The One Ring

How would you counter 3 Winged Nazgul at 1000pts
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Author:  Rich1982 [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  How would you counter 3 Winged Nazgul at 1000pts

Hi all, I've been flicking through the book tonight and got to thinking how powerful a 1k list could be with three Winged Nazgul in it. I understand that one on it's own isn't amazing due to the H2K table's vunerability, but when you mulitply the effects of the spells, their speed and flying monster charges it seems to add up to a force that I am struggling to come up with an answer to at this points level.

I think the first of the three Nazgul I'd have would be the Tainted to increase the effects of some of the spells you'd be using and helping you hit on 3's in combat almost all of the time. I'm thinking the Dwimmerlaik and the Betrayer would be my other two choices.

Here are the counters I've thought of and how the 3 Nazgul would deal with them, all the time using Pall of Night and your natural speed to avoid getting charged when you don't want to....

Artillery - Either move to the side so they do not have arc of fire and charge or cast Strength through Corruption 3 times.
Bowmen - Stay out of range or get close and cast 3 x Sunder Spirits followed by Transfix and then charge.
Duelling Heroes/Epic Strike - 3 x Black Dart to remove his Might (and possible the Hero himself).

The one I haven't got an answer to is spells such as Light of the Valar and Blinding Light, but I doubt many Good armies will have a spell caster at 1000 points? I supose if they did you could just Heroic Duel them yourself.

So am I missing something here? How would your 1000pts army deal with three Nazgul? Finally, what would you spend the remaining 250pts on?

Author:  jscottbowman [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How would you counter 3 Winged Nazgul at 1000pts

Elves could deal with this list I think:

Excellent shooting could drop a wraith per turn... a formation of 24 archers, will get 30 shots at a wraith on fellbeast, 6's followed by 4's or 5's, get two of these and thats a roll on the h2K chart and throw in some heroes or captains might and that could kill a wraith. Thats only with one formation. Take two and thats 60 shots...

Legolas with Crippling shot and Epic Shot plus Might as needed will probably shoot one down per turn.
Thranduil - again Epic Shot.
Galadriel- combinations of courage drop plus visions of woe, and an unlucky courage could roll will see one fly off too... Plus I think Galadriels Touched by Destiny and counsellor(?) can top up the other heroes might to shoot again...

As for the spare 250 points - probably a big block of orcs to contest any take and hold missions


Author:  Xelee [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How would you counter 3 Winged Nazgul at 1000pts

Rich1982 wrote:
So am I missing something here? How would your 1000pts army deal with three Nazgul? Finally, what would you spend the remaining 250pts on?

My army? Either heroic shooting bow units, using hero might to work the H2K table, and hopefully enough stray melee hits. A proper dueling hero has a reasonable chance of getting in to duel them too, and my Reunited Kingdom list has one of those. My Angmar list would hopefully get some of the siege bows into good terrain but would really be relying a lot on Nazgul attack spells, which are pretty good against monsters like that. If I had the models for the Orc bow, those crappy little guys would really come into their own, I think.

What would I add? Either 10 coy of Morranans with shields or 8 coy and Thrydan Wolf'sbane to lead them.

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