I have some doubles form my ebay purchases, so these I'm prepared to swap for ANYTHING.
Well in this list:
It must be either 40K, 28mm Roman, Medevil, Samurai, Or post 1600 British, or of course LotR, however, you can choose what you send me, it's upto you! Just PM with your name, and address, and which figure you would like! You can also send me weird trinkets if you like, just send me a pic of it.
I expect 3 plastics for each metal, or one metal and a plastic, Two Plastics for one plastic. As you can't pay my postage, I do expect a little more than I would otherwise, but you have the choice of what you send me from the list above, no need to tell me what it is, so long as it's not broken, just surprise me!
The following are up for grabs:
Eowen Gipping sword Two handed (From death of witch king?) Gone!
Saruman leaning on staff in two hands
Grima Wormtounge
That orc who follows merry and pipin into fangorn.