The One Ring

Thorin and Company
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Author:  emre43 [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Thorin and Company

What do you think of my house rules for Thorin and Company? I will use them if the rules change for the Hobbit release. These profiles are based on Peter Jackson's depictions.

Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain - 115 pts

F 6/4+ S 4 D 7 A 3 W 3 C 5 M 3 W 3 F 0+1*

Sword and armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Dwarf bow - 5 pts
Orcrist - 5 pts
Shield - 5 pts
The Oakenshield - 10 pts
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
King Under the Mountain Stand fast range of 12 inches
Orcrist When Thorin wields Orcrist his Strength value is increased by 1
The Oakenshield The Oakenshield acts as a normal shield. In addition to this, if Thorin wields the Oakenshield he may expend one free point of Fate per turn

Bilbo Baggins - 55 pts

Statline - same as rulebook except S 2 and D 3


At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Sting - 5 pts
Heavy armour - 10 pts
Mithril coat - 15 pts (both heavy armour and the mithril coat can be worn at the same time)
The Ring - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook
Resistant to Magic see rulebook
Sting see rulebook
Mithril coat see rulebook
The Ring see rulebook

Statline - same as rulebook

Balin carries a mace (two-handed weapon) and wears heavy armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook

Dwalin - 75 pts

F 6/4+ S 4 D 5 A 2* W 2 C 6 M 3 W 3 F 2

Dwalin carries two single-handed axes and a warhammer (two-handed weapon)

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook
Dwarven weaponry At the beginning of the fight phase the player controlling Dwalin must specify whether he is going to be fighting with his single-handed axes or his warhammer. If he fights with his axes he gains an extra attack during combat. If he choses his warhammer, however, he fights as normal with a two-handed weapon.

Fili - 50 pts

F 4/4+ S 4 D 5 A 2 W 2 C 4 M 2 W 1 F 0

Fili carries two knives, a warhammer (two-handed weapon) and wears armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook
Duty to the King same effect as Elladan and Elrohir's special rule but towards Thorin rather than Kili and with the addition of not having to take courage tests even whilst Thorin is alive.

Kili - 50 pts

F 4/3+ S 4 D 5 A 2 W 2 C 4 M 2 W 1 F 0

Kili carries a sword and a Dwarf bow and wears armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook
Duty to the King see Fili

Dori - 60 pts

F 5/4+ S 4 D 6 A 2 W 2 C 4 M 2 W 2 F 2

Dori carries a knife and a flail and wears armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook

Nori - 60 pts

F 5/4+ S 4 D 6 A 2 W 2 C 4 M 2 W 2 F 2

Nori carries a mace (two-handed weapon), two knives (hand weapons) and wears armour.

Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook

Ori - 25 pts

F 3/4+ S 3 D 3 A 1 W 1 C 3 M 0 W 3 F 1

Ori carries a knife and a slingshot

At an addiitonal cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook
Note taker Ori is more interested in recording history than he is fighting in the thick of the battle. Ori is therefore capable of anticipating the enemy's next move. Any ally within 6 inches of Ori may move prior to the enemy regardless of who won priority; this rule also takes precedence over a Heroic Move (ally or enemy).
Slingshot A slingshot is used in the same way as throwing stones except with a strength of 2 and a range of 10 in.

Oin - 80 pts

F 6/4+ S 4 D 7 A 2 W 2 C 6 M 3 W 2 F 1

Oin carries a stave (two-handed weapon) and wears heavy armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook
MedicIf in base contact with an ally Oin can choose to recover one of his/her lost wounds. On the roll of a 5+ the ally recovers one wound.

Gloin - 80 pts

F 6/4+ S 4 D 7 A 2 W 2 C 6 M 3 W 2 F 2

Gloin carries an axe and wears heavy armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook

Bifur - 25 pts

F 4/4+ S 4 D 5 A 1 W 1 C 4 M 1 W 1 F 1

Bifur carries a spear and wears armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook

Bofur - 25 pts

F 4/4+ S 4 D 5 A 1 W 1 C 4 M 1 W 1 F 1

Bofur carries a pick (two-handed weapon) and an axe (two-handed weapon) and wears armour

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook

Bombur - 15 pts

F 3/4+ S 5 D 3 A 1 W 1 C 2 M 0 W 1 F 3

Bombur carries a ladel

At an additional cost he may carry the following:
Mithril armour - 15 pts

Special rules:
Throw stones see rulebook
Fat see Dain Ironfoot's 'Venerable' special rule with the addition of only being able to move at a rate of 3 inches
Incessant whinging Bombur moans at every opportunity he gets. Any allies within 6 inches of Bombur lose a point of courage and his 'Stand Fast' rule is ineffective.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

I would make Bombur 10 pts. For 30, no one would ever take him.

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Whoops. I don't know why I put him down as 30 pts, he was supposed to be 15. I'll edit it.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

He shouldn't pay 10pts for heavy armor. Cheap heros usually pay quite a bit less for equipment than exspensive ones.

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Merry and Pippin pay the same amount as any other hero for armour and a shield. Plus with a strength of 5 and 3 fate points 10 points to take him to a defence of 5 and a still very small 25 pts isn't too unreasonable.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Oh, I thought he had 3S and 5D. Ok that's reasonable.

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Gonna start adding some extra characters:

Goblin King - 60 pts

F 4/- S 5 D 5 A 2 W 1 C 4 M 3 W 3 F 1

The Goblin King carries a ceremonial staff (hand weapon).

Special rules:
Goblin King Stand fast range of 12 inches
Bad memories The Goblin King must take a courage test when charging Gandalf, Thorin or Bilbo and they are carrying their respective swords: Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting
Terrorsee rulebook

Grinnah - 40 pts

F 3/5+ S 4 D 4 A 2 W 2 C 3 M 3 W 1 F 1

Grinnah carries a scourge (hand/ranged weapon).

Special rules:
Whip of the Masters see rulebook
Whipsee rulebook but with a strength of 2 rather than 1

Bolg - 100 pts

F 5/- S 5 D 5 A 2 W 2 C 5 M 3 W 2 F 2

Bolg carries two swords and a crude war club.

Special rules:
Terror see rulebook
Orcish weaponry During the combat turn and before his fight takes place Bolg must decide whether he is to wield his war club which counts as a two-handed weapon or his dual swords in which he gains an extra attack
Brave or stupid? Bolg does not have to take a courage test when charging a terrifying creature

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

So Bolg can choose to have 4 attacks? For only 100 pts?

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

i agree with dragulin. Bolg is somewhat underpriced IMO, especially with his FV, strength and defence all at 5.

some of the other profiles look interesting though 8)

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

SidTheSloth wrote:
i agree with dragulin. Bolg is somewhat underpriced IMO, especially with his FV, strength and defence all at 5.

some of the other profiles look interesting though 8)

Thanks, I wasn't sure what pt value to give him because his FV is lower than a cave troll, equal with even the basic elven troop type. But at the same time he has four attacks. I wasn't quite sure on what would be a suitable pt value, any ideas?

P.S. The latest rules are based on these leaked images, has anybody seen them before? ... s/?a=67690

Warner has been taking them down but they haven't seen this link yet, so it might be worth saving the pics before they are taken down.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

they look quite cool, except the really fat fleshy guy, he looks horrible.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

So why is the Goblin King the size of a troll? I really don't like the looks of those goblins.

I would take away 1A and 1W from Bolg and leave him with the same pts. I would also give the goblin king at least 1 more attack and wound.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Very nice.

The Graet Goblin is smaller than a Troll scalewise, as tHorin i stiny. I own several of the toybiz LotR range so I know about the scale.

@emre, You should also call him Great Goblin, not Goblin King. I agree on Bolg.

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Very nice.

The Graet Goblin is smaller than a Troll scalewise, as tHorin i stiny. I own several of the toybiz LotR range so I know about the scale.

@emre, You should also call him Great Goblin, not Goblin King. I agree on Bolg.

I called him the Goblin King as that is how he is known according to PJ's Hobbit and the profiles are based on PJ's Hobbit.

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Draugluin wrote:
So why is the Goblin King the size of a troll? I really don't like the looks of those goblins.

I would take away 1A and 1W from Bolg and leave him with the same pts. I would also give the goblin king at least 1 more attack and wound.

Okay, will do that.

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Goblins - 4 pts

F 2/5+ S 3 D 3 A 1 W 1 C 2

A Goblin is unarmed. At an additional points cost it may carry the following:

Sword or similar hand weapon - Free

Special rules:
Cave Dweller see rulebook

The below are going to be known as neutral troops but am unsure about how the concept will work. They will be allied with neither good nor evil forces and wild wargs can be included.

Tom, Bert and William (independent heroes) - 240 pts for all three

F 6/- S 6 D 6 A 3 W 3 C 4 M 0 W 0 F 0

Tom, Bert and William are armed with basic tools (hand weapons).

Special rules:
Terror see rulebook

Stone Giants - 350 pts

F 7/5+ S 10 D 10 A 3 W 10 C 7

A Stone Giant is armed with its stone fists (counts as a two-handed weapon with no -1 penalty)

Special rules:
Terror see rulebook
Throw stones range of 24 in and strength of 10
Crumbling stone When a Stone Giant loses in combat to an Ent they must face six attacks at a strength of 10. In addition when a Stone Giant is hit by some kind of stone projectile the usual strength of the projectile is doubled but cannot go over a maximum of S10. For example, if a Cave Troll hurls a S6 Stone at a Stone Giant the Stone Giant will take 1 S10 hit, rather than a S12 hit.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

So the Stone Giants autopass all courage tests? I would take away 1S, 1D and 2C. That way it isn't suddenly the strongest model ever with the same defense as Sauron and more courage than all the elven lords.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

the notion of neutral warriors is an interesting one though I am not sure how it would work... :roll:

the stone giants IMO are really underpriced
for the cheap price of 175pts you get 4 attacks, better defence and strength than a Balrog and 100% will-not-run-away-factor

i think you should raise the points to at the very least 300pts and possibly give it a few more FV points and 1 less attack

and the goblins :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ha ha ha! even more swarmability :twisted: - good profile IMO 8)

@dragulin: i thought 8 courage was ok actually. i cant imagine such a tough profile being scared of anything

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

Draugluin wrote:
So the Stone Giants autopass all courage tests? I would take away 1S, 1D and 2C. That way it isn't suddenly the strongest model ever with the same defense as Sauron and more courage than all the elven lords.

What would a stone giant run away from? A Cave Troll with it's terror rule? I think C 8 signifies that they aren't human and don't really know the difference between what is a potential risk to them and what isn't. An Elf Lord wouldn't be scary to something of that size that doesn't understand what an Elf lord is. Why should their defence not be the same as Sauron?

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin and Company

SidTheSloth wrote:
the notion of neutral warriors is an interesting one though I am not sure how it would work... :roll:

the stone giants IMO are really underpriced
for the cheap price of 175pts you get 4 attacks, better defence and strength than a Balrog and 100% will-not-run-away-factor

i think you should raise the points to at the very least 300pts and possibly give it a few more FV points and 1 less attack

and the goblins :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ha ha ha! even more swarmability :twisted: - good profile IMO 8)

@dragulin: i thought 8 courage was ok actually. i cant imagine such a tough profile being scared of anything

Ok fair enough. Will try to alter stone giant profile appropriately.

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