The One Ring

Army of pelargir
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Author:  Leinad [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Army of pelargir

I recently played a game a games workshop, and found out that my army was, well, rubbish. I have modified now, what do you think of it?

It is themed on the defenders of pelargir, boosted by aragorn and the grey company.

note this is the revised list based on suggestions


grey company- 2 comps, banner of the king- 165 pts

Warriors of the dead, 2 comps, captain-170 pts

"Wardens of pelargir"

2 comps minas tirith archers-60pts

2 comps minas tirith archers-60pts

"Guardians of Pelargir"

4 comps minas tirith warriors, banner, captain-185 pts

"Knights of pelargir"

3 comps minas tirith knights- 75 points

"aranthil, marshal of pelargir"
Faramir-90 points

Total: 1005pts)

Author:  Noddwyr [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

IMHO you have too few companies, you need more. 9 companies in 750 points is terrible. At the very least drop the command options on your archers and warriors, then get another 4 comp formation of warriors. I would also drop the grey company as I dont think they are worth their points, I would swap them for a 3 company formation of rangers, then get faramir or smt. Yeah basically drop comand option as they arent worth it and boost numbers, thats the most important bit.

Author:  thelordcal [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

I would drop the Hornblowers and add in another company of Minas Tirith Archers, then i would split them into two formations. I have found that archers tend to work best in 2s.

Next i would drop the captains to add in another formation of Warriors, and drop the banner from the Archer formation.

Aragorn is a huge points sink at this low level, drop him add in Faramir, and with those points you shud be able to add in 4x Companies of Minas Tirith Knights with shields!

You shud have about 30pts left over to do whatever with, maybe another company of knights?

Author:  General Elessar [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

Noddwyr wrote:
Yeah basically drop comand option as they arent worth it and boost numbers, thats the most important bit.

Yes, this is essential. Although all the armies in GW Battle Reports have loads of command upgrades, they aren't actually much good. I would also get another company for the Grey Company, as they are quite fragile. How's this?

Aragorn - 200pts
Grey Company, Banner of Kings, three companies - 205pts
Warriors of Minas Tirith, four companies - 100pts
Warriors of Minas Tirith, four companies - 100pts
Warriors of Minas Tirith, two companies - 50pts
Archers of Minas Tirith, three companies - 90pts

Total - 745pts, 5 Formations, 16 Companies, 6 Might (+1 every turn)

Author:  General Elessar [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

Actually, going with a Pelargir theme, some Warriors of the Dead might be nice...

Author:  Leinad [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

With all necessary respect, i did say that this list would be added to, hence claims that Aragorn is a points sinks are a bit unfounded.

I think i will drop some command options to field 4 comps archers, splitting them in twos as suggested.

I will keep the captains, as my strategy tends to revolve around preemptive attacks, and ill need enough might to call lots of heroic actions for that.

Author:  Noddwyr [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

If you insist on more might, then take Faramir instead of the captains, he is a better deal and you get the same amount of might plus inspiring leader. You can rename him to fit the fluff. Though I do like General Elessars list as far as this theme list goes.

Author:  Leinad [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

Yeah i think i will look into purchasing Faramir. I would take general ellesars list if i could, but i just dont have that many womt

Author:  Leinad [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

I have gotten some army of the dead models, and will write them into my list.

Author:  Morgoth's Dad [ Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of pelargir

Personally if i'm creating a Gondorian army I don't even leave the house without Boromir. Ok so maybe he doesn't spend his summers in Pelargir, but does Aragorn? Dump Aragorn and the captain and attach Boromir to a WoMT formation and beef it up with more companies. I think four companies of WoMT are essential in each formation. Boromir will deal with any enemy epics that stand in your way. :-D

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