The One Ring

Epic Challenge - whats it good for?
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Author:  jscottbowman [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

As the title says, what is it good for?

The only thing I can think is it may pull a challenged unit into an unfavourable position, but it still forces your own unit forward, and several epic heroes that have this ability, I would not be too keen on them getting into combat; Saruman the White F4 and no Epic Strike, Necrmancer F5 and no Epic Strike... etc. At a quick glance I could only see Suladan had Epic Challenge & Epic Strike with a decent F value.

I presume its uses may be more subtle than I can see, but I'd welcome any thoughts on use of Epic Challenge.


Author:  thelordcal [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

The best use is to trap a an epic hero, without epic strike preferably, inside a formation. this way he can't escape from your charging unit and you can hopefully kill him.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

It's a good way for pulling units out of formation, hunting down spellcasters (stick a fighty character in the Challenger unit if need be) and burning their might points ;)

Personally, I still don't think it useful, but not played many games and none with Epic Challenge in.

Author:  Rich1982 [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

Would it be useful to pin an enemy Formation in place too? Perhaps allowing you to flank them with another one of your units.

Question on Epic Challenge - say you called it on an enemy Hero that was 18" away and you were in an infantry Formation that moves 6" per turn. If you don't At The Double you will not be in charge range that turn so do you have to At The Double? Just says that the Hero who called the Epic Challnge has to move towards the opposing Hero and attempt to charge. So I'm thinking you don't have to At The Double if you want to avoid the Heroic Duel and were just using Epic Challenge to pin the opponent in place for a tactical advantage.

Author:  jscottbowman [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

It also scarily talks about using Might points to effect the charge, so on that basis it suggests you have to "pull out all the stops" to get there, so yes you must ATD and use Might points to help you pass if you fail, and use might point to increase your charge range.... again its a bit vague?
MUST you do this, or is it optional?

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

I'm fairly certain that it says as quickly as possible, as well. That means use AtD and then try to charge, even if it has to use Might to get there (if the Might wouldn't get you into contact still, then it's not necessary to use it).

Author:  jscottbowman [ Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

Yeah, thats my take on it

Author:  Xelee [ Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

It does not state "as quickly as possible" only "move toward and attempt to charge this turn". I personally take this to reasonably mean that anyone would be twisting things indeed to try and argue that they are actually attempting to charge by moving so little as to make a charge as impossible. That is not moving and attempting to charge, that is moving and attempting to not charge.

So you challenge the enemy hero, then you make a beeline and attempt the charge. So you should be moving the minimum required to make the charge as likely as possible to succeed.


Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

My apologies. I wasn't 100% on wehter or not it was as quicklk as possible (regardless of wording) or not and thought I'd made a big enough point of that unassuredness.

As said, you would have to move in to, at the very least, maximum charge range (E.G. 8" for infantry), but you DO have to use Might to try and get into combat still (which can take you above that maximum).

Author:  Xelee [ Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

I wasn't having a go at you! Just being clear. I don't think even inching into maximum range really satisfies the requirement to attempt to charge either. Given the odds involved, that is really an attempt to not charge if at all possible.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

Again, I seem to have not been clear. Didn't take it as you having a go, just making sure I was clear too, lol :D I also agree that it's not really trying to get a charge off - you should try to get as close as possible because it has the most likelihood of succeding then.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

I had Epic Challenge used against me well one game. I had Gwaihir zipping around collecting objective markers at high speed on Turn 1. I was on the edge of the enemy reach but thought I could still zip him away from any challenge risks during his moves, but my opponent called an Epic Challenge first, froze my bird in place and then nailed him in an Epic Strike duel and took 3 objectives from me (not to mention loosing a model I intended to have fun swooping with later).

I am sure there are a lot of other possible uses but I think pinning a Hero in a Formation or freezing a fast-moving Formation in place are the biggest. As the rules say though if you use it but try to get cheezy on engaging the frozen formation then you're really going against the spirit of the Challenge, bending if not breaking the rule and probably going to torque off your opponent (who may not want to play with you again in the future if they have a choice). If you make an Epic Challenge then for goodness sack please do it when you intend to go thru with the challenge.

Author:  rohan nut [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Challenge - whats it good for?

I use it fairly often with Boromir. Freezing a ringwraith in place and then charging them before they can escape is the perfect combination with a big dueller like him.

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