The One Ring

Celevue's LotR campaign-behind the scenes (13/1/20 Hornburg)
Page 5 of 31

Author:  Erurainon the Trombonist [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Wonderful, simply wonderful!

Author:  Telchar [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Oh my God. That's real. If you took a picture so that you don't see the edges, I'd assume it was a landscape picture, not a terrain piece.

Author:  LordElrond [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Telchar wrote:
If you took a picture so that you don't see the edges, I'd assume it was a landscape picture, not a terrain piece.

I think that too. I wanted to say something like that, but couldn't think how to put it into good english.

Author:  CaptainOfTheWhiteTower [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

The combination of quality and speed of all this work is frightening. I look forward to seeing more if that Moria west gate is anything to go by because I don't recall seeing a better version of it than this one.

Author:  Celevue [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Thank you for the most generous comments, folks! You are definitely putting pressure on my Helm's Deep, Isengard, Osgiliath/Pelargir, Minas Tirith and Erebor boards...

Author:  LordElrond [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Celevue wrote:
Thank you for the most generous comments, folks! You are definitely putting pressure on my Helm's Deep, Isengard, Osgiliath/Pelargir, Minas Tirith and Erebor boards...

So many boards and cities LOL :rofl: :lol: :lol: 8)

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Celevue wrote:
You are definitely putting pressure on my Helm's Deep, Isengard, Osgiliath/Pelargir, Minas Tirith and Erebor boards...

Helm's deep and Isengard!?!?!?
My oh my, this is going to be (and already is) an epic thread...

Author:  Celevue [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Erebor facade and Minas Tirith will actually be part of my model railroad, but can be detached for gaming - or so I have planned. The Pelennor fields in front of Minas Tirith will reuse a set of 80x90 cm boards, some with roads, some with nothing more than yellow grass - one of those was actually shown in the first post of this thread. The same boards can be used for Fords of Isen and Lothlorien scenarios, and some are used in front of Helm's Deep and Erebor.

Helm's Deep and Deeping Wall will be separate boards (80x90cm each, most likely with a small extension bit to the Deeping Wall section). Isengard will be four 80x90 boards, with a detachable Orthanc. Osgiliath and Pelargir will use a set of fifteen "city tiles", about 50x60 cm in size, and separate buildings / ruins. They differ mostly in Osgiliath having a predominance of ruined structures, and a river running through it, whereas Pelargir will be set up with a harbor.

@Sid, my next projects will actually be Helm's Deep and Isengard, as the campaign requires these to be available the soonest. Luckily, that gives me plenty of time to do Minas Tirith...

As soon as I get the model show out of the way, I could actually post a campaign flowchart over on the campaign thread. The plan is pretty epic - we want to eventually play most of the WotR rulebook scenarios (Fords of Isen, Helm's Deep, Fall of Isengard, Battle for Pelargir, Battle for Osgiliath, Siege of Lothlorien and Dain's Last Stand. Whether or not we play UglĂșk's Last Stand depends on how the SBG scenarios go, and the campaign plot might or might not require the Black Gate WotR scenario (and playing concurrently with SBG rules, we'd need a Crack of Doom terrain, too).

I might take a shortcut on the Tower of Cirith Ungol, though - if the campaign goes that far, I'll probably build a suitable section, not the whole thing...

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Can't wait to see some models on that!

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

One word: Incredible

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

My word, all of this just looks so amazing! Every last bit of terrain looks unbelievably professional and flawless :)

I'm especially looking forward to seeing the Ziterdes Weathertop/Nalog in your campaign. Might just give me the incentive I need to buy one myself!!!

Keep up the exemplary work, looking forward to the next battle rep!

Author:  Celevue [ Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Model show photos

The local model show is now safely behind, and I managed to (almost) finish the Moria board on time...barely. The only thing I did not have time for was to add churning water with water effects to the area where the Watcher most likely is in game situations - but that was, perhaps, a blessing in disguise as you'll see later. The realistic water in the creek had hardened, but was still a bit opaque. I added the final white drybrushing early Saturday morning, just before packing my car...

I had an area of my own - like a small part of Middle-Earth cordoned separately from all the other model tables. Here are few overview photos of the three boards I had there: Moria west gate, Ford of Bruinen, and Weathertop.





An overview and a couple of close-ups of the Ford of Bruinen board, with the nine Ringwraiths and Arwen & Frodo. I wrapped aluminum foil on the bases of five wraiths and painted the foil blue to better blend the figures onto the river.




...and overview plus some close-ups of the Moria board, with Watcher (from Thomarillion), Ori, Oin and eight Khazad guards, depicting an event close to the end of the dwarves' unsuccessful reclaiming of Moria (some 53 years after the Hobbit):





Here are two shots of the Weathertop - the hill is the same two-part large hill we have already used in three different ways in the first campaign scenarios. The scene shows Gandalf having an unfriendly encounter with the nine wraiths...



I entered these three boards, plus the "Watcher-out-of-the-water model in the category "miscellaneous", and a mounted Arwen in one of the figure categories. The judges awarded me the second prize in the misc category for Weathertop. Now, I was a bit surprised at this because Weathertop definitely required the least work of the boards. Perhaps the judges thought that the ruin was scratch-built? Personally I think the Moria board to be superior. In any case, here are photos of Arwen and Watcher models, too.



Author:  Celevue [ Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

As alluded in my previous post, the fact that I did not have time to add churning water was probably a good thing... because the realistic water on the Watcher's pool had actually not fully hardened by Saturday. I found, to my horror, that the metal tentacles had sunk quite deep into the resin, and they left deep, round marks to the surface of the water. As soon as I returned home I filled these with water effects, and the pool now looks like this:


By now, the creek is fully transparent, too, and the dark angel green color plus the bottom rocks now show through quite nicely, giving the creek the intended slimy, stagnant feel - just as described by Tolkien.


Finally, two photos of the dwarves - the first one shows the figures basecoated, the second shows the finished lot:



Instead of the green/gold scheme shown in the box cover, I chose scab red / dwarf bronze scheme for the Khazad guards.

A couple of words on the holly trees - they survived the model show quite well, apart from slight damage from the fact that the foliages of the two trees got tangled, and a piece broke off when I removed the trees after the show. I trimmed the offending branch a bit and reglued the detached piece of foliage, now hopefully a bit further away from the neighbouring tree.

This post concludes the WIP on the Moria board - next I will tackle the jetty and the ferry for the next scenario, the Bucklebury ferry. The Ford of Bruinen board will be used as Brandywine.

Author:  John Wayne [ Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (28/2 Moria g

Wow your boards are beautifull. The models look great. Realy well done to the films. :yay: :yay:

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (4/3 model sh

Holey moley on a pony eating guacamole!

Seeing all of them together in all thier glory :o Mind blown!
So awesome

*refrains from smileys as to not drown the thread*

Author:  Tabletop_heroes [ Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (4/3 model sh

The boards look really awesome :)

Author:  LordElrond [ Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (4/3 model sh

Everything is outstanding!
Why has this thread not been stickied yet?

Author:  theavenger001 [ Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (4/3 model sh

Awesome. I too am surprised that they thought weathertop was your best board. It's great, but the ford of Bruinen and moria board are superb. I think it has to do with the water, as soon as you have water effects on your board, it immediately makes it way better. Especially if the effects are done well. (water effects are one of the hardest things to get right in terrain making imo, so when I see them done well it always makes that board better than a similar one without water effects.)

The khazad guard are also really nice. Almost makes me wish I had gone for red rather than blue on my dwarves.

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (4/3 model sh

Unbelievable work :yay:

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign -behind the scenes (4/3 model sh

Stunning, battle report?

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