The One Ring

Terrain Building etc in BGIME
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Author:  kingy563 [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Terrain Building etc in BGIME

Hi i was wondering if any one could tell me what terrain guides were in the later BGIME mags. (From 72 - 91) Have got alot of the earlier mags but really only use for building & terrain guides, so dont really what to spend loads of pennies on later mags if the guides are not the ones i would like.

Many thanks in advance

Author:  Azog [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here you go .. as you might have noticed as the series went on they seemed to get better and better at making worthwhile stuff.

72 - Mordor Siege Tower
73 - Modelling small details and scenery inc casualties of war
74 - Inspirational Gaming Boards and techniques for large scale boards
75 - Creating dioramas
76 - Corsair Ship
77 - Black Gate
78 - Mount Doom
79 - Radagasts Log Cabin
80 - Barrows complete with detailed interior
81 - Rivendell Hall
82 - Desecrated Gondorian statue
83 - Modular Moria Ruins
84 - More Morai Modular Ruins
85 - Lair of the Balrog - can be used with earlier stuff
86 - Desert Modular Boards
87 - Expand Haradrim themed terrain with new buildings etc
88 - Dol Amroth boarder fortress
89 - Traps and Snares (Woses etc battle game )
90 - Ruined Shire Terrain inc burnt out hobbit holes trampled fields etc
91 - Ruined Mill (for use with Shire terrain)

Author:  kingy563 [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Awesome many thanks, this is a great help. Off to Ebay now

Thanks Again


Author:  moryk87 [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Azog wrote:
Here you go .. as you might have noticed as the series went on they seemed to get better and better at making worthwhile stuff.

72 - Mordor Siege Tower
73 - Modelling small details and scenery inc casualties of war

Plz can you post rest(1-71) of terrain guides. Thx

Author:  kingy563 [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:

Have a look at this. Hope it helps


Author:  moryk87 [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:13 am ]
Post subject: 

kingy563 wrote:

Have a look at this. Hope it helps



Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know about the white dwarf magazines but there's sometimes nothing much about LOTR. But they are a good magazine i have to confess. Whats this other magazine BGIME? Where could you normaly get it aswell? because i have seen it around.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

BGIME is short for Battle Games in Middle-Earth. It's a discontinued magazine specifically about LOTR SBG. Each issue came with some miniatures. It is no longer avaliable in stores that I know of, however you can get issues of it off of Ebay.

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