The One Ring

Sedition Wars
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Author:  Dorthonion [ Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Sedition Wars

I have been following developments on this new boardgame (with superb minis) on CMON, Kickstarter, BOW, Studio McVey and various Youtube interviews with Mike McVey and CMON people. There is a video explaining the mechanics of the game which are very straightforward, so the players can concentrate on the strategy as this game is like 'Aliens' in some ways and 'The Thing' in others. The universe in which the game is set has a lot of scope for expansion (there are 2 more human factions due out in Phase 2) and who knows where this might go eventually.

I see this as a really good introduction for people who might not know 40K and for whom tabletop games would be intimidating whereas this is like a sort of Space Hulk/Dust Tactics idea - reversible boards and add-on terrain. But there is nothing to prevent people from creating terrain or adapting existing products (I am thinking of all that Infinity and G.O.T stuff).

Have a look at the loveliness - there are various links to Kickstarter from here too. The minis are stunning. The Strain are like 'Nids meet the Borg meets Dawn of the Living Dead - I like them a lot.

Enjoy! ... -alabaster

Author:  Minimal Monkey Saddle [ Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Having made a pledge for the biohazard set and the calamity crew I think I'll have all the miniatures I need for the next year. Getting a painting guide dvd by Mike Mcvey in the bargain is just the icing on the cake. A truly epic deal.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

MMS - well done! I am in for We've got movement, 2 each of Ridley, Ramirez, Niven, Hexen, the Calamity Crew, THI carapace and one each of baby drones and crabs. I just got out of hospital on Sunday and the first thing I did was check how the Kickstarter went and was very pleased to see it almost made the $1million mark. Really happy for Mike, Ali and the CMON gang who have put together this superb looking game and looking forward to seeing how expansions turn out (I am thinking that this could be like Dust Tactics/Dust warfare where a wargame rule set will be developed later on to alloweven more variety but for now I am over the moon about the hordes of minis that wil be coming along).

Good times ahead!

Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

It'll be my introduction to SF !! :-)
Couldn't resist either, biohazard and the options (appart from the glow in the dark stuff, and extra's that are already included in the biohazard level...) (that makes just the terrain and extra 'unique' figures).
I especially love the miniaturs just because they aren't oversized shoebox-marines but rather more human type of SF-miniatures (does that make sense?), aswell as I like the Strain (yeah.. that's especially very human-looking... :roll: )

I'm not sure when I will ever get to paint them, aswell as the load of Zombicide miniatures coming earlier...
(and I have a house to build... somewhere between two or three miniatures)

Author:  Dorthonion [ Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

The sculpts we have seen are great and I am confident that the specials (Hexen for example) will be excellent. The game seems to have very straightforward mechanics (no oodles of modifiers).

Author:  Dorthonion [ Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

My two Biohazards arrived 5 minutes ago - couldn't resist opening the boxes -aaaah! So many minis!
And I spotted some very appropriate terrain on Kickstarter at present, for anyone with an 'Aliens' type addiction: ... -corridors
Very 'We've got movement! Watch those corners!'.

Author:  kidterminal [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

The new Warmill set coming out soon to my mind is much nicer than the Bughunt one.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Warmill and Bughunt both look good but Bughunt is cheaper and resembles the corridors of a certain colony...
There are loads of reviews of Sedition Wars up on various sites now - unboxings, minis and play games.

Author:  kidterminal [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Lets us know when you get your copy.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

I have mine - double Biohazard plus extras. LOADS of minis!

Author:  kidterminal [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

No pictures? No reviews? What gives? Are you on a gamer vacation or something?

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Working full time in one job, working almost full time at a project to get me a new career, looking after two rowdy dogs and getting post-surgery treatment. Gaming takes a poor sixth or seventh priority until the more important stuff is resolved. If you want reviews or information on Sedition Wars, there is plenty here:
And here: ... iton-wars/
And here: ... tion-wars/

Author:  kidterminal [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

I didn't realize you were still having post surgery issues. Sorry to hear that. i was mostly joking. Sedition wars will have to wait. I'm in the midst of launching my Infinity forum and looking for another job myself.



Author:  Dorthonion [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Now I understand why one of the consultants told me 'You are at the start of at least an 18-month process' - I had already endured over 4 months prior to that day. And I will be on a watch list for 10 years after they have finished repairing the mess. I probably glow in the dark they have fired so much radiation at me :(

Author:  kidterminal [ Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Yeah that really sucks.

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Got my Biohazard set, some lovely looking stuff in there but I just need to find time to do something with it between LOTR, Warpath, KOW, SOTR and DWMG :S
Well at leasts I've got years of enjoyment ahead of me!

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

CG - On the Studio McVey site, look at the blog - there is a lot of information on assembling the horde of minis. Aly will be doing more paint guides too.

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

I've been keeping an eye on there, some useful painting guides.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars

Are you Sauron? :)

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sedition Wars



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