The One Ring

How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?
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Author:  LordElrond [ Sat May 18, 2013 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

I know that the way to win with wood elves is to out manoeuvre your opponent. This worked very well against Isengard Uruks and orcs, minas tirit etc and practically any infantry.

But how do you out-manoeuvre cavalry?

If you can't, is there another way to win with elves.

Even out shooting them is hard as RoR have 100% bows.

Is it possible to beat them?

Without a stormcaller and natures wrath?

Author:  Pindergorn [ Sat May 18, 2013 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

If there are woodland terrain pieces on the board, cram as many models into them as possible. Cavalry are useless when they're forced to fight in difficult terrain.

Author:  Hodush [ Sun May 19, 2013 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

There is a reason they are known as WOOD elves. I would hope there is some wooded terrain you can make use of, as there isn't a thematic reason for them to play in the open.
Other than this, I'm really not sure other than to use Radagast to panic steed for 20 turns and have a shoot out or use multiple blinding light to make it useless to shoot. Formation wise, I guess if they are moving a lot you could stand in a circle and hope to win, but I'd doubt it. Otherwise you would just have to do your best to outnumber them and slowly strike them down.

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun May 19, 2013 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

And if there isn't much woods and no wizard?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun May 19, 2013 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

then you're in trouble. Maintain spear lines and make best use of whatever terrain is on the board.

Author:  Galanur [ Sun May 19, 2013 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

Well the typhicall shieldwall with spear support is the classic way to stop cavalry, unfortunately for you wood elves dont excel on armour which rohan bows actually will hurt you. How you can trust your elves without magic? who said you need to do magic with wizards? Dont forget wood elves got sentinels, this expensive models somehow can trouble your enemy army... if you get a couple of them you can:

- make formations and make the spear head attack model causing Terror (RoR are man, so you should avoid annoy things with this)
- Make your oponent move out of his formations (yes he probably will be over confident sending the riders to the front to stay 10" away from the elves for the next turn to get a charge... why not using the song to bring them close? or possible drain out a heroe out of will with multiple song targetted on on each turn on the same?
- I dont recall the other song type cause I dont use wood elves that much anyway :P
- Aim for the horses, a rider without a horse is just like a normal human model with as much defence as you, so your superior fight value and elven blade fight style should be able to handle them.

I wont say youi wont suffer casualties, but you can chew through the riders to :P

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun May 19, 2013 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

A model may only be targeted by one song a turn. You can't target the same model twice in one turn with sentinels.

Author:  Galanur [ Sun May 19, 2013 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

i didnt say target the same turn... but in diferent turns till he drains out of power... as long you keep the sentinels safe... either way might be a small advantage you can explore

Author:  whafrog [ Sun May 19, 2013 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

LordElrond wrote:
But how do you out-manoeuvre cavalry?

You can't, but hopefully you're outnumbering them? I have a feeling your're overstating their advantage. First, RoR cost 50% more, and that's a pretty good advantage for you, almost goblin-level. Second, if they move they only hit on a 5+, if you move you hit on a 4+. Third, you wound on the same chances (S2 vs D3, and S3 vs D4/5), so you are not "relatively softer" in the shooting department, even with D3.

You may be outnumbered in actual bows in play, but you can even those odds with throwing daggers.

Tactically, it depends on the scenario, but if it's just a straight up battle I would create a net. Small squads of 4 WE spears and bows or TDs, separated by an inch or two will create a nice wide net to hem them in. RoR will be reluctant to come to grips, since you outclass them even if they charge, and if they do charge they are likely to be outnumbered. So hem them in to the point where your bows don't have to move anymore, then press with TD and spears.

If you're using Legolas, the first thing he should do is unhorse their heroes. It makes them far less dangerous, and he is likely to be able to do it with out using Might. After that he could just shoot one horse after another, just to be annoying :)

(@Galanur: you can't "aim" for the horses, unless it's a hero adjusting the ITW with Might, or Legolas who gets to pick. It's just likely that half the kills will actually be horses.)

Sentinels could be useful, at least for adding Terror to selected warriors. I'm not sure the enchanting song would work very well, as C3 has a better than 50% chance of succeeding.

Author:  Bilbo [ Sun May 19, 2013 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

Rohan will absolutely die on their botties (child friendly edit), or should I say asses, against elf swordsmen backed up by spearmen. Even if the Rohan have charge a solid line, you will often have four attacks against 2, and four against 1 if the elves have charged a solid block of horsemen. They will simply not be able to stand up to the higher fight value, with even the Rohan Royalty drawing against any troops. The cunning use of a wood elf spear to shield can prove most useful in stalling dangerous charges as well.

Author:  simmuskhan [ Mon May 20, 2013 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

I'm of the opinion that all games should be played with terrain (the rule book says to play with LOTS compared to some other tabletop games).

If you're not playing with terrain, perhaps alternate games with your opponent, they get a game with little to no terrain (which is nice for horses) to simulate an open plain, but the next game you get to play with LOTS of terrain to simulate woods.

It's a bit unfair if you only ever play one way (also boring!)

Author:  LordElrond [ Mon May 20, 2013 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

simmuskhan wrote:
I'm of the opinion that all games should be played with terrain (the rule book says to play with LOTS compared to some other tabletop games).

If you're not playing with terrain, perhaps alternate games with your opponent, they get a game with little to no terrain (which is nice for horses) to simulate an open plain, but the next game you get to play with LOTS of terrain to simulate woods.

It's a bit unfair if you only ever play one way (also boring!)

Yes, I'm in that opinion too. We do play with terrain but woods are wip at the moment.

Thanks guys. I play tested 2 scenarios, 1 with a wood (elf win) and 1 in open terrain (Rohan narrowly win) using the tactics you have given.

Thanks again guys, but anymore ideas would be brilliant.

Author:  Galanur [ Mon May 20, 2013 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to beat Rohan All-Cav with Wood Elves?

I hope this one helps out :P ... -thranduil

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