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 Post subject: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:23 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:01 pm
Posts: 16
Location: Zuidland, The Netherlands
Hello everyone,

this will be my post about going to The Desolation of Stockport Hobbit SBG tournament hosted by the GBHL Youtube team, James and Jamie on the 12th and 13th.

Since it would be an expensive weekend, i'd make full use of it and decided on flying in on Thursday, and leave on Tuesday. (Which would still be cheaper than flying on friday and monday!!!) Giving me 4 days of hobby madness! After arriving in Manchester a fine busdriver, and after that a cabby took me to the Britannia Hotel in Stockport. I highly recommend the Hotel if you attend one of the Tournaments at the North West Gaming Centre, it's got nice food, a stocked bar in the lobby and walking to the NWGC makes late-night-drinking-after-great-sbgbattles-headaches go away like snow beneath the sun!

After checking in and putting my bags into the clean and decent size room, i took that walk down the road to the NWGC (without the headache, it was early...), after a 15 min. walk i was greeted by the busy bees of Element Games. After having a nice chat about zombies, gaming, the Hobbit, painting, tournaments, Holland and more the Hobbit, Byron of Element Games asked: "Would you like to meet the guys from the channel?" and he led me into the gaming hall and i was greeted by a very nice guy named James -Rohaaaan!- . And shook hands with the King of the Woodland Realm, Jamie. And after that they allowed me to help recreated Middle-Earth! The evening crept in after searching for enough trees and hills, all the while i was getting to know the guys from inside the Youtubes, and Soren from Denmark (who came in a little bit later than i did).

Jamie, James and me!

As our stomachs began to gurgle, it was time to leave. James went home, but Jamie and I went to the Bamford Arms for a burger (A TRIPLEDECKER!) and a few beers (Guinness please!) And we were soon joined by Soren, our danish friend and had a brilliant time. It wasnt even friday and i couldn't wait for more!

Soren and Jamie

-edit- didn't tell you guys my army list!

Leader, warband 1:
Balin with Durins Axe leading; 2 Khazad Guard, 8 Dwarf Warriors, 5 shields, 2 with two-handed axe, 1 banner.

Warband 2:
Floi Stonehand leading; 2 Khazad Guard, 5 Dwarf Warriors, 2 with shields, 2 with two-handed axe, 1 warhorn.

Allied warband 3:
Dwalin leading; 4 Grimhammers.

I got up pretty late, had my breakfast in the form of cereal, beans in tomatosauce, bacon, toast, more bacon, and some o-j. After that i headed for the NWGC. I was one of the first in, but soon the hall was filled with over 12 Hobbit-Hobbyists.
Bottom table: Thomas Macklen, my adversary. Soren vs. Elliott and Ste vs. (sorry but i cant remember your name, warg marauders army!?)

Thomas' Dwarves attack Saruman (It was Rescue with me desperately trying to get Saruman away!) Thomas took the victory, and my first great game on UK soil was over.

My second practice game against Elliott McDonalds Harad force. (A victory for "Young Abe")

Halfway through the day we went out for a lovely meal at the Bamford Arms.

Jay Clares full Laketown army! With Bard trying to get away in Rescue! Bard set up in the centre of Bree-town since he was going to be the man in need of rescue. I set up in between the buildings around by board edge. Since i had a 24 model army, i couldn't have one warband stuck against 40 Laketown Guard. In the first few turns during his priority, Bard backed off and got behind some of his Guardsmen, and he kept me in between the buildings. Floi's warband got smothered before i could get form a decent front line. After that it was a tumble down the hill, the sheer number of attacks was taken down Dwarfs. There was one moment i got priority, and i could charge Bard with Dwalin, he surrounded the brave dwarf, even adding Alfrid to the mix... Three dice were thrown for Dwalin, and not a single six! He beat my score, and killed him 5 times over after trying with Alfid (who couldnt even try to wound the ferocious Dwarf, and i lost the first battle of the tournament.

And seeing this picture makes it quite apparent that Jay took a swooping victory!

UKFreddybear and DeadMarshSpectre had an entire collection out on a table!

My second game was against Will Poynters Wood Elves. A lovely mix of Thranduil and Palace Guard, Tauriel and Mirkwood Rangers. So Rescue again, now with me as the defender. Balin and his warband set up in the centre. Dwalin set up behind the huge rockformation of the Lothlorien board, trying to mount a defensive position. The first few turns were cautious on both sides. Me getting Balin behind Dwalins line of defense, and Will moving up slightly with his Palace Guard and getting his Rangers within line of sight to my Dwarfs. Playing on the defensive, and keep shrugging off the arrows isn't me, and it wasn't Dwarvish, so i took the offensive and started to move up. The battle was quite at odds and both took a few warriors down.

In the end i didn't break the Elves, and Will didn't kill Balin. But there was a defining moment that made me commit to using banners and warhorns. Thranduil got around and attacked my Bannerbearer and Hornblower both. After two rounds of combat, they came out victorious, and Thranduil lay cleved in twain! No objectives were met, so that made it a draw!

During lunch, i set my models of for the painting judges, and couldnt resist setting them up all dwarvish on the Moria table.

My third battle was Barricade against the very pleasant man, Mertaal! With his Isengard forces he had to keep Balin from getting off the board. A long footslog across the plains of Rohan!

A hail of crossbow bolts would fill the fields of Rohan every turn once i got in range.

A desperate fight broke out with Balin and Dwalin leading the charge against the foul creatures of Saruman!

Balin was so ridiculously close to the board edge.

After mutiple heroic combat, killing -and not killing-, tricky movement and intense dice rolling, laughter and joy over good or bad dice-rolling (Eating of my bribe-cookie -hmmm stroopwafels!-) the Last-round call was made, the table divider that was indicating the board edge was off by 6 inches, meaning two extra turns would have to be played for Balin to actually reach the board edge. We didn't have that time, and so it came to be Mertaal was victorious over the Dwarfs.

My last game of the day was against Joe Horsfall, he had brought his 'Monster-Mash' army. The Goblin King as a leader, a Mordor Troll Chieftain, Spider Queen, Dweller in the Dark and a Gundabad Blackshield Shaman. He played very well, did exactly what he had to do and got the Goblin King (his force leader off the board in about 6 turns of heroic marching, barging and heroic combatting. The game was over quick enough i didn't have time for pictures. We played through with the models we had left, but finished that pretty soon after. It was a beautifull display of the ferocious efficienty a monster army can do. Joe was really nice throughout the entire battle and gave enough advice to keep the dice rolling for a little longer. So the last battle of Day 1, was an obliterating defeat for me.

After that we lingered in the hall for a bit, i desperately tried to shake hands with everyone and get a chat it. (SO MANY PEOPLE!) After a little debacle at the Bamford Arms, some of us (Including me) settled in Amici. The rest went for curry. I had a very lovely Calzone that made me want more. A great number of drinks was had and i met wonderfull people with the same interests. I couldn't ask for a better end to a great day.

The morning of Sunday started good, breakfast consisting of more bacon! And a few other stragglers they call breakfast-food. While walking to the NWGC two fellow wargamers picked me up (Sorry so many names!)

My opening game was against George Perkins' Wood Elves, Thranduil and Palace Guard, Legolas, Tauriel and some Mirkwood Rangers. The scenario was Seize the Price and we started on our boardedges.

I heroic marched up 8 inches on the first turn, and the second/third turn walked past the objective. George walked up 3 inches every turn, shooting his bows every turn. Luckily for me, he didn't cut down many.

After two turns a Khazad Guard dug up the prize, and started putting his two short legs to good use and legged it for the board edge. Two tiny protectors in the form of a warrior with shield and a warrior with two-handed axe walked right behind him.

Since i was broken, i had to take courage tests. Luckily my Khazad Guard is a courageous bodyguard and kept walking. On the last turn George got priority, Nature's Wrath knocked Balin on his ass, charged Legolas, Tauriel and Thranduil in and then my brave little Khazad Guard walked off the board edge! Balin even went on to win the fight and stand on his feet! (If i recall right, or that could be the adrenaline.)

I had won my first victory! Thank you George Perkins for the awesome battle! Dwarf of the Match was the legendary Khazad Guard making the long trek back to the board edge!

My second game of the day was against the very likeable Elliott McDonald (not related to Ronald) with his Corsair Reavers led by the Golden King. Those Reavers are really tough models to crack, and i dreaded to go up against them... (i learned that the hard way when i played that practice game against him)

The scenario we had to play was To the Death, and i was set on getting a second victory. We set up a bit apart and after a few moves we ended up with two lines ready to get stuck in.
Luckily and sadly, the game was so tense that i didn't get time to snap a shot with my camera. Luckily the game was very intense and exciting! I could've ended it when Dwalin was able to charge the Golden King. Regretfully so, I charged another Dwarf in there. Since it was part of a Heroic Move, Elliott -very wisely- attacked Dwalin with a reaver, thus pairing Dwalin off with that model! Just Dwalin going toe to toe with the Golden King would've (Hopefully) been glorious! My mistake, and his smart move! The end was amazing! Second to last turn, Balin had to survive a courage test within 12 inches of the Golden King. The Golden Kings special rule, -Riches beyond reknown- can reduce Balins courage value by 1 for every point of will. When i rolled a 7 came up. With my courage 6, +1 from the warhorn in my army, the total was 14. The Golden King would using his will to lower it, if he was going to use all 6, I would be down to courage 8 and flee the field. We secretly decided how much will points we would be using. Elliott and I placed our dice on the table... Elliott decided on using all 6 his Will points, and I revealed my die to use 2! Balin passed and stayed on the battlefield. After that there came one final showdown: The Goldenking, 3 reavers and spear support against Balin. He had priority, and killed my Banner Bearer first, so i only had my single reroll with Durin's Axe and no Might left. If I rolled a 6, i'd win. First 2 dice, no 6. I did get a 5 though, so hope remained. His handfull of attacks did get a six. So it came down to rolling a 6 with my re-roll... and despite being very nice to the dice-gods, I rolled a 2. Elliott had won, and rolled all his dice and wounded Balin 4 times, even with my Fate Point, Balin had fallen! And since it was the last turn, Elliott stood victorious at the Lothlorien-theme table!

Congrats Elliott, wonderfully intense game!

My last game for this tournament was yet again against Will Poynters Mirkwood force. The scenario was Take and Hold, a custom scenario which revolved around an objective marker, my Gimli on dead Uruk-hai was placed in the centre of the board and sat there very smug, smoking his pipe. Will and I both set up on our own board edges, and started moving to the centre. Since Heroic Marching to the centre helped me out against George Perkins' Mirkwood Elves I did that again, and got a little perimeter around the objective. Will then started shooting at me whilst slowly creeping up with his Mirkwood Rangers, and on the other size his Palace Guard stood strong. His higher Fight value (Palace Guard get +1 fight if Thranduil is near) beat all my Dwarfs, and was equal to Balin and Dwalin. When I got Balin and Dwalin stuck in there, his spear support allowed him to throw a lot of dice, and he threw the most 6's i've ever seen! The dice-gods were not pleased with me, and I lost fight after fight. Even when i tied, the elven blades maken me lose a roll-off on a 3-6 was a nightmare. By the end of the battle 4 of my Dwarves were alive, and my dwarves had killed NONE!!! in return! A massive defeat for the Expeditionaries! Marvelous game and terrifyingly scary to see my army crumble. (I told some people it was like watching a little kitten slowly die...) Will stood victorious and I was utterly tired after the last battle, and with shaking hand I shook hands and thanked him for a very, very enjoyable defeat.


In the end I came up with 5 Losses, 1 Draw and 1 Win. And if i could play 7 games in spectaculair, very pleasing, comfortable and great fun way again. I'd love to finish up 43th out of 46 again and again. (Not planning to by the way!!! I'll bury Dwarf Axes in all y'all necks! Baruk Khazad!)

The ceremony was really funny and i won something. (but i'll wait for the GBHL team to put up the video and change this post after that. So you'll have to wait!) They gave everyone a model, ranging from the new plastic Legolas and Warriors of Dale to plastic Warriors of Numenor and Orc Banner Bearers. Apparently metal Orc Bowmen are really, really high on everyones wishlist. "Sadly" i just won a Sam in Orc armour.

A special thanks to Joshua Pinder, he gave me his Frodo in Orc armour. In true LotR-spirit, he couldn't have them separated. (I'm keeping an eye out to give in return Joshua!) And they'll both be put to good use as Objective markers in my Mordor Army!

We ended up in Amici again and I downed the massive Gladiator burger and got my picture taken to go on the "Wall of Gladiators" and a free sambucca to wash it all away! I had great chats with most of the participants and regretfully i didn't get to speak to everyone.

Monday I did a battle-report with Jamie with my Isengard force,
and i played a battle with Steve, both wonderfull matches that topped up my gaming quota for the 4 days i was staying in Stockport.

A few people i'd like give special thanks too the amazing weekend:
James and Jamie from the channel for being very kind to this foreigner.
My opponents, for making my weekend worth every cent in every euro; Jay, Will, Mertaal, Joe, George and Elliott! I'd love to play against all of you guys again.
Soren/SemptheGreat, wonderfull to meet you and get a drink in with you. Next time we'll put a game in!
Steve for playing against me on monday! I'll get my Rohan-tactics straightened out! And then probably woop yo Gondor. -Say whaaaaat!?-

There is always that chance that you'll be left outside as the fifth wheel on the wagon, but everyone -absolutely everyone- made me feel right at home. The people at the venue, the Element Games store, the participants, UKFreddybear and DMS, by god you guys are really good! Every moment was intensely enjoyable! (Especially the moments like 'Mellon' and 'knock, knock, knock, penny'-bit and the 'You'll make at least 100 pounds worth of drinks here!') The Battles, both win and loss were amazing!

Everyone else thanks as well, the atmosphere/people/set-up/armies/everything was amazing and I recommend everyone to go to a tournament in the GBHL!

A few links to check out:

Shadow and Flame, sculpt and painting commissions!
North West Gaming Centre
Element Games
Amici Restaurant!
GBHL Podcast
Britannia Hotel

Please send me a message if anything is wrong in the post, or anything to add. Thanks in advance!

Last edited by TheBlondeRider on Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:40 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Great report pal, Really captured the feel of the weekend.
BTW Ill wipe my Gondor butt with your Rohan hair my friend!!!!!lol ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:47 pm 
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Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:58 pm
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An awesome write up of an awesome weekend by an awesome guy!!!!

Will you be coming to Desolation in September Thor?
I'll have a few beers with your name on them lol

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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:48 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:11 pm
Posts: 216
interesting read, good pictures and looks like an awesum event to go to.
and as always nice to see another dutchie on the site :)
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:00 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:53 pm
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Oh, you did mention you would go on a journey across the water a couple months ago.
What a nice report! And, I think there are many more dutchies to be found here on the site. *cough* hint *cough*

You... will get... Coal!!!!!
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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An excellent writeup! Really looking forward to our re-match.

Our game was one of the closest I've played, and actually I had quite a few close games that weekend! The tension!!! Arrrgh!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:41 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:01 pm
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@steve: That, we will see!
@Dead Marsh Furby: sadly i wont make that because ill be tied up in furnishing a house. Keep those beers in reserve, i will be back for them! Cheers kev! And again thanks!
@Adanedhel88:More dutchies? My local gaming store is GW Rotterdam.
@Turwaitheon: Niek, im in the middle of moving out. So when i'll be able to play, you are the first!
@Mertaal: Tension was the key word during the weekend. Very good, comfortable, enjoyable tension! Send me a message when you're in the country!
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:47 pm 
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I'll keep the beers on ice for you buddy. Lol at the furby, been a while since I heard that :rofl:

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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:53 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:53 pm
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Ah, BlondeRider, if that's the case...

You... will get... Coal!!!!!
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:28 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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A great read mate, everyone was graced by your presence I assure you. I still maintain my game against you was one of the best matches I've had in a long time, and I'll make sure I get some Stroopwafels!

Hopefully we will meet again soon buddy. :P

Sun is by sea-men always hoped for,
when they fare away over the fishes' bath,
until the brine-stallion they bring to land.
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:53 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:50 pm
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Cracking write up Jan, great pictures, great reports and great enthusiasm, twas a pleasure to read!

It was also an absolute pleasure to meet you buddy, what a top bloke, sorry we didn't get to have a game but you absolutely deserved to win those things that you won (keeping it spoiler free!) and I hope you're able to make it over for another tourney soon.

Take care mate!

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud

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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:13 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:13 pm
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Great read dude and great use of pictures :)

Was great meeting you and sharing banter over ridiculously filling Calzones.
Hopefully at some point down the line we can get a game in :)
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 Post subject: Re: Desolation of Stockport, a tournament across the pond...
PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:07 pm 
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Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:14 am
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Quite the journey, good to hear it was well worth it.
Maybe, one day...
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