The One Ring

Isengard in the Warband system
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Author:  Blackknight1239 [ Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Isengard in the Warband system

So, as I gear up for my Elf army, I've manage to grab some Uruk-Hai Miniatures on the cheap. Right now, I think I have something like 15 Fighting Uruk-Hai with pikes, and 18 with hand weapons and shields. So, an obviously great start to a pike block.

Now, my questions come in for the rest of the army. Basically...what else is needed? I'm building for a total of 600pts.

-What heroes are worth taking? Just anyone with a name?
-Are Isengard trolls worth the investment? I mean, they sure do look awesome.
-How should my shooting be organized? Pure crossbows, or a mix with the Scouts?

Author:  khurdur [ Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Isengard trolls-meh
If you include shooting, crossbows are the way to go. Its a waste of a good uruk hai to put him behind an orc bow.
Captains-generic uruk hai captains are grat for their points, with 5 strength and fight value and 7 defence. Also, Vrasku and Mauhur are great fot heir points. Beyond that, Lurtz and Ugluk are also good. if it was me, I'd include-Captain, Mauhur, Vrasku, Lurtz. In that order. if you need more add more captains !
-Also, a few berserekers, about 6 I'd say never go amiss.

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

If you play using some Orcs to bulk out your numbers, Ugluk is excellent. Remember that even most of your Heroes have Courage 4, so a free pass when broken is a godsend.

Unless Lurtz got significantly better in the new book, I wouldn't bother with him honestly. He has the same profile as Ugluk, but without the special rule and he has a bow...

Author:  Battalia [ Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

keep in mind, crossbows cannot move and shoot. So you effectively have to find great terrain and get there first, or run the crossbows behind shields as they get into position. If your going to field Vrasku, always get him to shoot over the shoulder of another uruk, even another crossbow uruk as he has lowish defence, elves like to pin cushion him. (I think D5 with S3 bows is 5+ to wound? 2 of those and a bad fate roll and your down a hero). So take a good look at the board first. If there is no good place to set up shop, then stick with scouts and bows rather than x-bows. Oh! and if the enemy has cav, always aim your crossbows at them if you can. 4+ to wound the steed or 5+ to wound the rider is not bad odds at all.

Berserkers and ferals both are great front row hitters... but don't run them in the front row. With the same D as a regular shield uruk, enemy archers will prioritse them and take them out at range.

Don't forget about your allies! Shield uruk->spear orc->pike uruk is a cheap version of the pike blocks. A strong front and back with a juicy center, but it will save you some points. Thrydan wolfsbane is an excellent hero/monster killer. (2 attacks+cav bonus = 6 chances to wound + special rule = 12 potential wounds in 1 turn! :shock: ) Dunlanding soldiers (converted rohan models if you don't want to pay 100 USD for a warband of 12 of them) can give you a nice opportunity to add colour to your force.

Trolls? (as a rohan player) I would much rather face a troll than 10 shield uruks. 1 troll = 3 attacks and 3 wounds. 10 uruks = 10 attacks and 10 wounds. :roll:

Saruman? Also not a really big fan. He ties up alot of points and requires constant attention. Maybe our resident Isen player hasn't been playing him right so far, but so far hes been less that stellar.

Hope this helped

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

i say if you can, use crossbows, owever uruk scouts sil rack up a few kills. it all depends how much you have got to spend as crossbows can cost a lot to get in good numbers
i see vrasku as a very good idea, not just because he racks up kills but because once an army gets broken then it becomes really handy to have a hero (especially if you can keep their might till then) with your arhers to stop them running off, as they are more likely to be not in combat and flee from battle.
maybe get some orcs, espeiallocs with spears, hy keep points down and wth sml points matches those extra bodies can prove usefull

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Saruman is best at taking out enemy heavy hitters. With a 2+ Immobilise he never has to use more than his free will to stop most any hero. Then you simply have your troops swarm his target and you have a dead hero.

Author:  thelordcal [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

With the new sourcebooks, Uruk-hai have become my main opponent on a weekly basis.

He's found that Saruman is waay to expensive for what he does now. Sure immoblise is great, not to mention Sorcerous blast, but he'd rather have more boots on the field..

At 750pts he's fielding 52 uruk-hai...

Using Vanilla Captain, Mauhur, Vrasku, Another Vanilla Captain

EDIT: Thinking of WoTR

Author:  Farmer Maggot [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

I'd need to double check that in the rule book but I’m pretty sure you still can’t shoot even with a heroic shoot if you move.

Author:  thelordcal [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

You're right, i'm pretty sure that's a WOTR rule.

Author:  Galanur [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Personnal experience with uruks?

Saruman is fun, but 170 points, its a big pie(his stand fast might be the only thing I like most of all)
Still, mostly you need 5+ and 6+ to wound uruks(in overall, which is dificult to accomplish so much all at once)

Basic captain to me is the way to go, better than most average captains in the other armies, high strength, not as good and skilled as named heroes, like aragorn and such, but he shouldnt be underestimated.
Normally to me, shield and heavy armour and thats a go for some simple 55/60pts
If i want more power to the army, then I add named uruks, cause of a special rule here and there but mainly cause of their 3 might points , and if you stack several named one, you get as much might as fielding 3 or 4 regular cappies :)

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Galanur wrote:
Personnal experience with uruks?

That is equally applicable to Mordor, in fact more so, in the books.

On to topic:

Isengard are now, and virtuall always have been a very tough army, with (at the time) the first crossbows and pikes. The Warband system easily allows you to do for virtually every Warband: Captain , 4 Uruk Shields, 4 Orc spears, 4 Uruk Pikes. Quite formidible really. No need for Trolls.

Author:  Galanur [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Yes same applies to Mordor, although mordor need some spicy to add the army core, the main core of an Isengard army, is the uruk hai, yes they also got orcs and dunlendings, but this uruks are the more viable core avail on game in terms of defence and brute force :) and they look awesome in armour :D

In my gaming club I got 2 Isengard players, they have trolls but they dont use them, the basic uruk soldier in numbers is more than a match for most armies :)

Formidable warriors they are :P

Author:  Rozinante [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Ruffians with bows are the new stars, beating out Haradrim as the best evil archers (IMHO). Only 5 points, 4+ accuracy, normal bow range. Why ever take an orc or over-priced Scout archer again? Up to four in any Isengaard warband; killer.

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Because they're metal and expensive and scouts are better in combat.

Author:  Rozinante [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Then take them for combat and have them leave thier orc short bows at home. For 1 scout with shield and short bow, you can have 2 Ruffians with a real bow. Yes, they are low defense, like orc trackers and hobbits. And if you are taking Mauhur, then, yes, stick with your scouts for movement. With the new lower numbers on the table, and scenarios that require high numbers to occupy an area for victory points, these guys are a huge bonus for Isengaard.

Take a look at Sharkey, too. A little immobilize for only 60 points---like a cheap Gildor Inglorin.

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Again, they're metal. And no one would ever take a shield and a bow except with Lurtz, they would however upgrade them with Mauhur, meaning that they can move 4in and shoot and NOT get obliterated by dwarves. Are they better archers, yes but most people can't afford to have very many of them.

Author:  Rozinante [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Forgot about shield and bow. And yes, dwarfs would make short work of them. And yes, metal---but they are ordinary humans...there must be 28mm plastic models out there from other companies. My loyality to Games Workshop is waning. They are attractive from the numbers standpoint, especially for such expensive troops as Isengaard.

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

You find a good substitute and I'll use em. Most other game companies make figures that are ALMOST ones that I would use, but I like GW models quite a bit more.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

The Ruffians here is exactly why they should've beein in a Sharkey's Rogue's List like in LoME. Though, now it makes SBG Isengard more on par with WotR Isengard.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard in the Warband system

Draugluin wrote:
You find a good substitute and I'll use em. Most other game companies make figures that are ALMOST ones that I would use, but I like GW models quite a bit more.

Gripping Beast and Wargames Factory Saxons and Vikings as Rohirrim or Dunlendings.
Ebob Miniature's Scottish Highlanders as Clansmen of Lamedon.
Wargames Factory Fantasy Orcs as Mordor Orcs or Uruk Hai.

The quality is variable but the options are diverse. When I finish my GB / WF Anglo Saxons, I'll use them as Men of Rhovanion (distant ancestors of the Rohirrim).

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