Part 3 of the Fallen Realms.
Half Troll Warband These guys are on of the toughest units in the game, R2, Indomitable, Strength 5, can have 2-handers, Beserk and Terror, no WSA, and unlike Uruk Beserkers, can go up to three companies. Let that sink in a moment, if we were to completely ignore cost and focus solely on abilty, these would be a 10 out of 10, pair them with Amdur and/or the Betrayer and you can nearly auto-kill, they are like a tougher version of Khazad Guard. Then we come to the cost, at 100pts a company w/ two-handers, and slightly less without, these are incredibly costly, and taking them woul definately hurt your numbers. They are twice the cost of Khazad Guards, who are considerably more spamable, and in a list with 2 Rampage heroes, not 1. When you have the points, and you have a minimum of 2 coys, and a decent Epic in them, you will be glad of their help. I give these guys a 6, or 7-7.5 with 2-handers.
Mahud Warband Remember how good thes guys used to be in SBG before they got nerfed, it that's whay you expect from them in WotR you'd be surely mistaken, the newer nurfed SBG Mahud are probably based on these guys. They do have a decent streangth and fight, but a poor defence and as with Corsairs, cost the same as pikeless Easterlings, but unlike corairs thes are alo all in metal. These guys should cost 5pts less,but as they don't, they're no good, too fragile and costly, unlike Half Trolls, which are even more costly but much tougher. Mahud also have the options for blowpipes, which have half the range of bows, in order to be in close range, they need to be well within charge distance, not exactly ideal, the only benefit is they still maintain their shields, but thats still poor for their cost. If they had poisoned weapons like Haradrim, and like SBG Mauhud do, they'd be useble, though still uncompetetive, as they do not, they are poor. Score without blowpipes 4, with blowpipes, 3.
Mahud Raider Warband As with their infantry, and the Corsairs, you'd have to be mad to use them. For the cost of KoMT with shields, they have no lances, a ridiculously low defence, still no poison, and no benefit. With blowpipes they are even worse. These guys are weaker than Warg Riders w/ shields but cost more. Pity for such awesome models, you gotta love camels. Anyway, without blowpipes they are a 3.5, with blowpipes a 2.
Corsair Arbalesters Suddenly in the midst of all these overcosted troops, we have these guys. It looks like they should be from Mordor or Misty Mountains. For the same cost as Khandish Warriors and Haradrim Raiders, and costing 5pts less than Corsairs with bows or normal shields, we have uber-cheap crossbowmen with extra-defence shields at the same time. They are almost certainly the most undercosted units in the game. They are not however entirely good, in order to move and shoot, you need a Captain, which opens up ES duels, alsi their defence is still 6, so strength 4+ troops should be able to deal with them, provoding tthey make it across the table in one piece. Remember what I said about the Betrayer in Easterling archers, well rather than 35pt defence 5 archers, what about 25pt defence 6 crossbowmen. You see the problem. Though they need a Captain, these are still the crown jewel, you can go without them, and still win, but if you use troops who aren't overpowered and face a lot of Morannons, WoMT or Blackshields, you may wish you'd taken them, if not, and you do take them you will either feel incredibly guilty, or you are incredibly evil, much like some of the game designers. I rate these 9.5.
Black Numenorean Regiment The first thing abou them, is with Easterlings in this list, and Morannons in Mordor, what use are these guys. They are still pretty decent, being defence 7 infantry and they cause Terror, a nice boon, though not needed if you put a Wraith in there. With Dalamyr though, and the Tainted nearby, these do have a use, but being all metal, costing more than the more economic Easterlings etc, you'd have to be rich to use them, or find suitable alternatives, I plan on converting WoMT, though i've also seen Dark Elf Corsair used, which would theme in a weird sort of way with Arbelesters. These guys are pretty good, but not overly neededd, using one block to replace one of your Easterling Cohorts, and you may want to experiment. I rate these 6.5-7.
Morgul Knight Regiment Definatley better than their infantry, one of the best units in the list, also unlike Arbalesters, these guys are reasonably costed, so you won't feel as guilty about using them. They are on of the bets value cavalry in the game, having a whopping defence 7, and not costing 50pts. These cost the same as Kataphrakts and are better, they can also take hits better than other cavaly, but that doesn't mena you should just send them straight into the front, they should still aim for the flanks just like other cavalry, and if used well, these can make your day, watch out for enemy SfC and other damage spells as usual, and either go leaderless or put in a suitable epic. They also have hornbowers, and are the reaosn why serpent riders atren't overly good though, for 5pts more and the loss of poison, you get +3 defence ad Terror. They are your best cavalry option valuewise, with Haradr Raiders second, you don't really need to use any of the other. I give these guys an 8.
We will have another break, I did intend to do thes one last night, but something of great significance to me came up, of which I will not disclose. I will be back later.
_________________ "I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me" -FSM.