The One Ring

karavatis WIP. Fangorn. 05.12.2023
Page 32 of 56

Author:  karavatis [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 08.01.2015.

Hi, I've been out of The One Ring, but now I've started a new project, the Hobbits' goblins.

This is a picture of the start...

Image001 by karavatis, on Flickr

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 08.01.2015.

Where do the metal goblins come from?

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 08.01.2015.

Crucium Giger wrote:
Where do the metal goblins come from?

An excellent question indeed.....

Looking forward to seeing your take on these guys Karavatis.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 08.01.2015.

Look like Thunderbolt Mountain (sculpts by the amazing Tom Meier): ... vy-goblins
Great choice, seem to fit in very nicely.

Author:  karavatis [ Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 10.01.2015.

Yes, they're from Thunderbolt Mountain, I think they're ok for Hobbit Goblins with arcs, a mini that GW haven't done.

Well, I have continued with the work. They are ok to start painting them...


You can see all the minis one per one in my blog:

And comments are wellcome, as always.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 10.01.2015.

These are going to look great!!! Are you doing a movement tray for them too?

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 10.01.2015.

Where are those alternate Dunland men from?

And awesome work on everything!!

Author:  Eric [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 10.01.2015.

Great looking horde of Dunlands! And im sure those goblins are gonna rock as well!

Author:  karavatis [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 10.01.2015.

Thanks for comments...
I'm thinking in not to make a movement tray... I think it will be better to make a scenic tray based in the City of Goblins, but I'm not sure, I would like to make a great work and I haven't got too much time at this moment...
About the Dunland warriors proxys are from RedBox Miniatures, Warlord, etc... you can use all type of Vikings for them, I think.

I've started the painting, so soon I'll back with more photos.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 10.01.2015.

Your display bases are always very good.

Author:  karavatis [ Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 11.01.2015.

Thanks a lot, for me it is an honor that you say that, really.

This evening I've been working a little more while I was watching the NFL... and I have started 9 more goblins...


I hope you like these too.

Author:  Sithious [ Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 12.01.2015.

Those do look like perfect additions to the goblins. Great find.
Can't wait to see some painted. Any chance you finished that Mumak you were making?

Author:  karavatis [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

Well, the bases are finished, but the goblins...

This is my first attempt with them...


I'm not sure about the colour's skin...

What do you think about?.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

Difficult one, my gut feeling is the yellow doesn't work.

Author:  Bandobras Took [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

Hmm. I quite like the yellow to be honest... But it's entirely up to you 8)

Great painting and basing by the way! :yay:

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

I like the work you put into the bases. I have a lot of Tom Meier's older goblins I use for backstabbers. Good find. A very thin wash or glaze of green ink might be helpful with the yellow. I do not use GW paints so I have no idea what GW wash to suggest. :roll:

I use luma concentrated water colors for washes. They are not colorfast and can be removed with water if you make a mistake. I would also try their arcon brown. The problem with using the Luma is that has to be the final stage before sealing. That is not a problem when speed painting it is a different dipping technique. I often use the ink with a binder. That is too far off the GW reservation to be useful.

I like the yellow. I will follow with interest.

Author:  garmenhord [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

Not convinced about the colour palette yet. It might work, but maybe in a softer variation? So that it remains a bit skin like.

Author:  Draugluin [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

The yellow is a bit too much.

Author:  goblin_king [ Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

Looking good! I'd suggest muting it a little bit, the Yellow is a bit 'egg yolk' for me. He looks like he has been pelted with eggs!
Perhaps highlight it with a more white-yellow colour then use washes to add a little colour. :)

Author:  karavatis [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karavatis WIP. Hobbit's Goblins. 24.01.2015.

I think I'll repaint it with other colors, I think I must paint it with whites and pinks tones...
Soon an image of the new Goblin.

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