The One Ring

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Author:  Sanem [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

@Beowulf03809, thanks for the feedback.

I had a look at the Eagle rules, and they are indeed unfit for rear assault, too vulnerable to shooitng amongst other things.

On Galadhrim, I forgot to add mention my main point: they are our battle line, they take the assaults and the shots, so that our vulnerable units (everythings else) doesn't have to. But at 50 points per company and D6, they're not as easy to use as other shield formations.

On glaives, I can certainly see the irony: for years we had these things shoved down our throats, paying points for something that most of the time we didn't want. Now two-handed weapons are actually pretty useful, and they taketh away... On the other hand, Elves hitting everything on a 5+ does sound a bit powerful.

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