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 Post subject: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:25 pm 
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Ok, so League of legends is a very popular game, if your not familiar with it, then the best summary i can give you is that it is all about tactical single-character play. I also belive that the formula is perfect for the lotr/hobbit sbg, so here is my attempt at recreating the game type, but on the gaming board!

Games fold out by teams of 5 players, each in control of only one character, traversing this map:


As you can see, there are three 'lanes', the top lane, the bottom lane, and the middle lane, each of which is filled with turrets (these are represented by the blue and red helmets). Then you have your inhibitors (the blue/red crystal shaped things towards the back of the map), and lastly you have your 'nexus' (the big circle/crystal at the very back). There is also the jungle (the skull and crossbones), but we'll get to that later.

The aim of the game is to destroy your enemy nexus, while keeping yours alive, this is a long and arduous task, but is incredibly rewarding and there is no surprise as to why it is so popular. Here is my sbg version:

Size of terrain: a nexus should be about 4"x4", a turret should be about as wide as a cavalry base, as should an inhibitor.

To start off with:
Each team should pick a side of the map, either the bottom left 'blue' team, or the top right 'red' team.


The game should be played on a 48" by 48" board. A 12" by 12" box should be cornered off in both the top right hand corner, and the bottom left corner. Along this 12" box there should be 2 turrets placed 6" from each board edge, and a third turret placed at the point of each 'box', these will now be called the 'perimeter turrets'. 3" behind each of these should an inhibitor be placed, and then a further 5" behind those a 'nexus' should be placed. The nexus should also have two turrets in base contact with it, both of which must be deployed as close to the perimeter turrets as possible'.

Each 'lane' should be 6" wide, a second turret in the top and bottom lanes should be placed 10" away from each of the respective perimeter turrets. As long as the turret is within the 6" lane, and is 10" away from the perimeter turrets, the turret can go anywhere. 10" away from these turrets, should a third and final turret be placed. Yet again it must be within the 6" lane but otherwise all is fine.

In the middle lane, the same rules apply but the turrets are instead deployed only 6" away from the turret before them instead of 10".

In between the lanes lies the jungle. The entire jungle counts as difficult terrain, and should be represented as such. Take note: the jungle begins at the locations of the 'second turrets', meaning that there is a small ring of plain, non-jungle area in between the perimeter, and second turrets.

Describing every nook and cranny of the jungle would be long, tedious, and un-necessary. The only rules that apply to the jungle are the following:

Wherever there is a skull and crossbones symbol on the mini-map, make sure to place a terrain feature there, this terrain feature can be placed anywhere within that section of the jungle, as long as it is not in the 'river' lane. Each team also has two tokens, one blue, one red, and must place one of these in each of their two jungles, in one of the skull and crossbones pieces of scenery.

In the middle of the jungle lies a river that gets cut in half by the middle lane. Treat this as a fourth lane, it is 6" wide, and essentially cuts the jungle into 4 small, triangular plots of land.

The jungle should also be walled off by rocks, trees, or whatever scenery you have available. Each team has 10 entry points to place on the jungle on their side of the map. Each team may also place an entry point to each of their jungles on the river lane. Place a terrain feature halfway through the left side of the bottom half of the river lane, titled 'drake', and a second feature on the right side of then upper half of the river lane, titled 'drake' aswell.

I'm not sure if i have worded it very well, but basically, the jungle is split up into four sections, two for each team, with a river lane, and the three actual lanes cutting them up. Each team gets to place the entrances to the jungle where they want, and places the skull and crossbones (will be explained later what these do) wherever they want.

How to pick your 'army'

Each player (if there are ten of you) picks a single model, of no more than 100pts value, and deploys it 6" from the corner of the map. If you choose a model that costs less than 100pts, write down the difference, this counts as your 'starting pts' starting pts can be spent upgrading soldiers in your lane, buying wargear for your model, or giving them M/W/F, but that will all be explained later :) Either way, each player should keep track of how many 'pts' their character has accumulated. A player can 'gift' any pts they have spare to friendly player at the start of the game. Additionally a player can use their pts to purchase wargear for their model (will be explained later), or points of M/W/F. An example of this would be the following:

Jimmy chooses Legolas with elven cloak as his starting model, which equals 100pts, meaning he has no starting pts. Bob chooses Bifur, who costs 45 points, meaning he has 55 starting pts, he gifts 5 of these to Ralph, which means ralph (who can now pick Boromir as his starting hero, and his remaining 50pts to Sally, who can now choose good Saruman (who costs 150pts), and spam sorcerous blast lolololol. The teams last player, Loserface, chooses Fimbul on warg, and purchases 6 points of might, and two points of fate for his model with his remaining 40pts.

Scenario rules:

Gaining pts:
Whenever a model slays an enemy model, it will gain pts equal to half (rounded up) of however many points that model costs. If it slays an enemy starting model, it will gain pts equal to half of that models unaltered value (without extra MW/F/STATS/WARGEAR). If a model successfully casts a spell, it will gain pts equal to the cast value plus 1 pt for each point of will that was used to cast the spell.

The shop:
At the very back of each teams box (literally touching the corner of the bottom left and top right corners) place a 'shop' marker on the map (this should be the size of a cavalry model). When in base contact with this marker, a model may purchase items at the following cost:

M/W/F: 5pts a points, there is no limit to how much can be brought.
Wargear listed in their own profile: Original price.
Wargear listed in other models profiles: Double the price it is listed as. (This is excludes mounts, a model may only ride a mount if it has one listed in it's own wargear options, although it may upgrade a horse into an armoured one for 5pts)
A new spell of your choice: 10pts
A new F/S/D/A/W/C points: 50pts, but can only be purchased ONCE per game.

The Inhibitors/Minions:

Inhibitors have the following stats:
Defence: 7
Wounds: 4
Regenerates a wound every turn, if dropped to 0 wounds it will only start working again when it regains all it's wounds.

Starting from the first turn, every four turns you MUST deploy 30 points worth of soldiers on your inhibitors, these soldiers MUST make a full move down the lane they were spawned on. These models MUST charge if they can, and will make full moves towards any enemies in their lane, including turrets. If a minion has any M/W/F then, while it must still make fulls moves up it's lane, once it has line of sight to enemies, whoever spawned can control it as usual, as long as it does not leave it's lane. Once there are no enemies in sight, it must start making full moves up it's lane again.

Each individual 30pts worth can only ever be 1 type of soldier, although wargear can be different between models. Each individual 30pt group must adhere to their respective bow limits. The player who chooses what models spawn at which inhibitor is the friendly player who is in the lane respective to the inhibitor. These models are called 'minions'

If a model is in base contact with a friendly inhibitor, he/she may spend their pts to spawn in bonus models. A bonus model will cost 10% less if it is in the same army list as the model spawning it, and will otherwise cost it's original value in pts.

Models spawned in this fashion will follow the rules for normal 'minions', but upon spawning them, the player who summoned them rolls a d6, the result is how long their their 'obedience' will last. At the start of a priority phase, a player can call all/any of their personally summoned minions and activate obedience, upon doing so the models in question will become under total control of the player who summoned them for however many turns their obedience duration is.

Turrets have following stats:

A turret can shoot in the shoot phase, it has a range of 10" and automatically hits. It will target the nearest enemy model, and deliver a strength 9 hit to them. If an enemy starting model is within range, it will only target them if there are no other targets, or if they targeted/charged/wounded a friendly starting model while within range, in which case they will be struck by the hit at the end of the next phase instead of the shoot phase. Because of this, a turret can shoot whenever the controlling player chooses regardless of priority (this is so, if an enemy model wants to shoot a friendly, they will definitely get hit by the turret.)

At the start of the move phase, a starting model may declare it is 'recalling'. In which case it may act no further that turn. If it spends the turn without being interrupted (only wounds from archery counts as interrupting, not hits) it will begin it's next turn anywhere in it's teams' box.

Death and re spawning:
When a starting model is slain, roll a d3, this is how turns it will wait before it re spawns at the allied shop. M/W/F may be used to alter this roll.

The Nexus
The nexus has the following stats:

The nexus can only be targeted once both of the turrets connected to it are destroyed. Once the inhibitors are destroyed, the nexus takes over their role, and spawns all 3 groups of 30pt soldiers, none of which can be upgraded anymore.

The jungle
At the start of the game, along with their starting model, each player should also choose:
up to 4 models that add up to 100pts
up to 4 models that add up to 50pts

On the second turn of the game, before rolling for priority, choose a 'skull and crossbones' plot on the map, and everyone in the game has to roll off for it. Whoever wins does the following:

If the point has no blue/red marker on it, place you 50pt team within 3" of it and leave them there.
If the point does have a red/blue marker on it, deploy your 100pt team of models.

Do this for each of the plots, all in that second turn. The models in the jungle STAY STILL, and will only attack those that have attacked fellow members of their 'team'. Models in the jungle will be controlled by a player on the opposite team to whoever is fighting them. Models in the jungle may no be made to move away from an enemy model, they must attack, charge, and cast spells at the enemy as much as they can, just like minions. Monsters in the jungle will, however pursue anyone who atacks them to the borders of the jungle.

If a jungle team is attacked by both teams, then roll a d6 for each jungle model, 1-3 blue team will control it, 4-6 red team will, these rolls can be affected by the will of the starting models being attacked.

Once a jungle 'team' is slain, if there was a counter in their 'lair' then a player may pick it up. Counters last for 2d6 turns and grant the following effects:

Red: Increase your Fight, Might, Attacks, and Strength statistics/values by 1.
Blue: Increase your Will, Fate, Defence, and Wounds statistics/values by 1.

On the 'drake' markers place the following when someone comes within 3" of it:

1-3: up to 4 models that equal no more than 400 points, and no less than 350, chosen by your team
4-6: up to 4 models that equal no more than 400 points, and no less than 350, chosen by the enemy team.

Slaying any/all of the drake models will grant your team however many pts they actually cost as opposed to half.

Victory conditions:
You win if you destroy the enemy nexus, you lose if yours is destroyed. If they are both killed in the same turn, it's a draw!

P.S: The renew spell cannot heal structures cos yolo. I hope you enjoyed the read, if anything :/

Last edited by SuicidalMarsbar on Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:31 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:56 pm
Posts: 52
very nice idea :D
did you tried it?
if it works, i will play it with my friends for sure
thank you so much :)
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:33 pm 
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:14 am
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Haven't playtested it, although everyone in my group plays lol (or some other similar moba) so there is a good chance we will play it when we next meet up. If you don't have 5 people per team i guess a player could control however many extra starting models as he needs to. That said i reckon 3 people could play this, just remove the bottom/top lane.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:27 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:56 pm
Posts: 52
SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
Haven't playtested it, although everyone in my group plays lol (or some other similar moba) so there is a good chance we will play it when we next meet up. If you don't have 5 people per team i guess a player could control however many extra starting models as he needs to. That said i reckon 3 people could play this, just remove the bottom/top lane.

yeah :)
let us know if you tried it!
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:18 am 
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Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:41 am
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I would imagine that this sort of game might take a long time.

One variant could be to replace the heroes with battle companies, then having your heroes accumulate kills and gaining experience in the traditional battle company way.

Then, as your warriors are killed, you roll on the injury chart, and those who recover come back at the nexus, those who are injured miss three turns, and those who die, die (for those who haven't played battle companies, that may not make sense).

You could also incorporate influence into the game by giving each team 1 influence point for each kill they score.

Also, for the minions, I think having them spawn every 6 turns could be a better option, as it would speed the game up a bit, and prevent men building up.

Edit: Also, I think you may gain money a little easily. Perhaps reduce it to 1 per enemy killed, with a bonus for heroes.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:51 am 
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This whole post in in response to emperor_thompson:

First off, thanks for taking the time to read it and gimme some feedback. Battle companies probably would work quite well, but if anything that would surely make the games last longer because battle company characters are weaker and less able to kill 30pts of warriors, whereas the 'big' heroes can make short work of 30pts of soldiers (or atleast that is the reasoning i am going by)

I have lengthened the rate at which minions spawn, it is now 4 turns. As far as the gaining money too easily goes, the maximum you will ever accumulate if you kill all the minions in a wave is 15 pts, which doesn't strike me as too much.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:26 am 
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Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:41 am
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4 turns should be quite reasonable.

The only problem with using individual heroes is that your tactical options will be limited, so it can get repetitive. Your idea of minion obedience will go some way to compensate for this, but given the size of the battlefield, it may only allow a large degree of direct control when defending.

Something I have learned from experience is that ALL games where troops respawn take a very long time. It isn't a problem if the game remains tense and interesting, but if one team gets the upper hand early on and starts dominating, it will be quite a drag for their opponent.

I personally like original ideas for playing the game, such as this, though they can take quite a lot of play testing.

Another thing you could do would be to scale down the game (and possibly scaling down archer ranges with it), which would speed things up and keep things fresh. A 24"x24" board would take 8 turns to walk along the perimeter to the opposite corner, which still corresponds to quite a bit of real time. Keeping in mind that you will have to kill your way through 30pts of enemy troops and the possibility of enemy heroes, and even at this smaller scale things may take a while.

Now that I think of it, the towers should probably only have 7 defense and 3 wounds, or they will take a very long time to destroy.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:18 am 
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emperor_thompson wrote:
4 turns should be quite reasonable.

The only problem with using individual heroes is that your tactical options will be limited, so it can get repetitive. Your idea of minion obedience will go some way to compensate for this, but given the size of the battlefield, it may only allow a large degree of direct control when defending.

Something I have learned from experience is that ALL games where troops respawn take a very long time. It isn't a problem if the game remains tense and interesting, but if one team gets the upper hand early on and starts dominating, it will be quite a drag for their opponent.

I personally like original ideas for playing the game, such as this, though they can take quite a lot of play testing.

Another thing you could do would be to scale down the game (and possibly scaling down archer ranges with it), which would speed things up and keep things fresh. A 24"x24" board would take 8 turns to walk along the perimeter to the opposite corner, which still corresponds to quite a bit of real time. Keeping in mind that you will have to kill your way through 30pts of enemy troops and the possibility of enemy heroes, and even at this smaller scale things may take a while.

Now that I think of it, the towers should probably only have 7 defense and 3 wounds, or they will take a very long time to destroy.

The 24" by 24" idea is gold! I shall alter the op later on. Same goes for the towers, they need to be weaker for a game to ever end :p If i'm downsizing the board, i'll also have to halve the width of the lanes methinks?
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:36 am 
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Considering you can buy spells I think it won't be very boring. Frodo slinging sorcerous blast and black dart? Many cool spells to be used.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:39 am 
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Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:42 am
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Also I think it would just be better to allow the players to buy items in the field. Walking all the way back into play as a foot character would be terribly boring and would take many many turns.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:47 pm 
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Tezzy wrote:
Also I think it would just be better to allow the players to buy items in the field. Walking all the way back into play as a foot character would be terribly boring and would take many many turns.

They can 'teleport' back to their base though, and part of the tactical element is knowing when to leave your lane, and when not to.
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 Post subject: Re: League of Legends style game type.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:02 pm 
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Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:42 am
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But imagine you build up a fair sum of points, you can choose to teleport back and get items but it would cost you what 4-6 turns? Of doing absolutely nothing if the minions have been pushed.

I play LoL so I know where you are coming from, but I don't think the Hobbit SBG is fast enough for recalling. Like for interrupting it, its easy to pre-measure and figure out if you will or won't be interrupted... And frankly I don't think I would even bother interrupting an enemy recall because it wastes so much time for them.

Don't take this the wrong way, I think your idea is excellent, but I think it needs to be simplified to fit SBG.
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