The One Ring

First Army: Concepts
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Author:  Murderous Monkey [ Thu May 20, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  First Army: Concepts

Dear All,

Once again I'm afraid that I am troubling you all by asking for your thoughts and assistance.

In my first thread people were kind enough to explain how War of the Ring played and what basic elements should be considered when constructing a list. At the time I was planning having a first army based around the evil forces lurking in Southern Mirkwood, which I would ultimately develop into something that could happily portray the Fall of the Necromancer. After sending a few emails to convince some friends to also take up the game I discovered that everyone else had opted for evil armies and I therefore decided that I would allow my love of virtue to tempt me into taking one of the Good factions.

Choosing a faction was tricky, but (unless Battlehosts convinces me otherwise) I have probably decided upon my first army's theme, which features Aragorn beginning his return as King of Gondor. I would therefore be very grateful for observations on the list below.

Court of the Dead King (4 Companies)
The Grey Company (3 Companies - no banner)
Minas Tirith Warriors (4 Companies)
Rangers of Gondor (4 Companies)

1,000 points - 15 Companies. The warriors and rangers represent local garrisons and recruits that he is able to muster to the defence of Gondor. Clansmen were regrettably discounted for being too expensive (1 metal unit... maybe... but 2?).

The army seems small but highly mobile and quite hard hitting. It also has a fairly respectable level of shooting, which I am hoping will help eliminate enemy support units.

Do people have any opinions on this list?

The other army I am currently considering is Elves (Rohan and Dwarves are still possible, but significantly less likely), who have lovely models and some very interesting characters. They would also dovetail nicely against the Necromancer if I managed to get round to them. Unfortunately I have difficulty finding a theme I am happy with which can produce half decent results so unless Battlehosts offers something especially exciting I am likely to resist them. However, if you have an effective 1,000 Elf list in mind please do let me know... I'd be very interested to hear about it. As I am largely driven by models I was thinking about fielding the Armoured Glorfindel model and using him as an Epic Hero with the rules for Gil-Galad, but that seems nigh-impossible to fit into 1,000 points... although I think it'd be quite good at solving the basic elven problem of how to deal enough damage!

Many thanks for any thoughts you offer on this topic - I really appreciate your opinions and guidance.

Kind regards,

Author:  Keithio the Green [ Thu May 20, 2010 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did you know the points cost for Court of the Dead King has changed in the FAQ? Don't know if you took this into account or not.

Also the general opinion people have is that Elves are the least competitive army. I however like the Elves.

In competitive games I see alot of Pall of Night to stop my precious Galadhrim Knights charging. But I counter this by using Call winds on the Knights using a strategically positioned Stormcaller in the Archers behind.

With the Elves I think that you need to make a generic list, and then see what the main issues you have with it are before specialising it.

And if you do decided to choose Gondor, get the Battlehost book! It will help!

Author:  General Elessar [ Thu May 20, 2010 5:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Keithio the Green wrote:
And if you do decided to choose Gondor, get the Battlehost book! It will help!

Yes, there's a battlehost that's very similar to your army and is also focused on the same theme.

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