I was going through the new books (still hate the fact they didn't simply combine them) and noticed a glaring Loss!
LoME had its place and I used it to, sparingly. What I did like was the potential for interesting, and believable units, that didn't have profiles much less models.
Gone is LoME and with it::
Gone are Easterling Siege Bow,
Gone are Keiseimu,
Gone are Stone Giants,
Gone are Grimbeorn and the Beornings,
Gone are Elven Chariots, Knights, Rangers, Pathwalker, and Catapult,
Gone are Quickbeam, Beechbone, and Huorn,
Gone are named Eagles,
Gone are Royalblood Huscarl,
Gone are Werewolves, Black-Heart Tree.
I may have missed a few, but I felt a sense of abandonment on discovering this. I spent time and money on creating profiles and miniatures for the Easterling seige bow, the mini's for Beornings, even Quickbeam and Beechbone, the major hit was finding out I can't use werewolves and the stone giant. Can't use; I mean I can't say to my opponent "See here, in the rulebook they have a listing for them. Here is my profile/cost/etc. for them. What do you say? Can I use them?"
I know, House Rule them, but that's not the point. This is not about gaming, but about the hobby. With them in writing there was a sense of Hope that the game was going to expand, be around and not slowly side into a SpecGame. To expand beyond the movies, and into ME; flesh it out more (without ruining it).
Just sucks. *sigh*