The One Ring

WD - Khand Release?
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Author:  King Elessar the Uniter [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  WD - Khand Release?

As I was reading October WD I noticed something that could imply all hope for new Khand models is not lost:

We'll look at the nation of Khand in a future issue, for it is the lands of Harad and Rhun that are being reinforced this month.

(UK WD358. PG33).

Of course this could just mean that they'll discuss the history/current miniatures of Khand in a future issue, but it's unlike GW to do so for LOTR when miniatures aren't being released, especially for such a small range of figures.

So what do you guys think?

Author:  lordstijn [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

That would be very nice, because the current models are a bit to expencive (In my opinion).
But when are they going to do something with the men of dale or the beornings? You can make beautiful models for it.

Author:  imrail [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:55 pm ]
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I think they will wait with those miniatures untill the hobbit movie is released.
If they have the license to it.

Author:  aelfwine [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:20 pm ]
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The Beornings are not in the Hobbit.

Now, vaguely speculating, they might be in The Second Movie. But they might not.

But really, the only place they show up is in a small number of mentions in The Lord of the Rings. About as many mentions as the men of Khand get, I suspect.

Back on topic, I dread to imagine what silliness GW will come up with for their Khand-Samurai fellows. Though I don't imagine you'll see plastic figures for that range. the only time they released plastic figures for something not-from-the-movies was for the dwarves. And that's because dwarves are automatically understandable and popular (like Gimli, only an army!)


Author:  Nurin [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:32 pm ]
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Well, we can always hope for plastic Khand, making an army entierly out of metal is quite expensive. And with Khand's fighting ability I doubt many would care to make a Khand army, there's just no need for them, except as reinforcement with mounted archers perhaps.

Author:  imrail [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I bought 2 box sets and a king..
I think they look really nice.

But I doubt there will be plastic Khand released.
Not many people like the khand mini's with their stats.

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

imrail wrote:
I bought 2 box sets and a king..
I think they look really nice.

About 6 boxes, 4 or 5 boxes of Horsemen, umpteen Chariots...

Well, maybe it means we will see Queen B making an apperance, or possibly the Dwimmerlaik. There is also Keiseimu from LoMe to consider, as well as the possibility of some new troop types.

Author:  samoht [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:19 am ]
Post subject: 

What are the Khandish warrior stats anyway?

And even if they don't produce plastic khand models, if you are a good sculptor/converter, you could make some from other plastic models.

Author:  gaarew [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:26 am ]
Post subject: 

samoht wrote:
What are the Khandish warrior stats anyway?


Unless you go for the Mercenaries. They are pretty good fighters, but somewhat unreliable.

Author:  beanerboy [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:58 am ]
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doubt we will ever se the stuff we want, maybe a king model on horse etc.


Author:  Lord Hurin [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:21 am ]
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samoht wrote:
And even if they don't produce plastic khand models, if you are a good sculptor/converter, you could make some from other plastic models.

I think if anyone was *that* good at sculpting, he'd just make his own minis.

Author:  samoht [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:13 pm ]
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Well modelling is my forte so I'm a reasonably good converter/sculptor and I plan on converting haradrim into khandish warriors in the future. I'm not too fussed about making them look the same as the GW khandish guys.

Author:  aelfwine [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:12 pm ]
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samoht wrote:
Well modelling is my forte so I'm a reasonably good converter/sculptor and I plan on converting haradrim into khandish warriors in the future. I'm not too fussed about making them look the same as the GW khandish guys.

One interesting concept might be to take the Rohirrim plastics and convert them, giving them more of a "fallen realms" feel.

The reason I suggest this is that some figure that the Variags are actually Northmen. Why? Well the word "Variag" is Russian and it refers to the Vikings. It's the same word as "Varangian" as in the Varangian Guards who protected the Byzantine Emperor. (Odd little factoid, the later Varangian guards were English!).

Also, they are referred to as "the Variags of Khand" which could be read to imply that they are "particular tribe of a place" rather than "the people of a place." So you could decide that the Variags are a tribe dwelling in Khand (which itself means "realm"), just one of a number of peoples of Southron and Easterling stock. Thus the Variags are descended from Northman mercenaries, fallen to the Dark Lord.

It's as good an interpretation of any, one supposes. And you can make an army of the guys reasonably cheaply.


Author:  Corsair [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

would definately be a nice release.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:00 pm ]
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Khand. Great. Not too excited about it myself, never really liked samurai. Maybe they'll make a diorama, because I read somewhere that Keiseimu is GW's interpretation of the khandish chieftain who Theoden fought in the ROTK book. It was only briefly mentioned in the book, but they might make a dirorama, with yet another Theoden pose. (And we already have, what, five or six different versions if you count the mounted ones?)

The chances of plastic Khand are almost non-existent, in my opinion. Although plastic Chariots would be cool. They, at least, are fairly interesting.

Author:  Joansean [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:29 pm ]
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Anduril Flame wrote:
Khand. Great. Not too excited about it myself, never really liked samurai. Maybe they'll make a diorama, because I read somewhere that Keiseimu is GW's interpretation of the khandish chieftain who Theoden fought in the ROTK book. It was only briefly mentioned in the book, but they might make a dirorama, with yet another Theoden pose. (And we already have, what, five or six different versions if you count the mounted ones?)

Theoden fought a haradrim chief, whom GW called SUladan.

oh, this would seem nice. Not sure if it will happen, but it would be very nice nontheless.

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:37 pm ]
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Anduril Flame wrote:
Khand. Great. Not too excited about it myself, never really liked samurai. Maybe they'll make a diorama, because I read somewhere that Keiseimu is GW's interpretation of the khandish chieftain who Theoden fought in the ROTK book. It was only briefly mentioned in the book, but they might make a dirorama, with yet another Theoden pose. (And we already have, what, five or six different versions if you count the mounted ones?)

Theoden fought a haradrim chief, whom GW called SUladan.

My mistake. I hadn't read the article in at least a month.

Author:  White Tower of Ecthelion [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:32 pm ]
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Interesting that several here see the Khandish models as "samurai" inspired. They always struck me as more "mongol"-ish.

Nonetheless, I doubt they'd get plastics before a number of other units that have broader appeal.

But it's anybody's guess with GW.

Author:  samoht [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:27 am ]
Post subject: 

White Tower of Ecthelion wrote:
Interesting that several here see the Khandish models as "samurai" inspired. They always struck me as more "mongol"-ish.

I always thought they were Mongol-ish too.

Author:  Raukov [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:01 am ]
Post subject: 

They're meant to be, but their headgear just screams feudal Japan

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