Okey guys new info today, and unfortunetly some changes from yesterday. Rules and stat lines are mostly the same as I wrote but point cost is higher, more then less
Both Mirkwood Rangers and Palace Guards cost is the same as UH Berserker -1 point. Rangers have bow, elven coats and 2 daggers(but probably not throwing ones), and Palace Guards come only with elven blade.
Only major rules change go for Bard - cost the same as I wrote yesterday, stat line Legolas like(at least the basic statistics, dunno but M/W/F) but -1 to fight value. He dosn't have to kill to shoot again, as long as new target is in 3" from the last one. Also Black Arrow works slighty different. Still ones in a game. Rerolls of ITW, if it hits, it automaticly wounds(IMO gonna work fine against Nazgul).
Alfred - a lake town hero, cost as 4 MG with shield, can lead warband, low stat line, thats the dude with will for mights rule - can bring above the starting value.
Master of Lake Town - stats as Lake Town cap, but 2 special rules - if there's a LT cap in 6" from him, he can use caps might to gets his fight value +1(but not sure 'bout this - maybe collegue of mine made mistake and this work like 1 might point from LT Master = +1 FV for LT cap), the second rules is that at the beginning of the game Good Side player with LT Master in army has to choose of of his own heros-he's now super rich - if during the game LT master would come to base contact with the super rich model he has to pass courage test - if not, he's dead.
Cap of LT - only know that he's 8 MG with shields point cost.
Troops from lake town - stats and points value as common orcs but shoot with human value - can buy spear or bow
Girion - costs as 13 MG with shields. Avarege stats line, 2 might points, can reroll wounding against flying monsters(not like I wrote yesterday +1
Cap from Dale and troops - as we know.
Spiders - as I wrote yesterday - theh shoot on 5+, if it hits the target is paralysed like from Barrows spell. 8" move.
Army Lists:
Mirkwood - all new elfs
Laketown - Bard, Master of Lake Town, Alfred, Caps of LT, troops from LT
Dale - Girion, Dalish caps and troops
Army of Thror - as we know it with Thrain the broken(indep) and Dalish caps and troops, but no Girion(dunno why)
Hunter Orcs - as we know it + Gundabad Orcs and Caps
Also new AL with Spiders and Fell Wargs(but not sure how it works)
There are pics of all models in the book without Girion and Gundabad Caps.