I am going to try something a little different when i base my Corsairs and Mahud, I am looking for a savannah style effect on them. I have ordered a tub of GW's 'Dead Grass' as this seems to be the right colour, I also have some 'Woodland Scenics' 'Yellow Grass', which is much denser as it is medium ground cover and wolud not cover a base properly, it is best used for small tufts and to represent undergrowth.
So, i would like to know how you would go about creating a base ressembling Far Harad's Savannahs, and also how you would add some extra detail to the bases (What would be themeatic, i know it is an undiscovered area mostly so this may be hard.)?
Thanks for your help, i will post WIP pictures once i have some good ideas from people because i am clueless at the moment.