The One Ring

Osgiliath Board
Page 4 of 6

Author:  aqan [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

Ah, it's very nice to see that you have revived this board.
And your skills have improved a lot since the last attempt.

About the pavement, try wallpaper, there are several styles with all kinds of bricks.
(just make sure you buy it yourself because I got it for my birthday, so now I have 15m of stucco wallpaper)
There are several articles with basics for orsgiliath in bgime, if you want the articles, just pm me with you e-mail.
And as oldman willow pointed out, you can also use casted tiles.
That's probably the best option but also a more expensive one. (and heavy)

Author:  Drumstick [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

The last update for today, and I'm guessing progress will be slower through the week. It's not quite the lime stone colour I wanted.. anyone know how to perfect it? I used a base coat of 'Kommando Khaki' and a dry brush of 'Bleached Bone' aswell as a dry brush of very light grey. The grey might have been my problem, for it did say white but I don't have any at the moment.

@Willow: Cheers Willow. What did you mean by it needs a captial? I'll try and finish off the otherside of the board off and sell it, which will be helpful for my moulds funds. :) Don't worry I'll be working on the Weathertop model as well so i'll be switching from projects.

@Aqan: Yes there quite a difference, but I am using hirst arts so it's cheating a little compair to last time. Wallpaper sounds like a good idea, I'll have to search round for a decent wallpaper. I PM'ed you about the OSgiliath basics.


Author:  aqan [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

looks good so far.
there are a few white spots where the paint didn't cover the plaster, so you might want to take a look at that.
And perhaps a black(ish) ink/wash to show the detail a bit better.

What kind of paint do you use for this?

Author:  BlackReaper [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

Looking good Drum,what I did a few times with some ruins was to paint the under coat a dark grey(maybe even black would work) and I would keep highlighting it up layer by layer but instead of drybrushing the entire last layer with white I kind of spotted it on.Oh and I had painted the cracks/mortar black before hand,I think it turned out halfway decent but it might prove a to dark or grey method for your tastes

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

What did you mean by it needs a capital

That's a fancy name for a top cap.I used plain floor pieces for top caps for the statues and walls

I used Golden Oak Min Wax to seal the painted plaster. The gray looks better with a brown wash.You can see the difference between the unfinished Amon Hen stairs and the walls.


I'll be working on the Weathertop model

I am looking forward to seeing it :!:
Good work 8)

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

It's looking pretty good Drum, glad to see you back at this after so long. :wink:

EDIT: Post #666 ! :o

Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

@Willow: Ahh gotcha, cheers for the tips too. I'll need to cast a few more bricks, I'm slwoly running out

@Ingold: Great to see you around matey! Have you been hiding from us? or just too much time on darkorbit? ehe. I'm quite happy to get back into this project, it's a fairly easy relaxing one. The best part will I'll get to have some fantastic games on it! As well as a battle report or two :wink:

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

I'll need to cast a few more bricks, I'm slowly running out

I need to cast too. Really bad weather though. I ordered some pre cast to catch up a bit.

Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

By the way have you finished your Amon Hen piece? Would be fantastic to see a guide using the hirst arts *hint hint* I'm definatly a fan of your work 8)


Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

have you finished your Amon Hen piece?

No. I have to finish the columns and the base. I am going to start working on the seeing seat soon.

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

Drumstick wrote:
@Ingold: Great to see you around matey! Have you been hiding from us? or just too much time on darkorbit? ehe. I'm quite happy to get back into this project, it's a fairly easy relaxing one. The best part will I'll get to have some fantastic games on it! As well as a battle report or two :wink:
Internet problems (I need a bigger download limit :o ), annoying EIC (we've fallen to 3rd company!), and school are all conspiring against me.

But me aside, I'm looking forward to seeing it done, and some pictures of your games. I hope they're all as Gondor. :wink:

Author:  Drumstick [ Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

An update on the 'green' side, I've just watered down some pva and added sand. I also found some time to make moulds of the face, statues and other things I got. A quick question, what should I do with the cliff sides? leave them without sand and just painting them or what?


Drum 8)

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

A quick question, what should I do with the cliff sides? leave them without sand and just painting them or what?

Use a very small amount of sand when you paint the rocks. Just enough for the dry brush to pick up. Less is more.

Author:  Drumstick [ Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

Right that sand has dried and I've shaken off any excess. What kind of brown should I paint the board? dark or light brown?

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

I like dark earth colors.

Author:  Drumstick [ Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

Oldman Willow wrote:
I like dark earth colors.

Ah good stuff, because I only had dark and it said light. But then again it can be any brown colour because everywhere is different.

Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Osgiliath Board [Update]

I've bought myself some wallpaper as Aqan suggested. This is the best I could find which has rather large 'bricks'. It's not bad because it has some depth to it and there will be sand covering part of it. I also had a second old patch of wallpaper but it didn't look right.

Here's what it looks like once I've cut it to size.
Here's the texture of that old piece of wallpaper I found, it might work near the river to show pebbles or something :L

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

The wall paper is a good idea. The pebble paper would make a good road.

Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board

I've painted one of the boards, I'm not completely pleased with it, but then not disappointed too much either. Needs something to it. Should I give it a dry brush or something, some help please? :?


It's not quite dry yet, but it's all good.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Board


I dry brushed this board for a game convention in 2002. I used wallpaper for the road.The foliage on the large tree is furnace filter. I have been experimenting with natural sponges for painting large areas. You take a palate and put several earth colors on it. All you do is dab the colors on with the sponge then dry brush the whole thing.

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