The One Ring

Need a Good Allied Force, Any Ideas?
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Author:  CJ Morgan [ Sun May 02, 2010 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Need a Good Allied Force, Any Ideas?

Hey Everyone :-D
Im currently playing a Galadhrim force and now im adding an allied force, it can be any force as long as its from the good side (obv) :)
I was personally thinking Grey Company?, or the new Blackroot Vale Archers? I have a box of Rangers you see, so im planning to base it round Rangers. Although if anyone has a different idea please say :D
Thanks Very Much

Author:  lorelorn [ Mon May 03, 2010 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

If you're determined to go with rangers then you have just mentioned the best two options, nothing more to add.

Otherwise I would recommend Gildor's household. Ambushing, shooting and magic in one elfy package.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Mon May 03, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

It seems that you've settled on rangers then, lol :P Out of any ranger unit, Grey Company are the definites (unless you already had them int he army, obviously, lol :P ). Grey Company are just better in all respects.

Gildor's Household aren;t really allies since they're in the same list, but they are one of the best units in the game, IMO. Ambush, elven cloaks, longbows , the added defence bonus from appearing in terrain, plus Gildor has 2 spells per turn (best used to increase shooting and to cast Nature's Wrath as a default plan, unless better opportunities arise).

As for just any allies, Dwarfs will be VERY tough compared to your normal units and slightly cheaper, otherwise, go for the cheap as heck warriors of Minas Tirith. About half the points and the same or better defence. Twice as many bodies to soak up the flak.

Author:  Brutoni [ Mon May 03, 2010 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've always thought Galadhrim (or High elves for that matter) would look seriously cool alongside Dol'Amroth allies.

I say this because you have seriously good foot options in an elven army, especially a Galadhrim one given that you can still take normal woodelves and be considered fluffy (and no reason why Gildor's household wouldn't be around).

But imagine that coupled with a nice block of Dol Amroth pike men, or more importantly Dol'Amroth cavalry. It would look impressive as well the gold and red against the silver and blue. With some nice neutral colours for your normal wood elves mixed into the batch.....

Hmm I might have to consider a Dol Amroth detachment now.

Author:  gravmania [ Mon May 03, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject: 


What you need is a flying monster, accept no substitute for the flexibility and rear-arc-attacking Great Eagle.

Having might, they can 'at the double' by themselves to end up behind enemy lines and charge from behind while you're simultaneously attacking the front. Better still, your opponent knows this and it will influence his deployment/movement like nothing else can.

It will also serve as anti-cavalry.

Keep it behind your lines until the time is there.

It's also very fluffy with elves.. :)

Author:  Brutoni [ Mon May 03, 2010 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

gravmania wrote:

What you need is a flying monster, accept no substitute for the flexibility and rear-arc-attacking Great Eagle.

Having might, they can 'at the double' by themselves to end up behind enemy lines and charge from behind while you're simultaneously attacking the front. Better still, your opponent knows this and it will influence his deployment/movement like nothing else can.

It will also serve as anti-cavalry.

Keep it behind your lines until the time is there.

It's also very fluffy with elves.. :)

This is true... eagles are very cool.

Author:  Blue Dragon [ Tue May 04, 2010 4:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I have a Galadhrim with Dol Amroth force. It's yet to be tried out in a game as I'm waiting for the last models to arrive for it and have to paint it first.

Author:  Adanedhel [ Tue May 04, 2010 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

gravmania wrote:

What you need is a flying monster, accept no substitute for the flexibility and rear-arc-attacking Great Eagle.
Having might, they can 'at the double' by themselves to end up behind enemy lines and charge from behind while you're simultaneously attacking the front. Better still, your opponent knows this and it will influence his deployment/movement like nothing else can.
It will also serve as anti-cavalry.

We elven players got our own flying monster :wink:
Glorfindel, though expensive is a very good addition to any Elven army, I'm particularly fond off the combo with Inner Glory

other logical allies which I'll field when playing 2000 but have not yet seen played are the White Council and the council of Wizardry, who can restore their members :P

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