The One Ring

pre-textured movement trays?
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Author:  chrach7 [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  pre-textured movement trays?

Do any companies make pre-textured wotr movement trays? It's quite tedious getting the pumice on without some getting over the edges of the slots and interfering with the fit of the figures. THanks.

Author:  Xintao [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pre-textured movement trays?

I don't know any companies that do that but I had a suggestion. Why not get something to sit in the hole, like a dowel, while you texture the base. It would stop the pumice from getting in the slot and you pull it out when done adding texture.


Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pre-textured movement trays?

Alternatively, just don't use pumice. I base absolutely everything by covering the desired area with a thin layer of PVA glue, then cover it with fine sand and leave to dry for about an hour (maybe longer depending on the size of the area, but most bases including massive WHFB monster ones will only need about an hour). Once dry, remove excess sand with a high-tech blow of the mouth, and then apply a really diluted coat of PVA glue over the top to make sure none of the sand erodes with time.

Problem solved. 8)

Author:  daersalon [ Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pre-textured movement trays?

There are some very very nice (but very expensive) WOTR movement trays and matching bases made by fantascape:

There was also another resin maker who had very cheap basic trays for almost every conceivable base you might need in WotR. (bases for Nine are abroad... Ballistae... Trebuchet... the three hunters etc) These were gritted, and legal sized, and 1-2 quid each. However, they still need a little work... you can see the odd fingerprint in the 'dirt' and the edges are a little uneven. ... ole-trays/

I did find this site that makes some too.... ... ducts.html

Also I need lots of bases and am fed up of greenstuffing and gritting. And I need more than just the Elven kind of base, plus I wanted something cheape than the fantascape ones, but better than the second link above......So I made my own and made resin copies, and in a spray and a bit of dry brushing.. hey presto a ready to use movement tray.

Here is an example

And another.. (sorry it's tiny)

I have infantry and cavalry trays and bases and currently 3 types:
1. The cobbles and rubble as in pic above
2. 'Fishscale' pattern cobbles
3. Cracked mud

And in the pipeline 'wood planking' for those Corsairs.

I did try to sell some on eBay... maybe I should again...... :)

Author:  londoncalling [ Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pre-textured movement trays?

Nice casts. I like them.

I must admit I moved to wargames tournaments mdf trays, very fair pricing and wide range (especially when one has many many figures to base)

I also decided a while back to have a standard " look and feel" for bases & trays irrespective of the army type. So when they are facing each other you don't get that odd look with one side all on green grassy bases, and another side on desert or planks or cobbles or perched precariously on slate.....

Of course it wouldn't stop you from doing something more fancy for command or hero stands.

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