The One Ring

Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)
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Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

This total package is .. AWESOME!
You're a very talented painter! Great skills! The smoothness is excellent!!
The expressions on the face, the bases, ... just everything looks great mate! Well done!

One suggestion (well, more like a request..) though...
Any chance you could find a solid background to use all the time when photographing every step you do... and shape them all into a nice article for our library (which will come back soon) ?
I think your skills could be of great help for the site and entire community! And your work deserves a front-page-advertisement now and then (by uploading the article on the site.. ;) ) !
(we can always help out when writing the article if you like...)

Author:  BizzareWarstar [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Boromir wip

thanks again guys for all your encouragement and feedback, its much appreciated :)

As you can see i have dry brushed him just like the orcs (Codex, Fortress and Skull White) sorry i didn't take a picture of his face before painting.


Watered down Tallarn Flesh was build up on the dry brush foundation. placing the brush where the skin meets his hair and sweeping towards his nose, cheeks and forehead respectfully.
Subsequent layers of Tallarn where applied more to his forehead, nose, cheeks and chin...basically all the highlight areas, be mindful that this doesn't completely negate the skull white underneath.


Just keep in mind not to load the brush with too much water or paint, in fact you want as little as possible, better yet have near enough to nothing on the brush. It will look messy and bad at first, but as you layer up the Tallarn it will blend the black, grey's and white together.

I cant be sure of the exact mix of water to paint but when you apply the first layer it should be near enough unnoticeable, at about the 3rd or 4th the effect should become noticeable. I'd say i used around 6 layers on his skin and hair.


Watered Down Desert Yellow all over, let the dry brushing underneath do all the work.

Shaded the recess areas of the hair with some watered down Graveyard Earth which was also used to shade where his skin meets his hair and under his eyes. To this mix I added some watered down Scorched Brown (roughly 60/40) and applied it to the same areas and underneath his bottom lip.

It may take just as long to paint using thin layers as it would doing it in the traditional style of mid tones, highlights and shades but with this style you only have to paint the mid tones and shaded areas, as you paint darker the highlights come out by themselves. Also the transition between the different tones should appear more seaming-less. As long as you can stay between the lines so to speak its all good.

Author:  garmenhord [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

your painting skills really are top!. I wish i could paint that well. Looking forward for the next steps on boromir.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

How the Hell did I miss the latest stuff here? Brilliant painting, and so many minis on show! If I was wearing a hat right now, I would take it off. :yay:

Author:  rateeg [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

Superb painting skills.
Do you have a website or something that displays all your works?

Author:  Pinky Beecroft [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

rateeg wrote:
Do you have a website or something that displays all your works?

The One Ring perhaps?! :P

Author:  BizzareWarstar [ Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Orcs, Mordor Troll, Boromir, Aragorn and Farmer Maggot

Dorthonion and rateeg, thank you :) . rateeg, Pinky's got it 8)

Ditched my table lamp and used just the ceiling light, trying to work on better contrast so i thought using a less brighter light might help. tried painting Aragorn in the low light too..


Most of what i did with this guy is on previous pages, since that i just painted more of his armour and some dark flesh glaze on the cloth, also adding darker shading in areas using a mix of scorched brown and chaos black, using more black in the darkest areas. Bestial Brown was used to add a dirty or slightly rusted effect on the metal.

Farmer Maggot
Cool little miniature which i should have done more with but at the time i just wanted it out of the way, although he dosent seem so finished now.

Sorry i havent posted the setp by step photos garmenhord, my laptop's key pad locked up and i havent been able to do
anything with it. I will put them up once i can get to them.

I was a little de-motivated for a while so when i done these i wasent taking notes but most of it is the same as mentioned on the previous pages. Just got to start on Gandalf to finish the fellowship and two more orcs and thats that lot done. Second lot is a bunch of good heros and a few evil character plus the dragon and a few others.

Author:  garmenhord [ Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

Np mate. Ur painting skills realy are incredible. Do i understand well that u used dark flesh as leather parts to for that troll? What do u make the rocks of they look quite nice. For the rest all figures are painted great. Keep it up, it looks really pro :p

Author:  hero of gondor [ Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

You are a talented painter and you have really made some progress my favourite is aragorn it looks very realistic.

Author:  Minimal Monkey Saddle [ Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

Only just noticed this topic and I'm blown away. I really love the clever use of a limit pallate on Gimli especially. I'll be taking notes and using your painting tips in future.

Author:  BizzareWarstar [ Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

garmenhord wrote:
Do i understand well that u used dark flesh as leather parts to for that troll? What do u make the rocks of they look quite nice.

Im sure I started out with a little water down scorched brown and then some bestial brown, after that I applyed a dark flesh glaze. The rocks are broken bottle corks, drybrushed with white and painted with waterd down codex grey.

hero of gondor, Minimal Monkey Saddle thanks guys, I've been meaning to make some painting articles for ye so hopefully i can get started on that soon.

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

Brilliant pieces!! WOW!! :)

Author:  warhammergamingnl [ Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

It's so weird, I've been following you on youtube for a long time, and I love your work, but today is the first time I discover you on One Ring.. weird isn't it?
Well I must say your work is brilliant ;D

Author:  Laurapalmer [ Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

love your stuff! going to dry your drybrush technique.. Thanks for the step by step info!

Author:  Éomer [ Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pippin and some of the fellowship (MoM)

Very impressing paintjobs in this WIP, haven't seen this one before. I hope you'll be back soon with an update. :)

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