Hellfury wrote:
The point I am about to make has been hashed over before, but I also wish to remind people of the logical inconsistency regarding just the single large cost as the only cost for the first company for the legendary formation
For the sake of argument, lets use Murin's guard for example to illustrate the basis of prior discussions regarding the issue.
You can have up to four companies within the formation. With the OP's GW email in mind, the cost is 110+40/company.
So, for 230 points you get 4 companies of dwarf warriors with shields, a banner bearer and most importantly Murin who grants 3 might and a the lock shields special rule along with mountain pathfinders.
Compare to a 4 company formation of dwarf warriors with shield, banner bearer and captain.
This comes out to 245 points, has one less point of might, lacks the lock shields and mountain pathfinders special rules.
Granted, you can only take a single legendary formation with that name and the dwarf warriors have the option of taking a shield bearer and a hornblower, so its up to the player to decide if 110 points for the first company in the Murin's guard formation is indeed a fair cost.
Myself, I tend to side with the argument that the initial cost is just to have access to that formation and each company costs an additional 40 pints including the command company.
Battlehosts also grants precedence to this interpretation as you spend X points for the special rules granted by the battlehost, then add the points for what you include in the battlehost.
By no means cut and dried, but I think logic defies the ruling the OP has shown us offered by GW.
I agree Murin's Guard feels underpriced without adding cost for the first company.
However Erkenbrand's Riders seem to confirm GW's response to the OP, their initial cost is 115 (75 for Erkenbrand + 40 for a company) and each additional company at 40. On the other hand they do seem to get a free banner bearer, so like Murin's Guard they are also underpriced, but without the company cost and the banner bearer included it would be 110 and not 115. So either the initial points cost for Erkenbrand's Riders is wrong, or GW's ruling is correct.
Personally i'd play initial cost also includes first company cost, even though it seems to throw up some anomolies.