The One Ring

WIP Moria Batch - Khazad and Shield Bearer 26/Nov/2010
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Author:  simmuskhan [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  WIP Moria Batch - Khazad and Shield Bearer 26/Nov/2010

Well, here goes, time to paint up the dwarves I got.

A box of rangers and a box of warriors.

More description and bandwidth eating pictures here:

I may have a go at converting some of them as well as painting them up, just haven't really decided yet. I've not yet ever done any modelling with green stuff =) I guess you have to start sometime though!

Last night I glued them to their bases.


Author:  DainIronfoot [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice :-D Id like to see some painting? what colour are you doing your dwarves??? I am doing mine green!

Author:  simmuskhan [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Blog updated with pics from today.
PVA I got this time was runnier than last time so all I did today were the conversions and basing.


As you can see here and on the blog pictures I didn't really do anything worthy of being called conversions. Just swapped some weapons and made a banner bearer really. No greenstuff or head swaps or tricky stuff like that.

I think I'll save the hard stuff for when I've already got a core army put together.

Author: [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

They look good. I think you've got some ideas I'll steal when I get around to doing my own dwarves... :twisted:

Author:  Blue Dragon [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:25 am ]
Post subject: 

I really like the way you've done the banner bearer and the converted swords. It's very original. I can't wait to see them painted up, and then used in battle report (you write very good reports!)

Author:  ShadowMaster26 [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

The Double-Swords are really good!
The hammers look pretty scary.

Author:  PowerofWill [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice conversions! I really like them, especially the sword 8)

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nicely implemented conversions, very seemless. Good idea to use the Tomb Kings banner, cool use of the Empire Wizard sword and the dwarf warrior hammer head. Just a heads up though, any models with non-LotR parts won't be usable at tournaments unfortunately. Having said that, these look really cool. My favourite tidbit that is still tourny legal is the shield warrior with rock underfoot as the position makes him look far more sensible, lol :P

Author:  Sorastro [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice conversions simmuskhan! Looking fowards to seeing some of those boys painted :yay:

Author:  Noddwyr [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree. Conversion are great. Gives the force more character too (not that dwarves dont already have lots)

Excited to see some painting.

Author:  DainIronfoot [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good Conversions!!!! Where did you get the hammers from?

Author:  simmuskhan [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the feedback!

Didn't realise you couldn't mix and match bits for tournament play. So greenstuff is okay, but not cut and paste or what are the rules there?

Not that it matters, odds of me ever going to a tournament are somewhere between zero and nil. And if I was, I've only used external bits on a few. I assume swapping axe heads is okay, just not using WFB bits?

As for where I got the stuff, most of it's on the blog I think, but if I forgot to put it up there it's all from bits and bobs lying around from old warhammer dwarves and skeletons. I like dwarves, so painted some warhammer ones ages ago just for fun, have never played the game.

The skeletons, I think they're called tomb kings or something, I got them because I wanted some skeletons, what fantasy game doesn't have skeletons =) (Well, other than LotR.)

I also have some lizardmen somewhere too, again, just 'cos I thought they looked kinda cool.

The Lord of the Rings is the first time I've actually played a game with minis though, because I love the story behind it. I still remember being excited reading "the hobbit" about thirty years ago in school!

Have just sprayed them, but will be too busy today to do anything else. Still, getting closer to colour now!

Author:  DainIronfoot [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:48 am ]
Post subject: 

My favourite tidbit that is still tourny legal is the shield warrior with rock underfoot

I dont see why everything here is not tourney legal?? I would let him play with it. He is just creatively varying his models

Author:  simmuskhan [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Blog has the back story of Etako Ironfist, the leader of the dwarves.

His stats are:

Etako Ironfist: 95 points

6/5/8/2/3/6 3/2/1

Cannot use 2-H weapons or any ranged weapons (including throwing axes).
Crafted Heavy Dwarf Armour, Ironfist Gauntlet, one handed weapon.

Would love feedback, particularly on the stats and points cost, haven't tried my hand at making up a profile before!

Also would appreciate advice on how to best model Etako. I need to give him an eyepatch, so I guess I'll be learning some greenstuff after all. I also want to give him a gauntlet, either a hackjob from somewhere else (preferred option) or some help on how I might make one myself. Also, which miniature do you think I should use for him (please remember my newby newness to the modelling!)

I was thinking, looking at the GW website:
The Balin model, with a gauntlet on the outstretched hand (but expensive model)
Dwarf Kings 2 model with the outstretched hand for a gauntlet (but looks like a 2-h weapon)
The Dwarf Command 2 model with the outstretched hand for a gauntlet.

Whatcha think?

Author:  garmenhord [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:11 am ]
Post subject: 

looking great so far :) can't wait to see them painted

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Dain Ironfoot: Those hammers are from the 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Warriors box.

simmuskhan: Unfortunately, due to the rights that GW obtained regarding the copyright of LotR, they were forced to say that they would not endorse parts from the other systems being used in this one and parts from this one shouldn;t be endorsed in the others. So it only applies to GW tournies and ones were people choose that route. If you won't be going, it's no big deal, but it's always best to make people aware ;) Conversions and weapon swaps are allowed, but tournament legalities means Lord of the Rings models and sculpting only. (So no WH, 40K, Ral Partha, Majestic Bear etc)

The Dwarfs are Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs, the skeletons are Warhammer Fantasy Tomb Kings of Khemri :D (I primarily play Fantasy, lol :P )

Glad to hear that painting will start soon!

DainIronfoot: You're right, that is all he is doing and it's not me deciding that they aren't tournament legal, it is Games Workshop's ownership laws regarding hte models. They can't allow non-GW LotR models or GW non-LotR models (in any amount, even a simple weapon-head swap) to feature in a LotR tournament. It sucks, but that's the conditions of them getting the right to make the game and models. For friendly games, they're fine and great though ^^

simmuskhan: I can't really comment on costing because I'm a WotR player mostly. However, you don't need to mention that he can't use any 2H weapon or ranged weapons as he doesn't have any ;) I would suggest that, if you are going to have the Ironfist Gauntlet included in his equipment, that you give it a second rule, such as it allows him to shield...

As to modelling him, try and find any fgauntletted fist, such as a Space Marine one that a friend may have lying around or one from a Chaos Warrior. However, you may be trying to make it tournament legal, in which case, I would suggest that you get a Khazad Guard and paint the hand as though it were covered in metal and do a head swap, switch his weapon out and hey presto! The eye patch could always be painted on for ease?

Regardless, good luck and show us pictures!

Author:  DainIronfoot [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

@ Hashut's Blessing- But if he came to a tourney with those would you really not allow him to use them. Those pieces are still made by GW so I would still say they are legal

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:06 am ]
Post subject: 

DainIronfoot: it's not a question of would I, me, personally, letting him use them as I would and I said as much. Games Workshop don't allow him to use them at their official tournaments. Please re-read my post and you will see that I repeatedly tried to make that clear, rather than repeating a statement implying that I'm being out of order and wouldn;t let him use them when I clearly would.

simmuskhan: any progress on painting?

Author:  simmuskhan [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:38 am ]
Post subject: 

No chance of me ever going to a tournament, and if by some totally bizarre reason I did, with so few conversions I'd just not use those couple of models. (Or take them along without being necessary so I could swap them out.)

Anyway, here's the prototype archer...


The process and other shots are on the blog.

Author:  ShadowMaster26 [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Etako's profile and backstory is really good, but how about a few changes:

Etako Ironfist : 85 pnts
F 6
S 4
D 8
A 2
W 2
C 6
Wargear: Axe, Heavy Armour, Ironfist,
Special Rules: Ironfist If Etako is fighting Easterlings, Haradrim or Khandim, he gets +1 to wound.

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