The One Ring

PoW's WIP: 6/16/2022 Khazad Guard
Page 43 of 46

Author:  PowerofWill [ Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 9/16/18 Rohan Captain

Alhvar wrote:
Stunning painting! The basing is also fantastic. I am curious what that mossy-looking flock is.

Thank you! It is called Fine Turf and it's made by Woodland Scenics.


Author:  Alhvar [ Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 9/16/18 Rohan Captain

PowerofWill wrote:
Alhvar wrote:
Stunning painting! The basing is also fantastic. I am curious what that mossy-looking flock is.

Thank you! It is called Fine Turf and it's made by Woodland Scenics.


What colour? There appears to be a few.

Author:  PowerofWill [ Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 9/16/18 Rohan Captain

Alhvar wrote:
PowerofWill wrote:
Alhvar wrote:
Stunning painting! The basing is also fantastic. I am curious what that mossy-looking flock is.

Thank you! It is called Fine Turf and it's made by Woodland Scenics.


What colour? There appears to be a few.

Sorry this took so long! Been busy. The color I have is called Earth.


Author:  PowerofWill [ Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 9/16/18 Rohan Captain

Been busy lately, but I've nearly finished my metal Theoden.


I figured since everyone's painting the new one, I'd change things up and paint this one first.


Author:  Clanswoman o Lamedon [ Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 10/28/18 Theoden WIP

it's nice. :3

Author:  PowerofWill [ Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 10/28/18 Theoden WIP

All done. Only went for tabletop quality, so nothing fancy on this one.


I'm happy with how it turned out, but I could have put a little more effort into the base. I may go back and revisit it later.


Author:  PowerofWill [ Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 11/5/18 Theoden WIP

Decided to put this guy on a normal base. I did not like the display base he was one, so you can expect to see the captain on a normal base as well soon(ish).

I also recently got the new KoDA, and couldn't wait to paint one up.


It didn't turn out exactly how I was hoping, I originally wanted the freehand to be a lot more prominent, and more of it. The blue shadows were supposed to be lighter too, but I still think it looks pretty cool.
Let me know what you all think!


Author:  Goblin Town Crier [ Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 11/17/18 Gondor banner, KoDA

Wow, I really like the knight, very clean paint job as befits a noble swan knight. Now I want some!

Author:  ja33 [ Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 11/17/18 Gondor banner, KoDA

Fantastic work as always....great eye for detail and your blending and shading is always top notch...

Great stuff....

Author:  PowerofWill [ Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 11/17/18 Gondor banner, KoDA

Thanks guys!

Testing out Scale 75 paints for the first time, and I have to say, they may be my new favorite. I only have four colors at the moment, but I will definitely be getting more. I haven't highlighted the armor at all, just did a basecoat and wash.

Other than that, I am working to finish my Reaper Mini's executioner dude. I'm basically done with the mini itself, just working on the base now. Pics coming soon! (Hopefully)


Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 12/15/18 Scale 75 test

Scale Color is great. I love its amount of opacity. The TMM gold looks really good too.

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Mon Dec 17, 2018 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 12/15/18 Scale 75 test

So scale 75 auto-shades? What is it exactly? Because that model looks AWESOME.

Author:  PowerofWill [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 12/15/18 Scale 75 test

Cave Dragon wrote:
So scale 75 auto-shades? What is it exactly? Because that model looks AWESOME.

Sorry for the late reply, been busier than I expected. Scale 75 is just another paint range, they have a super matte finish that I really like.

I'm still working on the executioner dude, the base is taking longer to complete than I thought it would. Here's a preview of the mini though. Just ignore the string hanging in the picture lol.
I also painted another ranger. The pictures are still pretty dark, so make sure to turn the brightness up.


Author:  Cave Dragon [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 1/7/19 Ranger

PowerofWill wrote:
    After following all these great WIP threads, and after finally getting a Photobucket account, I figured I should start my own
    wip thread. At the moment I have numerous projects to finish, and start. The project I'm working on now is a converted Easterling warrior.
    This is an old Easterling warrior that I had lying around and thought the pose was perfect for a banner.
    and a close up of the banner
    and the back of the banner

    The reason I'm doing the back of the banner different is because the front design was really annoying, so I thought I could try something a bit different, but I wasn't sure if that would look good, or just kind of strange.

    Nice! I would go with the back one you did, the snake makes him look like a very heavily armoured Haradrim. Overall, the armour is done nicely. You got the right amount of shine, but not too much so it looks like mint condition.

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:08 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 1/7/19 Ranger

    Sorry I've been so quiet lately, but I'm still working on this axe dude, well, his base more specifically.

    I'm testing out another method for posting pictures that will hopefully be faster and easier. So, can any of you guys see the picture below? It works for me, but I don't know about anyone else.


    Hopefully I'll get some more updates posted before too long.


    Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:18 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 1/7/19 Ranger

    It does not. Shows a big Circle with a white panel across it.

    Author:  PowerofWill [ Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:29 pm ]
    Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 1/7/19 Ranger

    Oh well, it was worth a shot. Thanks for the help

    Here is the picture above, as well as some Morannon orc conversions.


    Some of them still need a bit of cleanup, but they're basically done.


    Author:  PowerofWill [ Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:02 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 2/20/19

    A closer look at this guy. I probably spent at least 2 hrs on the sword, but it was worth it. I may come back to it, but for now it's done.

    Just got this in the mail today off of ebay. The original Fellowship + Escape from Orthanc + an extra Frodo and Sam. I've never actually painted the entire Fellowship before, somehow. I've only ever painted Frodo, Gandalf, Legolas, and Boromir, and each of them from the MoM plastic set that I never really liked. So I am very excited to finally paint some of these guys for the first time. I'm probably going to have to strip them first, at least the ones primed with white. I also have to clean the mold lines and flash off them because whoever sold these decided to prime them before cleaning them :?

    Also, this is my first time seeing one of the metal eagles, and boy is it small! I don't have any of the plastics to compare it to, but compared to Gandalf, let's just say he won't be escaping on this eagle :lol: Still a nice model though.


    Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Tue Feb 26, 2019 3:50 pm ]
    Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 2/25/19

    It's been a while since I popped in here. I'm really looking forward to what you do with the eagle. The NMM on the sword is great. It's a technique I've never tried. I did paint a crystal sword once, and that turned out well. The KoMT is really great, I like the light blue robes, it sets him apart.

    Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:23 am ]
    Post subject:  Re: PoW's WIP: 2/25/19

    Nicely done on the sword. I understand the whole "2 hours" thing for such a small part h :sad:

    Try lightly stippling a small and slight mid-tone b/t the colors to transition the reflection a little bit. Will make it flow nicely.

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