The One Ring

Volley fire fine points....
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Author:  fritskuhntm [ Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Volley fire fine points....

On a thread on Elven Cloaks, arrows were mentioned. I wrote: "Cloaks are great protection from 'stray arrows' from in range---but no protection from 'accidental' volley fire? Seems a glitch in the rules: my enemy will always choose to target my elven cloaked Legolas, even though technically my opponnent cannot see him to target.... So that fourth volley shot my opponent gets to target will always 'accidentally' find its way to Legolas? I have to put him and Sentinels and Radagast a full 14cm away from anyone to avoid such Chosen Target 'accidents' ?

Hithero wrote: It's not a glitch at all, you don't need to see a volley fire target so an elven cloak has no benefit. It's no different from say targeting an Orc Shaman through volley fire, a great, soft target.

My response: I get it. The shooters ability to hit is not sight based, so Elven cloak or not is a moot point. At least the Cloak saves the wearer from being the first target. I know the 'randomness/accident' factor of volley fire is covered by alternating choice of targets. But there is a tension: choosing targets is not accidental or random...and my enemy choosing a supposedly invisible target hieghtens that tension---(though he can't 'see' a visible target either, OK)---so it is a contradiction that won't be resolved. Any imitation of reality falls short...though SBG comes pretty far. Plus, this is offset by how few sixes are rolled in any volley anyway, so it is a rare problem.

Author:  theavenger001 [ Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Volley fire fine points....

Yep. 14 cm away from any model they can target. Though, if you are within 14cm of the original target make sure that they have enough range to get to you, they can't scatter to someone out of range, but they can scatter to someone they can't see. :x
You could also stick him into a forest, an automatic in the way roll,, or inside a building, which means he can't be targeted at all.

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