The One Ring

The Southern Fiefdoms
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Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Southern Fiefdoms

Thanks guys :)

Geezer of Rhun - There will definitely be a grand review you can count on that!

Sabotage - I agree, it is a nice change to the standard helm although I'm not too fussed about the cone shaped appearance. That helmet is from the Ebob Heavy Knights set from his Scottish Rebellion range. I think you get 4 helms for the 3 mounted knights (one open faced), I bought two sets and have used that particular helm for the ft and mtd version. It might be possible to make a mold and cast them for your army.

Nevinsrip - Cheers mate, looking forward to seeing your updates. Can't believe you still have spare heads, how many did you buy!?! :?

Currently going through the boring phase of basing everything but have a little update ready to post

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Southern Fiefdoms

Men of the Ringlo Vale WIP
Quick explanation for these guys. I wasn't happy with a blue scheme, especially after realising how short their tunic ran (imagine what their parents would say!@>? :shock: )... So I bulked out the tunic and also gave them some decent locks of hair. I'd imagine that they are not quite as uncivilised as the clansmen from Lamedon. The Men of the Ringlo live in the Vale where the Ringlo runs, beginning in the White Mountains and passing through Lebennin into the Anduin.

The shields are plain black currently, although I'm looking for a motif to decorate them. The tunics are a charcoal grey, I imagine woolen or padded linen perhaps to keep them warm in the mountains shadow. Anyway enough with the waffle :)





I've almost finish these now, except for the shield motif. I may go for a mountain design like two upside down 'V's with seven stars around it. Any thoughts?

Also on the to do list now is the Militia of Lebennin! I'm very pleased with this purchase, they are simply beautiful miniatures.






These are Perry Miniatures, all metal and retail at about £1 per miniature. I will add green-stuff cast shields to the spear yielding militia men. I've kept their pavises (huge shields) back, and plan to use them in creating my own Black Uruks of Mordor :twisted:

I must say, there is very little flash to clean with these mini's compared to Games Workshop models and from other providers. The only problem was I could not hack off the metal base so I've used miliput around each on top of a Games Workshop base, expensive solution but looks okay. As a result they stand slightly taller than the Games Workshop LOTR metal range.

and a shot for scale purposes...


Wardens of Pelargir

Finally a sneak shot of the early stages in painting the Wardens of Pelargir. Please ignore the bright orange/brown. I have since purchased a golden paint from the new GW paint range and they are looking 'better' ;)


ps. Does anyone find the new paints stick better?

pps. Has anyone used the Imperial Primer pot? It is a different consistency, thinner than normal paints, almost like a wash except it doesn't seem to fade at all. I've found it great for washing armour bits on trolls and orcs. Speeds up the process of highlighting and washing etc

As always looking forward to hearing your feedback guys, particularly of the Men of the Ringlo and their shield designs... :roll:

Author:  Captain Andruil [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Southern Fiefdoms

These are looking great! I can't wait to see more!

Author:  Fariagorn [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Southern Fiefdoms

I would really like to see some progress on this awesome project!

It really looks great and inspiring if I weren't building a dwarf army.... :(

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Southern Fiefdoms

You asked about the primer paint. Primer is a specific type of paint with texture added so it grips surfaces better and better allows you to lay paint onto it. It's designed to be the first thing you lay on a model, then you paint on top of the primer once it is dry

Author:  BranBolger [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Southern Fiefdoms

Hi, i tried to click the link to the pdf of the southern fiefdoms profiles, but it doesn't seem to work. also, google can't find your website when i'm searching for it. please help because i want to use it for my own fiefdom army :) thanks.

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