The One Ring

Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host
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Author:  Tzeentchling9 [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

The Tainted(Goes with Orcs)

4c Ghostly Legion w/Captain

Allied: Kardush the Firecaller

Allied: Druzhag the Beastcaller

Buhrdur's Warband 75pts


3x Cave Troll
75pts each(225)

3c Moria Goblins w/Shortbows(w/Kardush)

3c Moria Goblins w/Shortbows(w/Druzhag)

6c Angmar Orcs w/Two-handed weapons and Captain

6c Wargs w/Captain


Wargs, Orcs, Ghosts, and not-hiding Trolls run up the middle and bait the enemy. Reveal SB Goblins, Allied Wizards, hiding Trolls, and Buhrdur with necessary movie references: ... re=related
Bows shoot, wizards magic, Buhrdur murders, Orcs/Wargs/Ghosts outmaneuver and clean up, Trolls distract and/or clean up.

I've played the list at 1025pts(Remove Ghosts, Tainted, and 3 co of Orcs) and 1250pts(Remove Ghosts, add drummer to Orcs, and Deathshriek Fate). It's worked well enough and has been fun to play. Thoughts?

Author:  daersalon [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Interesting. I was hoping to try Buhrdur's Host (assembling the fellow now ready for undercoating). In my list I was going to take more trolls, 2 of the Angmarin Nazgul, and not much outside the Battlehost Listing.

I like the idea of this BH and your success is encouraging. (though Given this is an angmar list why have they added goblins, and not Gundabad Black shields in the BH ? After all Mount Gundabad is bang smack in the middle of Angmar, and canonically every time Angmar rises, it provides a lot of the orc/goblin troops)

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Buhrdur's Warband is something I will try out, though at 2,000ts and using a similar tactic to you (trapping enemies from all sides)

I think your list looks good, although orcs w bows have a better range than gobbos, so if possible, swap one of them. Maybe drop the two captains too, especially the warg chieftain as it will almost certainly be the death of the formatuion.

Also, may I ask what on earth is the 'Deathshriek fate' .I 've never heard of it, it's not in the main rulebook or in battlehosts.

Author:  Tzeentchling9 [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Thanks for the replies. My favorite part of the battlehost is people freaking out over Buhrdur and trolls ambushing, but it's the wizards/bows they generally should be worrying about.

I know Orcsw/Bow are better(stinking 18" range), but I have Goblins w/Shortbows instead for a couple of reasons.

1. Models. I have plenty of SB Goblins, only 8 Bow Orc models(stupid box only has 4 in each :shock: ).
2.Two-handed Weapons+Prowlers+Wings of Terror/Pall of Night= :lol:

I probably have the name of the Fate wrong. It's the Angmar one where an enemy unit within 12" of a spirit/ringwraith takes a courage test on a single d6 and takes casualties per failure.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Tzeentchling9 wrote:
I know Orcsw/Bow are better(stinking 18" range), but I have Goblins w/Shortbows instead for a couple of reasons.

1. Models. I have plenty of SB Goblins, only 8 Bow Orc models(stupid box only has 4 in each :shock: ).
2.Two-handed Weapons+Prowlers+Wings of Terror/Pall of Night= :lol:

I probably have the name of the Fate wrong. It's the Angmar one where an enemy unit within 12" of a spirit/ringwraith takes a courage test on a single d6 and takes casualties per failure.

In the case of the archer, you could have one unit of goblins with bows, one orcs with bows, as well as orcs with two-handers. However, i am only putting one form,ation archers into mine so it has to be them

On the hand, My Buhrdur's warband (just the battlehost here, i'm noting writing out the rest of the force but you can probably guess some of it) would have Buhrdur, 3 Cave Trolls, 3cs of Gobbos w bows, 4 cs of orcs w 2handers (because 6c's will never fit into defensible terraign) 6c's of wargs.

I think i may know which fate you mena, but i would recomend you swap it for the watcher in the shadows fate, which provides i -1penalty to enemy's courage making your ghosts better.

Author:  Tzeentchling9 [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

I have the Captain with the Wargs so they can try to AtD into the flank and Heroic Charge if needed. People generally haven't tried ES+dueling the unit away yet, but I know it's a danger.

The Orc captain is so I don't have to use the Tainted's might for charges and heroic actions. I like using the captain's might to call heroic fight to cancel a mean epic dueling my wraith.

Your host looks good. I was thinking mine would be more shooty oriented with the ambushers. My orcs are 6c because my Wraith is generally in there and there usually is not much good terrain to ambush in after Goblins and Buhrdur claim 3 pieces.

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Its looks all very strong, its weak point is a strong hero that can at least go toe to toe with someone like borimir in a duel, good huys generally get the strong comat heros, while evil gets the nasty cheap spellcasters.

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

I have also used this Angmar battlehost...
http://www.eastgrinsteadwargamers.blogs ... ngmar.html
It worked very well and I loved playing with them... The models on the pictures are also nice to play with.
You can see my army list which worked very well.

Good luck :-)

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Tzeentchling9 wrote:
I have the Captain with the Wargs so they can try to AtD into the flank and Heroic Charge if needed. People generally haven't tried ES+dueling the unit away yet, but I know it's a danger.

The Orc captain is so I don't have to use the Tainted's might for charges and heroic actions. I like using the captain's might to call heroic fight to cancel a mean epic dueling my wraith.

Your host looks good. I was thinking mine would be more shooty oriented with the ambushers. My orcs are 6c because my Wraith is generally in there and there usually is not much good terrain to ambush in after Goblins and Buhrdur claim 3 pieces.

With the Wargs, I have allied in Durburz as he looks right and has ES, i wil convert a mtd version of him on a warg by the end of January. But if you've had sucess so far, try it as is if you prefer.

The orc captain is a good idea, i'd do it in mine only i'd be too low on numbers.

Thankyou, normally i would have them as a 6, but i want them to sneak up behind the enemy to get +2 bonus plus SfC cast by the Undying. Do you not have 8-12 terrain pieces then?

Author:  Tzeentchling9 [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

No, we usually have 6 pieces. Usually something along the lines of 4 forests, a ruin, and a hill.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Your battle field looks much more mumak-friendly. Though 6 is propably enough at 1500.

Author:  Tzeentchling9 [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar 1500 Buhrdur's Host

Funnily enough, no one uses Mumaks here.

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