should definitely try a couple games of Battle Companies! For me, it is the perfect blend of role-playing and tabletop gaming. You get to watch your small band of ne'er-do-wells grow into a company of renown. Some have compared it to a simplified version of Mordheim.

As far as the company composition...I had the same thought you had, but left it as it was for now. Really, this began as a purely Numenorean Battle Company, but since there were no elite troops that could be recruited (no bodyguards, cavalry, nothing!), I decided to add in the Elves to make this a Last Alliance company. I think you're right, though, so I'm going to tweak the Starting Company to include an Elf.

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