The One Ring

Monthly Painting Challenge - November: Heroes without Names
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Author:  werennor [ Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - October/Halloween now Open

Hi all, here is my entry for the Halloween challenge: a Nazgul. The miniature is the Betrayer, mounted and on foot. He was waiting to be painted for a long time in my cupboard, but finally, now he is on top of my painting list.posting.php? :D


Author:  werennor [ Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - October/Halloween now Open

Hi Mr Gimli,
I just posted some pictures of a boat model in the category Work in Progress. If you like it and if you have questions how to build them, just contact me.

Author:  werennor [ Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - October/Halloween now Open

Here are my finished models for the October challenge, late as usual.

For a Nazgul, The Betrayer is quite pretty ...





and here are both in one picture, a ghostly duplication, really supernatural!


Author:  Mr Gimli [ Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - October/Halloween now Open

Apologies on my lateness, I admit I haven't managed to do much! I had made a start on the barrow but ran out of supplies, I also finished a few rangers off (pics to follow).

I will update the main post, Werenor is there any particular theme you would like to go for in November?

Author:  werennor [ Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - November is Open

Hi Mr Gimli, sorry for answering alter 4 days, but I was not at home over the weekend.

I suggest as a theme "heroes without names", somehow fitting to a grey November, and it should be possible to finish a single figure until December.

I therefore would paint a king of men.

Best wishes, for health, work and hobby.

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - November is Open

werennor wrote:
Hi Mr Gimli, sorry for answering alter 4 days, but I was not at home over the weekend.

I suggest as a theme "heroes without names", somehow fitting to a grey November, and it should be possible to finish a single figure until December.

I therefore would paint a king of men.

Best wishes, for health, work and hobby.

No worries at all, I am not very prompt either!

That is a great idea sounds good to me! The Kings of Men sculpts are absolute classics as well. For myself, I think I will go with a Ranger of the North on this one.

Author:  werennor [ Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - November: Heroes without N

Well here is my King of Men for the November challenge. A good chance to put some colour onto a miniature, which had been for much too long time black primed in a black box.

Author:  werennor [ Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - November: Heroes without N

I finished my king last night, so this time just in time. He has got a somewhat dismal expression, but he lived in hard times. Middle Earth has a cruel history.

Here are the pictures:



Author:  Mr Gimli [ Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - November: Heroes without N

Brilliant stuff Werenor I really like the colour choices very regal looking!

On the more scruffy end of the scale, here is my ranger of the north. I went for a darker cloak to be his hard wearing exterior on the cold nights in the wilderness of middle earth. To contrast I went with a brighter blue on the inner clothes to hint at his noble lineage:


And with that we come to a close on the thread! I would like to thank everyone for their participation with special thanks to Werenor, it has been great seeing everyone's work and clearing some of the backlog out! Due to limited hobby time and real life commitments I am sure everyone is in the same boat, we will be pausing on this for now.

I will be updating my hobby log in the WIP every now and then hope to catch up with you then.

Author:  werennor [ Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - November: Heroes without N

Hi Mr Gimli, your ranger is great! Thank you for sharing the pictures, great work.

I like this ranger and Dunedain miniatures very much, and I have some of them still unpainted in a box. When I'll start painting them as a new project, I will take your model as painting guide.

So, more posts then next time in the WIP thread.

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