The One Ring

First Terrain... HELP
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Author:  tiz16 [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  First Terrain... HELP

i wanna build my first terrain, which size should i make it?? 180x112 cm ?? I would like to make it basically like a low valley, on the 2 shorts sides, put hills, in order to put archers, and in the middle, make it all flat so that i can actually battle... i have like 30 trees( from train models) i can put them around and maybe make some removable hills to that i can mix it up. What you think about this idea??

thanks guys

Author:  Slythar [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First Terrain... HELP

That's a standard size you can't go wrong with. I made mine with 1/2" MDF and glued the entire board with sand. Then I make my hills with 1" styrofoam cut at a 10 degree slope then glued sand to it and used the off-cuts to make ruins (indent brickwork with dull pencil). Add trees and voila.

Author:  hithero [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First Terrain... HELP

If i were you, I'd just buy a GW grass mat and lay it on a 10mm mdf or plywood board as your base and make up small, specific terrain pieces to place on it until you get experienced in making terrain to attempt a full board. Individual items also allow you to change the set up every game you play, if you make a terrain table, you are stuck with that layout forever.

Author:  tiz16 [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First Terrain... HELP

i was thinking about that too, just if i make everything myself, it's cheaper... i think

Author:  tiz16 [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First Terrain... HELP

Is it??

Author:  Ice Queen [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First Terrain... HELP

Imho, I donot agree with the idea that it will save you money in the end.

I play multitudes of games -- LOTR SBG, American War of Independence, WWII, Napoleonics ... and the best investment I have made is to purchase 2 GW grass mats and sectional river pieces from Pegasus. I have made terrains that are general for all periods (hills, mountains, bridges, hedgerows...) to place on top of the mats as well as LOTR specific terrains, but the 2 GW grass mats are the most flexible. GW mats, sometime Pegasus river, individual trees and general homemade terrains are used in the games I play over and over in various configurations. I plan to add ECW and Samurai to my gaming addiction, but I will still be able to use my existing supplies for those period as well. I play at home as well as a local hobby store so all my terrains and the mats are easily transportable.

My games range from 2x4 to 6x8 -- feet. I have played a few 8x10, but I just use a very large felt mat purchased for less than $15 (US) from a local fabric store. It may not look as nice as GW grass mat, but it works for very large scale games.

Lastly, I applaud your effort for making a battleboard as a beginner. It is a great feeling to be able to use a homemade anything -- figures, terrains...

Best Wishes

Author:  Dagorlad [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First Terrain... HELP

There is nothing more satisfying that playing a game on a well-made terrain table. The sense of 'being there' is so much more intense than playing on a grass mat with modular terrain sitting on top of it. I have made several over the years and they are a joy to play on.

However, making a detailed terrain table is time-consuming, expensive and often impractical (e.g. storing the table afterwards) - and is also too restrictive. It limits your games to the same basic layout every single time. You can change things around a bit by putting trees or buildings in a different spot each game, but the hills are always going to be in the same spot every time and you can only ever run a river down the middle of the valley.

So, unless you have enough storage space and money to burn, then I suggest you do a flat grassy table and make modular terrain pieces to place on top of it. And once you have that made and gaining a bit of use, then by all means make a sculpted table.

Author:  ScarpeIron [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First Terrain... HELP

Dagorlad wrote:
However, making a detailed terrain table is time-consuming, expensive and often impractical (e.g. storing the table afterwards) - and is also too restrictive. It limits your games to the same basic layout every single time. You can change things around a bit by putting trees or buildings in a different spot each game, but the hills are always going to be in the same spot every time and you can only ever run a river down the middle of the valley.

So, unless you have enough storage space and money to burn, then I suggest you do a flat grassy table and make modular terrain pieces to place on top of it. And once you have that made and gaining a bit of use, then by all means make a sculpted table.

Completely agree. Also, you're idea is good for a terrain table. Just keep in mind that you want the terrain pieces to be removable. If you make ruins or cluster of trees, you'll have to decide on basing (making a flat surface part of the terrain piece, not in terms of painting) them or not basing them. The advantages and disadvantages are few, but noticeable. The area the piece occupies is one factor, stability is another, storage is yet another...etc.

The cost is a factor. The supplies can quickly mount up. If you go the craft store route or even the prefabricated model route, it gets expensive fast. It may pay off in the long run, but I noticed that for the supplies to make about 10 buildings of various sizes from foamcore/cardboard/craft-toy store knickknacks, as well as a river that can span 30" in various configures:: I could have bought 2 Imperial Sectors, or 8 boxes of Osgiliath Ruins, or 2 Fortified Manors from GW. That is not including paints, water effect, time, tape, xacto knife, scissors, ruler, sand, bits, etc., etc., etc. So yes, it does add up quickly.

I love terrain on the board, one person I game with does not....suckage!

Best of luck and post what you make! :yay:

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