The One Ring

opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...
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Author:  DurinsShade [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...

I have a question for anyone who has an opinion re. Shades from the Angmar list (an opinion formed from experiences from fielding or fighting them would be even more so appreciated).

I would simply like an analysis on the viability, survivabilty, usefulness, etc. of the Shades in "War of the Ring".

I can see alot of potential in them if used properly, thoughts?

Author:  ForgottenLore [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...

I have no direct experience with them, but from what I have read in tactica threads they are apparently the lynchpin of the entire Angmar army. Using them properly, protecting them from attack and positioning them to effect the enemy supposedly spells the difference between victory and defeat.

Now, that may be internet hyperbole and hearsay that I am repeating, but that is my understanding.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...

If you use them, I would take the Battlehost that they come in as well. I haven't used nor seen them used, but I do know that's probably the most effective way to use them.

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...

Use em agsint those nasty elves and their massive fight value, that'll screw with any elven player, ha ha.

Author:  Xelee [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...

Draugluin wrote:
If you use them, I would take the Battlehost that they come in as well. I haven't used nor seen them used, but I do know that's probably the most effective way to use them.

That's basically it. Without the Battlehost they are the lynchpin of a not very good Angmar army.

If you do that you are better off without them, IMO. 100pts of not especially tough 'equaliser' seems pretty inefficient to me, though of course YMMV.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...

I think you canuse a Shade in an Angmar army without the Battlehost and I have done myself. What you do is avoid going near any of your own ES heroes unless you also catch all nearby enemy ES heroes, use 'em to protect ghost captains and other non-ES of your own. The strengths are bretty obvious. Main weaknesses are making sure you don't get catch a wraith bit not an ES hero about to duel him as thats one dead Wraith, also Shades are pretty slow, and are difficult to pukll out of danger unless you have an overlord call a heroic move, since you don't want it to fight anyway. Make sure your Shade avoids combatat any cost. Only ever use one Shade, unless you want to take the battlehost, in which case take the minimum because, as Xelee has siad a 100pts is a lot, it isn't a tough equalizer, but it is however the best IMO.

Author:  DurinsShade [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: opinions of those, mayhap wiser than myself? ...

Forgotten Lore, Draugluin, IM A ENT!!!, Xelee, GothmogtheWerewolf:
Thx for all your input, my intention is to field them allied into a Goblin force (2 of them), so the numbers will still be quite sound troop company wise.

The diminished fight values of the enemies (especially Elves bwahahahaha) will help to swing the gain from the investment in my favour on the field (especially with the cheap Goblin units).

I am going to look into the Angmar battlehosts & see if there is one i could reasonably field with allied points only to work with :( but hey... I am fine fielding them as is also >:D

The reference to ES is amusing actually, cause that is one of the original incentives in acquiring Shades. I know that it is a fine & legitimate strategy to accompany ES with Heroic Duels but when you hear it in tandem almost 100% of the time it is much less a duel & much more a... "DuelEpicXecution"... thought of that one myself :) anywho, the tiresome point is when it is called to give a dueller a +5 or more on the Heroic Duel chart before even rolling with some consistency, aggravating to say the least. I digress, tis still a valid tactic, just also an irritating one at the same time.

Thanks again, all :) Cheers...

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