The One Ring

1500 points mordor/fallen realms force
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Author:  phoenixthephoenix [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  1500 points mordor/fallen realms force

i am thinking of using this army in 1500 battles

epic heroes
-khamul the easterling (125)
-dark marshal (125)
-witch king on fell beast (275)

common formations
7 companies of orcs, captain (155)
7 companies of orcs with sheilds, captain (190)
4 companies of orc bowmen (80)
6 companies with morannon orcs with sheilds (150)
5 companies of easterlings with sheilds,pikes and dragon knight (200)
4 companies of easterling archer cohort (120)
3 x 1 company of orc warg riders armes with bows (75)

total cost of army: 1495 with 36 companies 3 epic heroes and 3 captains
what does everyone think? open to suggestions?

Author:  7Thunders [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

drop the witch king.

add morgul knights. Where is your banner Bearers??

you need a little more calvary. Mostly all infantry will not be fast enough to intercept a well played rohan force and to keep them from your flanks.

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