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 Post subject: Truck22 :s scenarios
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:02 pm 

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I just got this scenario idea, what do you think?

Radagast the brown
6 Mirkwood spiders
6 Broodling swarms
Place Radagast house in the middle, within six inches, there should be a clearing, everything else is covered in woods.
Starting positions:
The broodling swarms begin within 1" of the clearing. Every other model are reinforcements.
Radagast must reach the westerb board edge
The spiders must kill Radagast.
Special rules
An ancient evil: Each turn, d3 spiders move on from the southeastern corner. If any spiders die, they are added to this group durng the next turn.
Sebastian!: Radagast moves out of Rhosgobel on the d6th turn, roll for this before the game.

Pretty much, Radagst has to run for his life, any suggestions

My Scenarios are Like School Food, Too Expensive To Use

Last edited by truck22 on Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:38 pm 

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Maybe the turn radagast has to escape on is the 2d6 turn.

Check out my W.I.P viewtopic.php?f=50&t=27356&p=349481#p349481
Last updated 7-1-15
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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:31 am 
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I love the idea of new scenarios to play.

A few suggestions:
1) The board should be clearly defined in a scenario that has a leave table area element. This would help you playtest things to ensure balance. There is a big difference getting off a 6x4 foot board vs a 2x2 board.

2) Can killed broodling swarms be added to the re-inforcement pool?

3) If Radagast rolls a "1" for the turn in which he can leave his house do the spiders, which start in the Southeastern corner, have any chance of catching him? Especially if he Heroic Marches every turn?

4) From a narritive perspective how does reaching the Western table edge help him survive the onslaught of spiders and broodlings?

From my experience with wargame scenarios (and designing games) thinking about how to break the scenario will aid immensely in creating a good play experience.


If you could be anyone would you be yourself? - yup, it's mine
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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:33 am 

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Table, size 2'x2'

All models with the "spider" tag are added, including broodlings

Radagast has to escape the southeastern board corner

Radagast leaves his home on turn d3+3 instead.

Radagast does only have the sleigh option.

On the fifth turn, add three bat swarms to the group of reinforcements

New special rules:
The spiders have spun their webs thick here, Radagast may never move more than 2d6-2 inches(roll each turn) also, the woodland creature rule is ignored for Radagast.
The horde:
The evil force is just a small contingent of the forests evil. The evil force passes all courage tests.
The fell sickness:
The evil player may place d3 tokens on the board. Radagast must always attempt to use renew on any of those. Once renewed, the tokens are removed.

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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:21 pm 

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New scenario, planning to make a campain.

Dol Guldur
Board size 1'x1
Radagast the brown(without upgrades)
The witch king with one might, full will, and one fate. Options, Morgul blade

The board should be covered with a lot of ruins and piles of rubble(difficult terrain)
Radagast must kill or banish the witchking, while the witchking has to kill Radagast.
Startinng positions:
Radagast starts touching the northwestern board corner
The WK is not deployed at the start of the game, see the special rule "ambush in the ruins"
Special rules:
Ambush in the ruins:
The witchking may be deployed toutching any terrain feature during any priority phase, after the dices are rolled.
Radagast adds 1 to his attacks and fight
The WK counts as wearing the crown of morgul.

My Scenarios are Like School Food, Too Expensive To Use
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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:43 pm 

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Next scenario
Gandalfs investigation:
Evil: Sauron, Azog, lietuant of Sauron. 6 fell wargs
Good: Gandalf, Radagast(if scenario 2 was won by good)
The 2'x2' board should be covered by ruins in several floors.
The evil player must kill Gandalf (and Radagast), The good player must get within 6" and line of sight of Sauron and then move of from the western board edge
Special rules:
Thrain the broken must be deployed in the middle of the board. He automatically fails all his courage test to become good with a double as long as he does not have LOS to Gandalf, when he sees Gandalf, he must still roll his courage test, but he never becomes evil.
Still not able to show himself:
Sauron gets the immobile special rule.
Hordes of Dol Guldur:
Any model touching the bottom of the board automatically dies.
Starting positions
The evil player positions Gandalf and Radagast touching the western board edge. The good player places his enemys model anywhere on the board, except Sauron who is placed by the evil player after that.

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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:50 pm 
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Just a few more comments. Please note, it is not my attempt to be critical of your design. In fact I think you have a good scenario in the making! One thing I would strive for in every scenario is to keep things as simple as possible. Too many moving parts and things are missed/forgotten. Before exploring other scenarios I think you may want to audit the first suggestion and get that balanced to a fair degree.

truck22 wrote:
Table, size 2'x2'
All models with the "spider" tag are added, including broodlings
Radagast has to escape the southeastern board corner.

The above all seems fair to me.

truck22 wrote:
Radagast leaves his home on turn d3+3 instead.
Radagast does only have the sleigh option.
On the fifth turn, add three bat swarms to the group of reinforcements.

Instead of a variable turn in which Radagast must act would a set turn work better?
Can Radagast do anything on the turns before he can "act" or must he simply remain inside his home?
Why did you select turn five to add bat swarms? (more curious about this than anything)

truck22 wrote:
New special rules:
The spiders have spun their webs thick here, Radagast may never move more than 2d6-2 inches(roll each turn) also, the woodland creature rule is ignored for Radagast.

Instead of having a max move allowance based on a random roll it may be better to disallow heroic marching. Technically Radagast could roll 12 on 2d6 -2 = 10 movement. He could also be immobile if the player rolled a "2" -2 = 0. Just let him move as normal to keep movement clean.

I would allow Radagast to use Woodland Creature ability. This is territory near his home and he knows it inside out and backwards.

Perhaps to better simulate the webs which have been spun allow the evil player to place markers within the forest at game setup. Any movement within 3 inches of a "web" marker counts as difficult terrain (ignoring Radagast's special Woodland Creature movement / i.e. moves half pace). Of course this hasn't been tested - just thinking out loud.

To take this one step further make two types of counters (all of them have the same face on one side and on the other it is either blank or has a web symbol). Place more markers on the board. When Radagast comes within 3 inches of the marker it is flipped. This would cause him to weave his way to safety in a more half-hazard way.

truck22 wrote:
The horde:
The evil force is just a small contingent of the forests evil. The evil force passes all courage tests.
The fell sickness:
The evil player may place d3 tokens on the board. Radagast must always attempt to use renew on any of those. Once renewed, the tokens are removed.

The way this is written there is no consequence for Radagast to have to use his renew spell. Perhaps this could be a requirement before he can leave the board. If so, the tokens have to be placed relatively near his home to make things balanced.

Again - I love the creativity with this. Keep up the good work Truck22.

If you could be anyone would you be yourself? - yup, it's mine
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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:07 pm 

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Changes to scenario1
The animals has to be healed before Radagast leaves the board, otherwise, Radagast auto-loses, he feels bad to leave his friend

The sake of the bats is to make the good player hurry up.
Your idea for the webs are good, maybe, The animals are placed by the evil player, together with blank markers and webs, who work as earlier, but only within 6", and markers are discovered within 3".

Thanks for your opinions, they were great, Celiticgriffon

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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:07 pm 
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I don't know if the books have rules for being caught in a web... if not, perhaps if Radagast starts his turn within a "web" area of effect he has to roll a d6. On a "1" he spends the turn cutting himself free. For all other purposes he would act similar to being under the immobility spell (or something of that ilk).

If you could be anyone would you be yourself? - yup, it's mine
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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:50 am 

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I like that idea. But, these webs are meant to be spun close to the ground, affecting radagasts speed.

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 Post subject: Re: Rhosgobel
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:22 pm 

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Just got an idea for the final scenario
The hilltops of Ravenhill
Radagast on great eagle
6/X Great eagles
Bolg CoMG
2/Y Gundabad orc chieftans
Yx12/24 Gundabad orc warriors,
The game should take place on the rocky slopes west of Ravenhill
Several rocky outcrops cover the area.
Deployment: The evil models starts anywhere 10" from the western board edge
The good models start touching the western board edge.
The good side must kill all of the evil models
The evil side must kill all good models

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 Post subject: Re: Truck22 :s scenarios
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:37 pm 

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The Battle of Mount Gundabad
Thranduil, king of Mirkwood
Legolas mother(Ranger captain)
10palace guard(all have shields 5 with spear)
25 Mirkwood elves (7 with bow, 8 with glaive, 10 with shield)
2 mirkwood captains
36 gundabad orcs (24 with shield, 12 with spear)
2 gundabad orc captains
The board represents the entrance to mount gundabad. On one long edge, there is the gate of gundabad, on the other one, there are some rocky outcrops. Several leveled plateus and impasseble rocks covers the land
Starting positions:
The mirkwood elves and captains deploy within 6" from the "rocky board edge"
1 gundabad captain and 12 gundabad orcs are deployed any where on the board, 6" from each other and 12" from the board.
The good side must defeat Azog
The evil side must kill 3 good heroes
Special rules:
The orc patrol: The orcs were not ready for a fullscale invasion. Once two evil models has reached the gate, the orcs begin to pour out. Roll a d6 each turn, this is the number of orcs availiblle. The first time a 1 is rolled, the captain arrives as reinforcements. The second time a one is rolled, Azog is availible.
Until they see the elves, the orcs are sentries.
All orcs on the board must take a courage test each turn. If they fail, the good models, d6", if they succedes, they are moved d6 inches by the evil player. Once they are within 4" of an elf they have line of sight to, they, and all orcs who gets into basecontact with this orc automatically reverts to normal movement rules
The guard of thranduil:
Once one or more orcs have seen an elf, thranduil and his guard(and legolas mother) are placed in contact with the rock edge

Please playtest, can't do myself

My Scenarios are Like School Food, Too Expensive To Use

Last edited by truck22 on Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Truck22 :s scenarios
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:25 pm 
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Cool scenarios

In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.
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 Post subject: Re: Truck22 :s scenarios
PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:22 am 

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:oops: Thanks

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