The One Ring

RTV Silicone Mould
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Author:  Drumstick [ Tue May 29, 2012 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  RTV Silicone Mould

Has anyone had any experience with the RTV silicone mould? So far I have used latex's, Vinamold (which is the substance which can be reheated once you want to use it again) and just general silicone from tubes. I know there are two general RTV mould types, one can come as a thick paste that can be brush on but the more common is the thick liquid type. I was thinking about buying a tub of the thick liquid RTV and it would most likely be with a hardener rather than the condensation cure version.

Also if your from the UK what was the cheapest UK distributor you found? So far I've found this site:

Drum 8)

Author:  tomogui [ Wed May 30, 2012 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RTV Silicone Mould

I don't live in the UK, but I did a lot of messing about with RTV silicon moulds and resin casting last year, and I can confirm that they're pretty easy and a lot of fun to work on. Great for making your own bases, terrain elements, or anything else that you need repeated in quantity.

I've only used the thick-liquid-with-hardener type. Not too difficult to use at all. Give it a go, you'll be happy you did so. The folk on the forum over at are super friendly, and they can answer most moulding/casting questions.

Author:  martinusv [ Wed May 30, 2012 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RTV Silicone Mould

hi all,

there is a youtube channel, rubbishinrubbishout, who makes videos about terrain making.
and his latest videa was about that silicon, he sounded very positive about it.
just watch some of his vids.


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