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 Post subject: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:48 am 
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Wellsirs, as mentioned in the "alternate miniatures" thread, here are some supplementary Monty Python's Holy Grail profiles that I devised to play along with the excellent scenario that was printed in Wargames Illustrated (I believe, sadly I don't have the issue, just a saved pdf).

Anyways, enjoy!

Tim the Enchanter – ?? points
Tim is something of a loner for the most part, but will join Arthur and the knights from time to time to aid them in battle. A strange and cantankerous mountain hermit, he mostly keeps to himself and prefers blowing up inanimate objects to actual fighting.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
4/- 4 6 2 2 6 - 1/8/1
Wargear: Tim carries a staff, which may be used as a two-handed weapon.
[u]Special Rules[/u]:
It IS the Rabbit. Only Tim knows the true nature of the dread beast of Caer-Bannog, and is therefore immune to its Unassuming special rule. In addition, so great is Tim’s knowledge of all and sundry throughout the realm that he may ignore a special rule from one opponent within 6” every turn. The special rule is not negated for Tim’s allies, he simply gets to ignore it himself.
Magic Powers:
Pyrotechnics. Range: 10”. Dice score to use: 3+. Fire leaps from Tim’s outstretched palm, staff, or just erupts from the ground to strike a nearby foe. The target suffers a Strength 6 hit.
Autoimmolation. Dice score to use: 4+. All models within 1” of Tim suffer a Strength 3 hit. After resolving damage, place Tim in a new location anywhere within 6”, whereupon all models within 1” suffer another Strength 3 hit (a model can only be targeted by this magic power once per turn).

Brother Maynard and Brother Maynard’s Brother – ?? points
These two unassuming clerics occasionally follow Arthur and his knights as a sort of “cheer squad,” but rarely contribute anything more than emotional support. In game terms, the two are treated as a single entity on a 40mm round base.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
1/- 3 3 2 1 3 - 0/6/1
Wargear: The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch and a number of other relics and artifacts, but are otherwise considered to be unarmed.
Special Rules:
Inspirational. By expending a point of Will, Brother Maynard and Brother Maynard’s Brother can boost the valour of nearby knights, giving all allies within 6” +1 to their Courage values.
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Likely the only useful item in the Maynards’ arsenal, no creature, no matter how resilient, can withstand a blast from this mighty weapon. Once per game, either they or a model within 1” of them may toss the hand grenade, requiring a 4+ to hit their intended target. If the target is hit it is automatically slain. If it is missed all models within 1” (including the target himself) suffer a strength 3 hit.

Patsy, Concord, and any other peasant foolish enough to be Knights’ squire – 10 points
The rare peasant that has not joined Dennis’s Anarcho-Syndicalist Peasant League often winds up in the service of a Knight, hauling a pair of coconuts and whatever comforts he may require. Although not an especially glorious existence, there are few other options for the loyalist peasant.
1/- 2 2 1 1 1
Wargear: Spear, two-handed weapon
Special Rules:
Arms-Caddy. A squire must be assigned to a knight, and remains in base-to-base contact with the knight at all times, unless the knight moves into base-to-base contact with an enemy, at which point the squire can remain at a safe 4” distance. Although neither skilled enough nor brave enough to actually use the weapons they carry around, squires can pass these weapons to the knight for use at any time. If a squire finds himself in melee with an enemy, he may not strike back in the extremely unlikely event that he wins the fight.
Arrow Fodder. Whenever a squire’s knight is struck by a missile attack of any kind, roll a die. On a result of 3+, the squire is hit instead.

The Black Knight – 115 points
Perhaps the only knight in the realm as stupidly brave (or bravely stupid?) as Sir Lancelot, The Black Knight finds himself at odds with anyone and everyone for no apparent reason, but loves a good scuffle. He also has an uncanny optimism, a knack for seeing himself as the victor in any and all situations, even when defeat is painfully apparent.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
4/- 4 6 5 * 8 - 3/3/3
Wargear: Sword and heavy armor.
Special Rules:
None shall pass! At the beginning of the game, before forces are deployed, choose a terrain feature on the board. The Black Knight has arbitrarily decided that absolutely no-one may trespass on this ground. Place him anywhere within this terrain, or within 3" if the terrain piece is too small. He will automatically and immediately charge any model that moves within 3" of his chosen terrain piece, friend or foe, interrupting the normal order of priority and even the offending model's movement to do so. The Black Knight may never stray more than 3" from this terrain piece unless he is forced to.
It's Only a Flesh Wound. Although The Black Knight can withstand a ridiculous amount of punishment, due largely to his optimistic misconception that he is always winning, he becomes a somewhat less effective combatant as he is “worn down.” As such, The Black Knight's Attack characteristic is always equal to his current number of Wounds.

The Green Knight - 90 points
The Green Knight has no affiliations with Arthur's Round Table, but instead wanders the land issuing challenges to any and all comers - a habit that would end poorly when fellow rogue The Black Knight mightily chucked a sword through his eye.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
4/- 4 6 2 2 6 - 3/3/3
Wargear: Heavy armor, a shield, and a myriad of weapons.
Special Rule:
Challenge. The Green Knight's only purpose is to seek out worthy opponents to face in a duel to the death. At the beginning of the game, select an enemy hero - The Green Knight must attempt to engage this model in melee combat first, and recieves +1 to his Fight characteristic when fighting this model. Once (if) his target is slain, he must then select a new enemy hero, until there are none left. Additionally, any model that slays The Green Knight causes Terror.
Arsenal. The Green Knight likes to be well-equipped to face any potential threat, with new weapons appearing seemingly out of thin air when needed. As such, he may choose at the beginning of each close combat phase whether he would like to use a two-handed weapon, a spear, two hand-weapons (recieving +1 attack), or a hand weapon and a shield (recieving +1 defense).

The Three-Headed Knight – ?? points
No one’s quite sure where they came from, why they’re there, or why they enjoy impaling Arthur’s knights so much, but according to Robin’s account (the only knight to have actually encountered the beastly trio) they’re, really, really scary. Fortunately they bicker enough to give most knights a chance to flee should they have the brains to do so.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
6/- 5 6 3 3 6 - 3*/3*/3*
Wargear: Heavy armor, a lance, and a hand weapon.
Special Rules:
Impale! If the Three-Headed Knight finds himself in combat against opponents supported by spear- or pike-armed allies, he may direct a single attack against up to three models that are in a row and supported in this manner. He may only attack one group of enemies in this manner per turn, and must direct the remainder of his attacks against opponents that are in base-to-base contact. For example, if facing three French Guards with swords, one of whom is supported by a spearman, he may attempt to wound all for French Guards in total. However, if he is facing two French Guards with swords who are both supported by spearmen, he may only attempt to impale one swordsman/spearman pair, and must direct the remainder of his attacks only on the swordsmen.
Terry, Graham, and Michael. The three heads of the Three-Headed Knight rarely agree on how to go about doing anything. As such, although the Three-Headed Knight has 3 Might, Will, and Fate each, he is not necessarily able to use them all on the same turn, depending on which of his heads has taken charge. On a roll of 1-2 he can only use up to 1 of each this turn. On a roll of 3-5 he can use up to 2 of each. On a roll of 6 his heads are too busy bickering to make use of any Might, Will, or Fate at all for this turn (he may still move and fight as normal, however). Additionally, if they win a combat all opponents may make a free move directly away on a roll of 4+, before the Three-Headed Knight has a chance to attack.

The Knights who say “Ni!”
Terrifying to behold, difficult to please, and puzzling to engage in conversation, the Knights of Ni! are perhaps the second fiercest opponents to Arthur and his knights. Giants among men, they tower over ordinary knights and will not suffer any man to pass through their woods without paying sufficient tribute, which (depending on their whimsy) may be anything.
F S D W A C - M/W/F

5/- 4 6 2 2 6 - 2/2/2


4/- 4 5 1 2 5
Wargear: the Knights who say “Ni!” wear heavy armor and carry swords.
Special Rules:
10 feet tall! Inexplicably, the Knights who say “Ni!” are enormous. To reflect the advantage this gives them over ordinary knights, they always receive a +1 bonus to their combat dice (this does not turn a roll of 6 into a score of 7).
Trials and Tributes. When a model comes into base-to-base contact with any of the Knights who say “Ni!”, roll a die. On a roll of 1-4, the eccentric giants require a tribute of some kind, which may be anything. If the model has killed an opponent at any point during this battle, he may give the knights some small token from that opponent to satisfy them (peasants don't count – they don't have anything). If not, he must forfeit a piece of equipment from his Wargear list.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:17 pm 
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As a Monty Python fan this is worth a good read all by itself simply for a good chuckle.

Slightly off-topic - My eldest Son recently bought a Monty Python Fluxx Deck

And now for something completely different—It's... Monty Python Fluxx!

Yes, that crazy card game where the rules keep changing has joined forces with Monty Python to create the looniest card game ever! Help King Arthur and his Knights find the Holy Grail! Bring a Shrubbery to the Knights Who Say Ni! Lob the Holy Hand Grenade at the Killer Rabbit with Nasty Big Teeth! Just do it quickly before the Goal changes again!

Each deck contains 100 cards and instructions.

Careful with that axe of yours... Dain!


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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:12 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Are there any other profiles available that you can put up? Like the Rabbit or Sir Robin for example? :)

'You would die before your stroke fell!' ~Legolas :legolas:

Check out my WIP! :meh:
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:29 am 
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Or King Arthur and his knights, or the french?

Love these, might give this a try one day, if there were a few more profiles.

Also, shouldn't the green knight cause terror?
Also the black knight's terrain piece should cause terror as few would be brave enough to face him
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:47 am 
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Sure thing, here are the rest of the profiles (that I have - mind you these aren't my own, they're from the original scenario). Note that the reason several point values are missing is that I was designing this as a 3-4 player scenario with fixed forces, so the point values were somewhat a secondary consideration for if someone wanted to use the profiles out of context. The idea would be for one player to take Arthur (split into two forces if there are 4 players), one to take the Anarcho-Syndicalist Peasant's League, and one to take the various other miscreants.

At any rate, here are the rest:

The Knights of the Round Table

Arthur, King of the Britons - 120 points
The legendary Arthur is both a just ruler and brave warrior who will later lead his men on the quest of the Grail. A stern, stoic man, Arthur is prone to haughtiness and has a pathological dislike for all things silly.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
5/- 4 7 3 3 6 - 3/3/3
Wargear: Excalibur (sword), heavy armour, coconuts and shield.
Special Rule:
King of the Britons. As Arthur is the true King of the Britons (though his title may be disputed by some) he commands his men with great weight of authority. He can inspire them to great feats on the battlefield and help overcome some of their more erratic behaviour. By spending a point of Will Arthur can make heroic actions as if he had used Might, or alternatively he can negate either Lancelot’s Fearlessness or Robin’s Cowardice special rules for the turn.

Sir Lancelot the Brave - 105 points
The mightiest of Arthur’s knights, Lancelot’s courage in battle is probably better described as maniacal psychotic behaviour. He may defeat everyone he comes in contact with but he also has a habit of massacring everyone else who unfortunately happens to be nearby.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
6/- 5 7 3 3 9 - 6/0/3
Wargear: Sword, heavy armour, coconuts and shield.
Special Rule:
Fearlessness. Lancelot is so brave that he does not understand the concept of tactics. His entire battle philosophy is to charge forward and kill everything in sight. This serves him well most of the time but it does limit his tactical flexibility. Lancelot must always move a full 6” in a straight line every turn until he gets into combat with the closest foe and he will use Heroic Fight each and every turn whist in combat.

Sir Galahad the Pure - 60 points
The youngest of the knights of the round table, Galahad is perhaps too nice for his own good. He is also completely chaste and for this he receives much mockery from the other knights. Though not as accomplished a warrior as some of the other knights, his bravery is without question.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
4/- 4 7 2 2 6 - 2/2/2
Wargear: Sword, heavy armour, coconuts and shield.
Special Rule:
Purity. Galahad is so pure that he would rather not kill anyone if he can at all help it. As such he tends to incapacitate enemies and knock them out instead of actually killing them. This sits well with his conscience but it makes winning battles more difficult for the rest of the knights. When Galahad has defeated a foe in combat (i.e. removed their last wound) roll a D6 and consult the below table to see what actually happens to them.
D6 Roll Result
1-2 Nothing. He pulls his blow at the last second and they are not wounded after all.
3-4 Knocked Out. The enemy is out cold, but will wake up on a roll of 4+ at the start of each of his movement phases.
5-6 Dead. Galahad actually kills them, probably by mistake though.

Sir Robin the Not-Quite-so-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot - 20 points
Sir Robin is easily the most timid knight ever to sit around the round table. In fact he is so cowardly that he has never actually really fought anyone. He can fight, but he usually runs away and lets his minstrels do the fighting for him.
He is out of luck today however, as Arthur ordered him to leave the minstrels at Camelot.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
3/- 4 7 2 2 2 - 1/2/3
Wargear: Sword, heavy armour, coconuts and shield.
Special Rule:
Cowardice. Robin’s lack of courage cannot be underestimated under any circumstances. Given half the chance he won’t even turn up for fights, let alone fight in them. Not only does he have abysmal Courage, he must pass a Courage test to be able to move into base contact with an enemy model, no matter how feeble they are. Additionally, if he actually loses a Wound he automatically starts retreating.

Sir Bedevere the Wise - 95 points
Sir Bedevere is Arthur’s most loyal friend and trusted confidante. He is knowledgeable and wise but his common sense may be somewhat lacking. He is more used to reading than fighting and though he may not be able to swing a sword as well as the others, he at least knows all the theory.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
3/- 4 7 2 2 6 - 1/4/3
Wargear: Sword, heavy armour, coconuts and shield.
Special Rule:
Wisdom. Bedevere is so wise that he can offer insight into how his fellow knights should be fighting. Each turn Bedevere may, by spending a point of Will, give a free point of Might to any knight within 6”. This free point of Might must be used by the end of the same turn.

Sir Bors – 0 points
Second only to Lancelot in hardness, Sir Bors is something of a mystery. He never travels with the other knights, never eats with them but does occasionally turn up almost magically to join in a fight. This strange behaviour would come to a close when he chose the wrong time to appear and was killed by a vicious rabbit.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
6/- 4 7 3 3 6 - 4/1/2
Wargear: Sword, heavy armour, coconuts and shield.
Special Rule:
Where’d He Come From? In any force containing all 5 other Knights of the Round Table, there is a chance Sir Bors will pop up. Bors doesn’t start the game with the rest of the knights, but appears at random. At the start of each and every movement phase roll a D6, on a roll of 6 Sir Bors may be deployed within 2” of Arthur and can act normally, but for that turn only. He will disappear again at the start of the next turn unless another 6 is rolled.
Alternatively, if you really want, Sir Bors can be played as a normal, reliable, boring member of the Knights of the Round Table, ignoring the above special rule and costing ?? points.

The Anarcho-Syndicalistic Peasant League

Dennis - 80 points
The mouthy Dennis is not just an unwashed lowlife but also a brilliant orator who can even get the up in a war of words with Arthur, and that’s no easy feat. He possesses few combat skills and would do well to keep the fighting as far away from himself as he possibly can. His leadership skills though are so fine tuned that by encouragement alone he can transform the most pathetic of peasants into a fearsome lord of battle.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
3/- 3 3 3 1 6 - 1/6/3
Wargear: Stick (hand weapon).
Special Rules:
Inspiration. By talking alone Dennis makes his followers believe they can achieve anything if they work together and with his belief they will happily fight Arthur and his knights. Any peasant that is within 6” of Dennis becomes a Super Peasant and uses the statistics for that warrior type instead of their normal statistics. In addition while Dennis lives the peasants are immune to fear and will not run.
Argumentative. Dennis is at his best when he gets into an argument about the unjust society they live in and most knights cannot help but to argue back. By spending Will, just like casting a spell, on a roll of 4+ Dennis can target a knight within 8”. He then argues with that knight so tenaciously that the knight has no choice but to abandon what he was doing so he can argue too. He can do nothing for the rest of the turn and if in combat he suffers -1 F and -1 A, losing his chance to strike blows if he still wins.

Super Peasants – ***
4/4+4 5 1 2 6
Wargear: Hand weapon or bow.

Peasants - 4 points
More used to being smelly than to fighting, the peasants’ only strength is in their numbers, but even that will not be enough against the knights. Only with Dennis do they have a chance at victory. No more than 25% of the peasants of any a rabble may be armed with bows.
2/5+3 3 1 1 2
Wargear: Hand weapon or bow.

These few are mine:

Sir Gawain – ?? points
The youngest of Arthur’s knights, Gawain is always attempting to prove himself to his comrades. His inferiority complex is made worse by the incessant goading and teasing of his fellow knights, which is in no small part due to his lavender livery. As with Bors, Gawain met his eventual end at the hands of a most vicious rabbit.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
4/- 4 6(7) 2 2 6 - 4/1/2
Wargear: Two-handed axe, heavy armour, coconuts and shield. Gawain’s shield may be used against ranged attacks, giving him a defense of 7, but he must sling it across his back in order to use his axe in melee, giving him a defense of 6.
Special Rules:
Inferiority Complex. Such is his need to prove himself, Sir Gawain will always charge into combat against the enemy with the highest point value within his range. If there are no opponents within 6” of Gawain at the start of his turn, he may be moved normally.
Decapitator. Always out to off his enemies in a sufficiently impressive and epic manner, Gawain has become quite handy with his massive axe. If an opponent is wounded by Gawain (other than the Three-Headed Knight), he is slain outright, regardless of how many wounds he may have remaining.

Sir Hector – ?? points
The oldest of Arthur’s knights, and sharing Bors’s strange habit of showing up at inopportune times, Hector is nonetheless a valuable asset to the knights as a no-nonsense hardened veteran and campaigner. Unfortunately for him, as go Bors and Gawain, so goes Hector – killed by the vorpal bunny.
F S D W A C - M/W/F
4/- 3 7 3 3 6 - 2/2/2
Wargear: Sword, heavy armour, coconuts and shield.
Special Rule:
Grizzled Old Veteran. Too many campaigns (and perhaps a blow too many to the head during chorus practice back in Camelot) have left Hector a thick-skulled and resolute warrior. Hector knows best, and he knows he knows best – therefore when in the heat of battle he won’t listen to anyone or take any advice from the other rapscallions in Arthur’s entourage. Hector ignores Bedivere’s Wisdom, Brother Maynard and Brother Maynard’s Brother’s Inspiration, and Dennis’s Argumentative special rules. In addition, he does not benefit from friendly character’s heroic actions, although allies benefit from his heroic actions as normal.

English Knight – ?? points
While the majority of Arthur’s knights stay in Camelot and practice their show routines, should they or their intrepid leader be grievously insulted, or insulted by any Frenchman, they will rally together for battle.
3/- 3 5 1 1 4
Wargear: Sword, shield, and armor

Other profiles that I have not yet made, but have plans for:

The Beast of Caer-Bannog
Text to follow.

“The Castle”
Arthur and company may encounter any number of castles during their journeys. Before the game begins, but after models have been deployed, place a tower in or near the center of the board, then roll a die:
1-2 Stinking French (2 French Kniggits and 4 French Guards)
3-4 Castle Anthrax (Zewt and 5 Temptresses)
5-6 Swamp Castle (2 Swamp Castle Guards)

Stinking French Kniggits
The French Kniggits are completely disinterested in Arthur’s quest for the Grail, and will tell any lie to get out of participating. In fact, they won’t leave their castle at all, and play no part in this game. Their scheming and ill-mannered guards, however, will prove to be a nuisance for any red-blooded Englishman that wanders their way.
3 3 5 2 2 3
Wargear: A French Kniggit wears armor and carries a spear and shield.
Special Rules:
“We already ‘ave one!” Text to follow.
Feche la vashe! Text to follow.

Zewt and the Temptresses of Castle Anthrax
Text to follow.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Thanks for those profiles they are a real laugh :rofl: Can't wait to see the Beast of Caer-Bannog :)

'You would die before your stroke fell!' ~Legolas :legolas:

Check out my WIP! :meh:
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:43 pm 
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Are there profiles for the policemen?
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:28 pm 
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Fantastic - I think the Minstrels should be part of this though :-)

Careful with that axe of yours... Dain!


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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:52 am 
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And every knight should come with a coconut man.
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:15 pm 
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ElfLover wrote:
Thanks for those profiles they are a real laugh :rofl: Can't wait to see the Beast of Caer-Bannog :)

Yeah, as evidenced by Tim's special rule, I had intended to give it some sort of surprise attack rule ("Unassuming"), but beyond that I haven't been sure how to write him up. Open to ideas!

LordElrond wrote:
Are there profiles for the policemen?

Not as of yet - without a historian for Lancelot to kill there's not any motivation for them to enter into the scenario. Maybe as some sort of deus ex machina, scenario-ending, "rocks fall everyone dies" event at the end of the game, though!

On a barely related note, ever since finding out about Victoria Miniatures Inquisitors, I've really wanted to add a random NPC element with the Spanish Inquisition too.

Azog wrote:
Fantastic - I think the Minstrels should be part of this though :-)

I certainly thought about writing them up, but in the original scenario part of Robin's fluff is that Arthur ordered the Minstrels to remain at Camelot this go 'round, so I left them out.

LordElrond wrote:
And every knight should come with a coconut man.

That's the Patsy, Concord, and any other peasant foolish enough to be Knights’ squire profile in the original post.

I don't view this as an exclusive project - I'm completely open to ideas, suggestions, and new profiles, too! Anyone that wants to take a stab at something not already up, or propose changes to the profiles I posted, please feel free to do so. The whole idea is a tongue-firmly-in-cheek scenario, so it should be fun and open to input.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:50 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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For beast of Caer-Bannog how about when it charges you you lose one attack and go down a fight value unless you are Tom the Enchanter :)

'You would die before your stroke fell!' ~Legolas :legolas:

Check out my WIP! :meh:
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 Post subject: Re: Monty Python's Round Table SBG
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:24 pm 
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That's an interesting idea for unassuming. I was also going to make it so that no knight could target the rabbit until it had attacked, maybe unless they begin the round within a certain distance of Tim? It should also cause Terror, and perhaps impose a courage penalty, once it has killed someone.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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